Why Pugs Why?
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:08 PM
1. you're gonna die. You're gonna die often and in insanely stupid ways. Own this fact make it part of your experience, and when you can have fun with it. There's no more R&R and you're gonna get points if the match last 10 seconds or 10 minutes, so don't worry! Nobody's tracking K to the D.
2. Hang back. Wait for your big amorphous blob of PUGlets to sally forth and just kind of stick a good 2 to 3 hundren meters behind that blob. does your big blob look more like ants fleeing a demented child with a magnifying glass? No problem! Find the biggest mech or largest (by tonnage) group and sitck with them. Once they engage you can engage too.
3. Your Suggestions are just that. PUGlets have very little regard for your communications and I'm fairly certain some never acquired the skill to read. If you expect back up at any point because you asked for well. LOL actually probly more like tie fighter lol: | |
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4. Don't take LRM's ever for any reason. You are assured that the other side will have ECM and you won't. Your also assured that not one of your fellow PUGlets will use the r key. Heck I've removed the r key from my board. It just clutters things. your best bet is lasers and SRMs.
5. Have a sense of humor. You'll need it.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:13 PM
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:28 PM
In fact pubbies, due to their feeling vulnerable, will often at least stick to a blob. That being the currently sanctioned ECM Bubble best practice, it will often result in a win.
What I noticed is the 2 or 3 ***** that will drop together and pull stupid SH IT just because it's "Fun" to take a p1ss outta ppl.
Anyway, I've been mostly lucky, but then again I drop in arranged groups 80% of the time so I may not be exposed to the majority of "Quality" players.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:36 PM
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:41 PM
The truth behind it was touched on above in post #19 by Elandyll
Pugs dont communcate because they cant, not because they dont want to. Typing is only a option for the first 30 seconds max(less if the lights rush you) so you can lay out all the plans you want but are incapable of adapting to the unfolding battle because you have no way to communicate during battle, typing is not a option while under fire or you will die. Command options are a joke with no way to set waypoints, ping the map, prioritize targets for team, no useful options at all. We dont even have keyboard shortcuts to voice commands.
95% of the times i die in a pug game and think back to what i could have done differently its almost always well gee i wish i had a way to tell them they were flanking right 45 seconds before i died so maybe i wouldn't have gone down trying to stop that 4 mech flanking attack by my self, or similar.
I think once PGI makes it possible to communicate in pug games you will start to see alot more teamwork.
PGI says this is a team game but offers no way for team to effectively communicate its a total joke.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:43 PM
Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:44 PM

Posted 04 January 2013 - 02:49 PM
- Team breaks into two 4 man teams. Team 1 heads through the tunnel consisting of a Cataphract, Atlas, Jenner and Muromets (me)
- Team 2 heads to the downed dropship and waits.
- Team 1 exits the tunnel to find the entire enemy team with their backs turned lurking by the dropship. We open fire and they all come running at us.
-Team 2 get the go ahead and rush over the ridge and hit them in the back.
- Match doesn't last much longer as they all go down fairly quickly. I managed to bag an Atlas and got several assists.
That was a good random public match, but I agree that more often than not things go mental and everyone starts fighting for themselves and not as a team. It's not really frustrating just part of public matches like world of tanks really.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:09 PM
Is there a way to ignore people on these forums? My jerk tolerance isn't what it used to be.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:12 PM
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:16 PM
Hellen Wheels, on 04 January 2013 - 01:01 PM, said:
Everyone else, too...what we have here, is a failure to communicate. Every match, we all start up fairly good, we get a formation going and move along, then.....ENEMY FIRE!! EVERY MAN FOR HIMSELF!!
W...T...H?? It is so frustrating to be in a formation when enemy fire starts up and everyone scrambles. MAINTAIN A FIELD OF FIRE.
Seems like we all need basic training in creating overlapping fields of fire, disciplined formation, and covering movement.
March that down range, concentrate fire, and win. Or, the FLYING WEDGE:
This ain't a rocket science.
I am a PUG and will always be.
I am a bad player and most likely will always be.
The game is too fast and too precise for me.
But that does not matter. I do love Mechs and I lilke the game, so I go PUGGING and I can even have some fun.
BUT ... as I said ... the game is difficult. It is fast paced and you need to be very gifted with your brain-hand coordination and awareness of a lot of things. For people like me without FPS experience and the age beginning to show, this can be very challenging.
Which is why keeping formations is difficult as is aiming TAGs and what not. As is getting it that there is a formation from the start. As is coping with ECM, lack of radar and what not.
And then unfortunately the others - meaning my hypothetical targets - are not standing still. They move, they shoot, I shake, I die.
There is no free mind capacity to think about tactics, plans or - god beware - to chat while piloting my shiny Mech. Yet.
So yes, I would like to be able to play like you suggest. But I am not and probably never will be. Sorry.
And this is why I am PUGGING and not bothering with teams. Experienced players are not the environment I favor if I want to have some fun and at least some success here and there.
Now there is alwas the thing about voice com, teamspeak et cetera. Sorry again. I am not a native speaker, I wouldn't get what you're saying, and the whole procedure is a bit too much for the little time I steal here and there for the game.
For unexperienced casual players there is IMHO no other option than PUG. I do wish there was.
So I am a PUG

Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:21 PM
Rifter, on 04 January 2013 - 02:41 PM, said:
The truth behind it was touched on above in post #19 by Elandyll
Pugs dont communcate because they cant, not because they dont want to. Typing is only a option for the first 30 seconds max(less if the lights rush you) so you can lay out all the plans you want but are incapable of adapting to the unfolding battle because you have no way to communicate during battle, typing is not a option while under fire or you will die. Command options are a joke with no way to set waypoints, ping the map, prioritize targets for team, no useful options at all. We dont even have keyboard shortcuts to voice commands.
95% of the times i die in a pug game and think back to what i could have done differently its almost always well gee i wish i had a way to tell them they were flanking right 45 seconds before i died so maybe i wouldn't have gone down trying to stop that 4 mech flanking attack by my self, or similar.
I think once PGI makes it possible to communicate in pug games you will start to see alot more teamwork.
PGI says this is a team game but offers no way for team to effectively communicate its a total joke.
I would really welcome the possibility for experienced players to act as a commander and show mwhat to do in a PUG. Like having my computer yell commands at me, lighting up the target I have to engage etc. Those suggestions do sound interesting.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:23 PM
Edited by jakucha, 04 January 2013 - 03:24 PM.
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:37 PM
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:45 PM
Darian DelFord, on 04 January 2013 - 12:43 PM, said:
I just do not understand it, yes the chances of a PUG and a Pre Made 2 4 man sync drop of actually meeting is rare indeed. But they ignore when you try to help the team as a whole and suggest tactics.
I dunno I just feel like typing in Chat to every PUG who dies do to not listening "Idoit!"
What makes it rare? If you are in a 4 man, and you drop wouldn't the lower likely hood be that you drop with another pre made 4 man?
In any case, typing out commands and getting people together is what I do on the regular. I have noticed I get more attitude from people dropping together than individual pickup players who want to win and have good games. Drop a marker, pick up the commander hat, and explain a few quick things and generally you're going to get people on your side.
I get it. It is frustrating. Don't take it out on everyone. Maybe find a more positive solution?
Khan DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:50 PM
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:52 PM
siLve00, on 04 January 2013 - 01:01 PM, said:
Ha, This is true, though I generally figure it's due to people being new and not knowing the chat buttons (or because the chat device in game is currently difficult to use).
Khan DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa
Posted 04 January 2013 - 03:59 PM
Tastian, on 04 January 2013 - 01:19 PM, said:
I am rarely bothered by this and when I am tired... I mean tired and I don't want to battlecommand I'll ask this myself just in case someone has something. If not then I'll suggest something but otherwise the people asking likely don't have the same knowledge of the map as a guy like me who's played 2400+ games since the reset.
ACTUALLY, when someone else says "anyone has a plan" I almost feel obligated to try something...
Khan DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa
Kelb, on 04 January 2013 - 01:38 PM, said:
"A lot of people" is very qualitative.
Its like saying in a game "They are all over here" except that there are 3 or 4 people in another location.
Khan DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa
Posted 04 January 2013 - 04:02 PM
Vtack, on 04 January 2013 - 02:08 PM, said:
1. you're gonna die. You're gonna die often and in insanely stupid ways. Own this fact make it part of your experience, and when you can have fun with it. There's no more R&R and you're gonna get points if the match last 10 seconds or 10 minutes, so don't worry! Nobody's tracking K to the D.
2. Hang back. Wait for your big amorphous blob of PUGlets to sally forth and just kind of stick a good 2 to 3 hundren meters behind that blob. does your big blob look more like ants fleeing a demented child with a magnifying glass? No problem! Find the biggest mech or largest (by tonnage) group and sitck with them. Once they engage you can engage too.
3. Your Suggestions are just that. PUGlets have very little regard for your communications and I'm fairly certain some never acquired the skill to read. If you expect back up at any point because you asked for well. LOL actually probly more like tie fighter lol: | |
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4. Don't take LRM's ever for any reason. You are assured that the other side will have ECM and you won't. Your also assured that not one of your fellow PUGlets will use the r key. Heck I've removed the r key from my board. It just clutters things. your best bet is lasers and SRMs.
5. Have a sense of humor. You'll need it.
I disagree.
Khan DaisuSaikoro Nagasawa
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