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[Suggestion] Autostart-Function For Groups

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#1 Larec


  • PipPip
  • 33 posts
  • LocationGermany

Posted 04 January 2013 - 04:14 PM

Hello all,

I am suggesting an autostart function for groups which should work as following:

If the autostart function is activated (should be optional), the game will launch automatically as soon as everyone in the group is READY.

Alternatively (or additionaly), there could be a countdown of (for example) 5 seconds which starts counting down as soon as everyone is READY, so that the groups members have 5 seconds to un-READY in case they forgot something or accidently pressed READY. As soon as everyone is READY again, the countdown starts anew.

This way, the leader of the group doesn't have to stare at the group screen while he's waiting for everyone to get ready and the game starts ASAP. Should be easy enough to implement and adds a lot of convenience, at least for people playing in a group regularly.

DISCLAIMER: I used the search function to look for a suggestion like this and found nothing.


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