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January 15Th Upcomming Patch

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#21 DarkOmen42


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 10:40 AM

View PostFrupertApricot, on 15 January 2013 - 09:22 AM, said:

We need maps and codefixes not ******* woodland camo.

The art team can do a new camo fairly quickly and it can be bumped out of the way. They won't be doing bug fixes and once new maps are textured and skinned their job is done.

#22 Coolant


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 10:41 AM

View PostStone Profit, on 15 January 2013 - 09:50 AM, said:

Yes, I think you should not come back until 2057. or, alternatively, get the **** over yourself and realize that the games not finished, its a small team, its gonna take time. But you are all "NOW NOW NAOW!". what are you, 12? comon be patient. Bored of these maps? COMEBACK WHEN THERE ARE MORE MAPS> until then, please stop being "sarcastic" and "Ironic". Not very useful is it? no, no, you dont have to understand. Keep demanding they do what you want RIGHT NOW instead of what the other 10,000 people screaming "I WANT (Blank) DONE NEXT!". You want more maps. I want more mech. Others want netcode. Some want paint schemes. the list goes on. but you just want what your segment wants RIGHT NOW DAMMIT SCREW THE OTHER ****. Whats wrong with you?

Well, you see, maps are real real easy. they dont have to be tested, or textured, or have effects and whatnot. So they *should* be turning those bad boys out at a rate of like three a month. I mean WTF!

How long have you been playing? If you only started playing a month or two ago the maps may still feel fresh...to those of us that have been playing for 4, 5, 6 or more months the maps are stale...pure repetition. Every game is nearly the same as the last ten, or hundredth time playing. You can look at the data maps in the Command Chair or wherever they were posted and see the traffic flows the same most of the time. Sure, I agree the sarcasm can be left out, but the point remains valid. Sorry, but you are sounding like a fanboy, and won't even consider that burnout is a very real issue right now.

Edited by Coolant, 15 January 2013 - 10:41 AM.

#23 Jman5


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 10:42 AM

I'm hoping Phase 3 comes this today, but do we have any confirmation? I know we got a big post about it in December just before holidays, and the 15th would definitely fall under "mid January". I'm just concerned because this is a pretty big deal, but they are being pretty silent about release day.

#24 merz


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 10:46 AM

View PostCoolant, on 15 January 2013 - 10:41 AM, said:

won't even consider that burnout is a very real issue right now.

the game does provide a base to build upon in its current state, but that is a very rough base given that there is not much in the way of gameplay. there's combat mechanics and an increasing number of mechs (because you pay for them) and visual customisation (because you pay for it..) but ultimately this is a casual game with little incentive for its developers to spend development time on ambitious gameplay when WOT is doing fine with the same bare-bones model, occasionally adding in some mechs and maps to keep the churn from getting too bad. new people will come, buy a phranken skin or two for their atlas, get bored and go somewhere else.

any retort to the effect of 'its beta' is delusional - this is a live product, open to public and charging money.
at this point it seems like a title that can't decide whether it wants to be a serious game with depth, or a completely casual hop-in experience. It really can't be both.

Edited by merz, 15 January 2013 - 10:48 AM.

#25 Stone Profit


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 10:57 AM

View PostCoolant, on 15 January 2013 - 10:41 AM, said:

How long have you been playing? If you only started playing a month or two ago the maps may still feel fresh...to those of us that have been playing for 4, 5, 6 or more months the maps are stale...pure repetition. Every game is nearly the same as the last ten, or hundredth time playing. You can look at the data maps in the Command Chair or wherever they were posted and see the traffic flows the same most of the time. Sure, I agree the sarcasm can be left out, but the point remains valid. Sorry, but you are sounding like a fanboy, and won't even consider that burnout is a very real issue right now.

Ive been playing since early auguest. Heres the key. I dont play endless matches every day or week. Sometimes I spend all weekend going out and dont even get a chance to log in. But hey, its called a life. If you are unhappy with the maps, come back when there are more maps. Simple as that. But you would rather QQ on the forums rather than switch up your video game life. Plus, who cares about the map youre on? Im here for stompy robot co-op killing Why are you here?

View PostArmorpiercer M82, on 15 January 2013 - 10:35 AM, said:

No valid response, insult and hide

Fixed that for ya, man.

Edited by Stone Profit, 15 January 2013 - 10:56 AM.

#26 Coolant


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 11:04 AM

View PostStone Profit, on 15 January 2013 - 10:57 AM, said:

Ive been playing since early auguest. Heres the key. I dont play endless matches every day or week. Sometimes I spend all weekend going out and dont even get a chance to log in. But hey, its called a life. If you are unhappy with the maps, come back when there are more maps. Simple as that. But you would rather QQ on the forums rather than switch up your video game life. Plus, who cares about the map youre on? Im here for stompy robot co-op killing Why are you here?

Fixed that for ya, man.

Seems like the favorite answer to constructive criticism on the forums is to tell players to come back later rather than voice their concerns on the forums which is the easiest and most visible way to share them. If everyone that has a concern just went away and a couple months down the line came back without any feedback being given, then this game would be strictly limited to what the internal team at PGI develops without listening to it's customers that are helping fiance the game they are showing up for work for. How about you take a couple months away from the game and come back and see if it is exactly what you were wanting and expecting without giving any feedback...

Edited by Coolant, 15 January 2013 - 11:05 AM.

#27 Stone Profit


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 06:39 PM

View PostCoolant, on 15 January 2013 - 11:04 AM, said:

Seems like the favorite answer to constructive criticism on the forums is to tell players to come back later rather than voice their concerns on the forums which is the easiest and most visible way to share them. If everyone that has a concern just went away and a couple months down the line came back without any feedback being given, then this game would be strictly limited to what the internal team at PGI develops without listening to it's customers that are helping fiance the game they are showing up for work for. How about you take a couple months away from the game and come back and see if it is exactly what you were wanting and expecting without giving any feedback...

Well, since your "Constructive critacism" is simple "Give us more stuff already" yeah thats really the only response you should get. If you want stuff faster than they put it out, it aint gonna happen. I want the orion already. aint gonna happen. So should they work on maps for you or mechs for me? or any of the dozen or more other things people want them to focus on? In my view, let em do their thing and be patient. Clearly that is beyond yours and many others means.

#28 4er3BaPa


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Posted 15 January 2013 - 07:18 PM

No one of my gamers anticipation in this patch. Work harder devs, please! Holydays is over.

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