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[Suggestion]Delayed Logout... Sorry K/d Kids

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#1 Tempworker


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Posted 06 January 2013 - 04:32 PM

I'm very tired of seeing:

"Person killed "

And it's not from a spawn kill...

These K/D babies are pulling the plug on the game when they reach the point where they are going to die shortly.

So they spam LRMs then run their stalker up to try and finish injuried enemies, and when you line the shot up and the mech slumps.. its a DC no-credit.
(I don't care about the K/D.. I want the cash/xp.. and this isn't fair to those of us who actually play the game.)

When someone DC's.. the player needs to remain in game for 20 seconds... at least.
Other games have done it.
It's fine for login errors at the start, since they won't be in combat.

better yet

Any game you start.. get credit for causing damage in... and Don't finish sitting in your mech seat... should put a death on your record. Let's make them play.

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