Pht, on 23 February 2013 - 11:52 AM, said:
It's not the official stance.
It's the official operating procedures,
~Sigh~ Now you're unnecessarily nitpicking over semantics ... towards a person who's more or less in you own camp.
and said procedure has been in place for a long time - but if you won't take my word for it, I'll happily go ask them how long they've been doing things that way.
It's not a matter of how long they tell you or me that they did this or that. It's more a matter of what realistically could be done with the involved staff and the release schedules of the original novels. And then there are my personal experiences with authors of novels in general and even with some of those involved in BattleTech as well as Shadowrun.
The point is, that even the authors, for the most part (and authors require latitude to move a story line forward), *have* to conform to said operating procedure. They have, in fact, complained about having to conform.
Which is true for pretty much every novel of any author who writes for an established setting. Novel authors are artists in their own right, but making a living just on their own creations just isn't possible for the majority.
The point is that the TT rules form the boundaries inside of which things are required, to whatever extent possible, to stay.
And that's the point where it get's fuzzy. From an objective point of view the TT rules did form some boundaries, the question is however if the authors of novels were actually aware (or cared) where these boudaries originally came from. They simply didn't - and in generell still don't - care if the boundaries were created by the rules or were just the result of the original design.
You would need to inquire Jordan Weisman and L. Ross Babcock III in order to find out whether a canon BattleMech's inability to converge multiple and not even a single weapon systems onto one specific hit location is just a result of how they built their die role system or if it actually was a design parameter that directly lead to modelling of the die role system in question ... and regardless of the outcome of such an inquiry the novel authors would still not care where that limitation actually stemmed from.