... and now to catch back up where I was before...
Doc Holliday, on 25 February 2013 - 08:12 PM, said:
Nope, you still don't get it.
Just for you, Doc Holliday(even though I've already
done this, just in slightly different format) - and I would do it quote box by subject followed by reply but this forum only allows ten quote boxes per post, so I broke up the text with "----" to make things very obvious.
Mchawkeye, on 30 November 2011 - 02:09 AM, said:
Okay...I can really appreciate the depth you have just gone into there.
I understand what you are saying but some things speak to me:
Your use of hexes, amongst other things, suggest that you are more concerned with the TT rule set than a simulator. You seem to be simulating the TT rather than a mech.
I have said before, and will happily say again, the TT rules were designed for a TT game, they were not designed for a Video game;
appropriating the inherent randomness from that rule set and featuring it into a simulator will make for a very frustrating simulator.
The challenges from TT rules and VG rules are very, very different; they came to those conclusions for the sake of the wargame balance; to adhere to those rules in the VG would be to ignore fundamentally what those rules were designed to do in the first instance; that is to say, a VG with those rules would be unbalanced.
Here he's made the mistake of thinking we should simulate a "RL" Mech or "how a RL mech would be if we made one."
This is irrational on two counts - first, the game is
MechWarrior, which by they very definition of the name of the game genre is based in the BattleTech lore, not on "RL."
Second, there
are no RL Mechs to be simulated that are even remotely like
BattleMechs in the BT lore. You can't simulate something
that doesn't even exist.
... and as I have said before, you don't use the MechWarrior Piloting Skill Rolls or the MechWarrior Gunnery Skill Rolls in the MW video game format. I have also said that besides these two rolls, you can easily convert over the entire combat system into a real time first person format.
I outlined the basics of the conversion here:
His argument is fallacious because you *can* convert over the combat mechanic from the TT into a real time first person armored combat simulation.
Randomness requires unpredictability.
Inherency = a fundamental component that a thing would not be itself without.
You can mathematically predict, given the TT combat system/rules how many of your weapons are going to hit, depending on what situation is occuring when you "take the shot."
The TT game is not inherently random.
Furthermore, it would not make for a "frustrating simulator" game because the situations that make it harder and easier for your 'Mech to hit the target you are indicating for it are easily grasped and intuitive.
For example:
If your 'Mech is moving quickly, instead of slowly, it will have a harder time making the shot you are indicating
If your 'Mech is suffering from a high buildup of waste heat, it will have a harder time making the shot...
If you are trying to shoot at a target that is beyond the range the weapon you are using is designed to work optimally at, your 'Mech will have a harder time making the shot.
"The challenges from the rules are ... different" - they are not different in a way that means that they cannot be converted to the first person real time armored combat format - both are trying to resolve combat; and in the case of the BT TT combat mechanic, it converts over to FPACS easily and retains the desired TT gameplay balance (all 29 years of testings worth).
Than he claims they would be unbalanced - and doesn't say WHY they would be, or give an example of how they would be unbalanced.
While I have no doubt that what you describe would be an accurate representation of piloting a battlemech from a TT point of view,...
....it would make for a deeply annoying game; I think people need to feel in control of their mech, not as you suggest, simply give the mech a decent idea of what you want to achieve and let it sort of the rest.
There are places where Mechwarrior will need to move away from the TT and this is one of those things, I think.
Following from your example at the end of your post, if I had six lasers at a paltry 210m, all of them should hit. They are lasers. and I can spit 210m accurately.
Now if the ranges were to change between the TT and the VG (which I really hope the do) your example might be resonable (say 800-1000m?) if not I, and I suspect many others, will call it broken and go back to playing with ourselves.
It would give an accurate representation of what it "would be like" to pilot a BattleMech from the BTUniverse/lore, not just merely "the tabletop" - which is the entire POINT of the MW video game genre.
He claims it would be annoying - and I guess that he means it would be annoying because he (wrongly and falsely) thinks it would make people feel "not in control of their 'Mech."
Which is totally backwards. The Major difference between having the BattleMechs behave as they do in the BTUniverse/lore and the current and past MW video games...
...is that all of the MW video games have stupidly given people direct control of a weapon or a group of weapons -
instead of direct control of a BattleMech.
The irony of his reply is that if they were to port over the TT combat mechanic to the first person real time armored combat format... it would actually put us in direct control of BattleMechs, as they "exist" in the fictional BTUniverse/lore ...
for the first time ever!
"He thinks" - he hasn't given any other reasons beyond those he's mentioned - all of which have been validly addressed.
No, all six lasers at 210 meters should not always hit - he has forgotten or is not aware that BTU lasers have to have an "on time" to do their rated battlefield damage - and that those lasers are having to target an armored unit that is not a slow moving steady target who's outline on the battlefield relative to your unit that doesn't change much, if at all.
Wholly besides this, the fact that BTUniverse/lore battlemechs aren't capable of the level of precision that people (falsely) think they should have with multiple weapons is THE MAJOR reason that "epic combat" is possible in the BTU/lore - if it were not for the use of the hit location table, the game would be nothing more than an game of instant-death "who twitches bestest firstest."
The ranges in TT aren't short anymore. They extend out to the horizon (Line Of Sight and Extreme range rules, Tactical Operations).
Edited by Pht, 01 March 2013 - 06:05 PM.