Now you might be wondering: "What makes ballistics worse?" Well let me tell you: The MASSIVE weight combined with difficulty in use and ammo consumption.
1. Ballistics are heavy. Like, really ****** heavy. The offsets their "DPS" and and makes them difficult to use. 4 AC/2s will cost 24 tons, and likely 6 tons in ammo. The DPS per ton of many ballistics is pathetic. DPS of a medium laser is 1.67. Add in a heat sink to offset their heat and it's still 0.83 Damage per second per ton. (DPS/T) The DPS/T of an AC2 assuming only a SINGLE ton for ammo (~2 tons of ammo per AC2 is good) is... 0.28. Yeah. Medium laser + heat sink is 3x as much DPS/T as a AC2 + 1 ton ammo.
2. The lower level ballistics require 100% aim uptime. Instead of the "fire then forget" nature of Lasers you have to have your cursor over the opponent at 100% of the time. What's worse, the AC2 and AC5 still have travel time which means you have to aim in front of your opponent. What does this mean? Using lasers with AC2/AC5 is practically impossible. Where as SRMs and LRMs have lock on and therefore work fantastically with lasers the AC2 and AC5 basically can't use them.
2b. The counterplay that comes from 100% aim uptime is obvious. AC2 spammer on you? Swivel around. He's going to hit arms with many of his shots, and any shot on an arm is basically a shot deflected. People that know what they're doing can easily make the impressive 4 DPS of an AC2 a 2 or lower DPS on the area they're trying to hit just with swiveling. "Damage done" is not a very impressive stat when a good 50% of your shots went to areas you had no intention of ever finishing off.
3. The massive skill cap. Any person can hold the cursor slightly in front of an enemy (to compensate for lag) and get full hits with lasers. Very few people can use ballistics alone, and ballistics + lasers is a whole other thing. Even the best players will miss ballistic shots and make that ever so awesome looking DPS stat drop noticeably so. Even a 33% miss rate (hitting 2/3 of shots) will drop your DPS... by 33% (dur.) What's more is the stress of using ballistics + extra will cause you to miss even more shots.
4... Ammo. Explosions from ammo. Dying from ammo exploding. Running out of ammo. Ammo.
Due to these and more issues (but these being the most important) I suggest the following things. Assuming that Crit space, Damage, Range, and Weight is off limits due to Mechwarrior being based on the (flawed) BT rules then:
AC2: Ammo per ton increased to 100 from 75. This would reduce the "effective weight" of the AC2 and allow it to be used far more on different mechs. It would only maybe free up maybe 2 tons at most on even AC2 spammers, but that's a good start. A more powerful recommendation going past conversative changes would be to reduce the heat of the AC2 to 0.8 to allow it to also use fewer heat sinks, again reducing it's effective weight.
AC5: Refire rate reduced to 1.1. Just to match the UAC5. Seems ... well.... reasonable. I don't know who could argue against this. Might need a little more after this, might recommend increasing ammo per ton to 35 from 30. Would possibly effect the below change.
UAC5: Ammo per ton increased to 30 from 25. Just to match the AC5. Would reduce it's effective weight again a little bit. The UAC5 is decently good as is, just needs a little bump of help. Also, the JAMMING shot should always fire. You should ALWAYS get off the second shot. The jamming will happen, but the shot must fire. The entire intent of the second shot is when you're desperate, to jam AND not fire the shot is just a **** move.
AC10: Refire rate reduced to 2.5 from 3 seconds, ammo per ton increased to 20. Would increase it's DPS to 4 instead of 3.33. Would make it more comparable to the AC20 considering it only weights 2 tons less. The extra range and 2 tonnage lower cost would help offset the additional aim time required from a faster firing weapon (as well as being 20% DPS lower after buff.)
AC20: Ammo per ton increaesd to 8 from 7. Just a tiny little bump. A little "Thank you for putting down 16 tons on to a short range weapon."
Edited by hashinshin, 11 January 2013 - 04:26 PM.