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Give Me The Streak Cats Back !

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#41 Even Dark


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:10 AM

dunno i think they cant balance the game and its to hard with bt rules. all they can do is take the mechdesigns but make armorpoints and damage stuff by other rules not from bt.

but its free to play and lets wait for next patches. playing a few games is enought for me atm :D

#42 Elkarlo


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:40 AM

View PostKorm, on 16 January 2013 - 07:25 AM, said:

Now you made me wonder, why in hell a perfect brawler build like a streakcat would run away from a lrm boat.

Because the Streakcat is not a perfect brawler?
I was several times attacked in my C1 by a Streakcat... as i stated before they didn't got me...
My Closecombat DPS is half as the Streakcat DPS, yes, but when i moved correctly i could alpha him with with nearly twice the Alha Power as 30 LRM > 12 SSRM, and guess what...
Lockon weapons themself.

Later i played dragons and was fun earing a Streakcat with an 45 Alpha.

But with ECM raven, this don't work realy...

So they replaced the manageable Streakcat
with the unmanageable ECM Lag Raven.
I would take everytime on two Streakcats for an LagRaven.

So give me please the Streakcats back.

#43 SpiralRazor


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:52 AM

Having Streak Cats back would seriously curb the explosion of lights we see now.

Thats what happens when you **** with the ecosystem and take somethings natural predator out of the equation.

Shame on you PGI...shame

#44 VonRunnegen


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:52 AM

View PostBlackMagicOperator, on 16 January 2013 - 06:53 AM, said:


Any mech that couldn't take 5+ hits from a streakcat was badly built or badly piloted.

Ehhhh thats 300 damage....

Edit: 6 launchers, each firing 2 missiles @ 2.5 dmg each = 30 per salvo. So its 150 not 300, I lied sorry. Still more than ample to kill most light/medium mechs even well-built!

Edited by VonRunnegen, 16 January 2013 - 08:56 AM.

#45 Elkarlo


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:57 AM

Streak Cats Alpha= 12 * 2..5 =30
5 Alpha Hits = 30*5= 150

Answer would be 150 Damage.

My dragon does 45 Alpha Damage, i can shot 3 Alpha without overheat in less Time....

So my Dragon is more Dangerous then an Streakcat.

Problem is, thanks to Netcode i don't hit Mech over 90kph well. Especially when they are small targets.

My fast Hunchback 4SP does Alpha 55 and can three Alpha as well.
And is faster then a Streakcat, again, Problem with Lights and the 2 SRM6 are useless.

Hitting an Streakcat Ear is easy and it needs 40 Damage to unarmor and 60 for certain destruction of the Weapons..

Edited by Elkarlo, 16 January 2013 - 09:03 AM.

#46 XWorldEaterX


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:01 AM

hahahahahahah learn to play says troll

We are really sorry but ECM is working as intended and is in no way OP. The fact that most players have only seen maybe 5 streak cats in the last 2-3 weeks is simply because people have moved on and grown bored of the streak cat says the devs.

I feel your pain but I certainly wouldnt want streak boats in their current form. They either need to make bigger maps or do something about boating weapon systems (or some tweaks to streaks). I think atm they don't really know what to do about streaks or lrm's and so ecm was the only thing they could think of. (I don't really think lrms are much of a problem with so much cover, it only gets tough when you are fighting someone and it is impossible to just sit behind a building.)

My suggestion would be to try and get some of your friends to run ecm mechs. Thats what I did when I was running my awesome with three streaks.

#47 Gallowglas


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:02 AM

Seriously, am I in the Twilight Zone? An alternate reality, perhaps? Because this swarm of unbeatable Ravens in every match that I keep hearing about doesn't happen for me in either solo or team play. Yes, I've seen a game or two where there have been as many as three, but that's been the worst I've seen. They were also anything but unbeatable. I still see far, far more Atlases than Ravens.

#48 Flawless


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:03 AM

View PostElkarlo, on 16 January 2013 - 04:59 AM, said:

That is what i am thinking when i am in Several Situations piloting my Heavy/Assault Mech:
  • I am two shooted by a SixsixCat, which came out of nowhere thanks to ECM cover
  • I am circled by ECM lights like a drowning Survivor by Sharks
  • When my Team colleages disappear on the Map and never come back
  • My LRM's can't fire at the charging Atlas D-DC because i have an ECM Raven in my Back
  • My Map goes out on Nightcity, so i have no chance to identify Foe from Friend
  • I am shot in Nightcity for the exact the same reason
Streakcats could be handled with, because they had been only 84 kph fast and where big targets, you could even fire in Blackscreen on them thanks to the Big red square, i am now more often killed per GAME by Ravens then by Streakcats... in about 350 games as a novice Pilot (had about 100 games in CB before) i was 2 times killed by a Streakcat, now i am regularly killed by ECM lights or the result of ECM ( like the popping up SixsixCats). And the Streakcats had a low DPS, giving you time to kill them, a Sixsix kills you in 3 Seconds.

Yes you killed the Streakcats, the best Defence we had against the lurking Shark Lights... and you killed the Defence on every other non ECM mech.

SO i would trade EVERYTIME the Streakcat Menace back over the Raven Menace you greated PGI.

Think of this, what you have done.

I am ejecting and waiting for the next Patch.

Streak cats have their role but had been way to out balance. Now they can be countered, so the right response is to either find a new tactic that works or find a team to play with that can find a way to make your sSRM CAT effective again.

Edited by Flawless, 16 January 2013 - 09:16 AM.

#49 Elkarlo


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:08 AM

@ Flawless

I owned a CPLT A1, yes... for 3 Days to get the Basics done.

That was it.

#50 Sheraf


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:13 AM

View PostVonRunnegen, on 16 January 2013 - 08:52 AM, said:

Ehhhh thats 300 damage....

Edit: 6 launchers, each firing 2 missiles @ 2.5 dmg each = 30 per salvo. So its 150 not 300, I lied sorry. Still more than ample to kill most light/medium mechs even well-built!

Their 30 alpha damage is no longer focus on your center torso. It is not as dangerous as the old streakscat :D

Edited by Sheraf, 16 January 2013 - 09:14 AM.

#51 PropagandaWar


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:27 AM

My avg damage in my Hunch sp, Cent 9A and Dragon with SRM damage is nothing compaired to my Cent 9a 3 streak lbx 2 med lasers mech when no ECM is around. Paul mentioned spreading the missles out which would fix the streak problem. Then go handle ECM which needs its own works. Also lowering the damage on a streak is easy to justify. If it has lock electronics in it the payload should be less than a dumbfire srm.

#52 VonRunnegen


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 09:36 AM

Streaks no longer all hit your CT..... but they still mostly hit your CT as far as I can tell. So its a nerf, but not a big one.... the scatter is still small compared to lots of weapons, especially given the easy aiming involved. Honestly I don't feel streak cats were particularly OP in the first place, but streaks on light mechs e.g. Jenner D/Raven 3L were too good in light vs. light engagements as avoiding them wasn't particularly possible. It's hard to tell if thats still the case with ECM dominating most peoples posts, perhaps the slight scatter effect is sufficient to fix it anyway.

#53 Horned Bull


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Posted 16 January 2013 - 10:21 AM

View PostElkarlo, on 16 January 2013 - 08:57 AM, said:

Streak Cats Alpha= 12 * 2..5 =30
5 Alpha Hits = 30*5= 150

Answer would be 150 Damage.

My dragon does 45 Alpha Damage, i can shot 3 Alpha without overheat in less Time....

So my Dragon is more Dangerous then an Streakcat.

Problem is, thanks to Netcode i don't hit Mech over 90kph well. Especially when they are small targets.

My fast Hunchback 4SP does Alpha 55 and can three Alpha as well.
And is faster then a Streakcat, again, Problem with Lights and the 2 SRM6 are useless.

Hitting an Streakcat Ear is easy and it needs 40 Damage to unarmor and 60 for certain destruction of the Weapons..

Yet there's a chance on your alpha to miss, also you have to aim. You don't just click one button to receive damage (especially before as that whole damage went straight into your torso, changing streakcat into aimbotting gausscat). Somehow no one tremble upon seeing a dragon, yet streakcat earned a nickname "the raidboss".

Also your dragon have a better alphastrike than 2x AC/20 cat. Tell me what will people consider to be a bigger threat - your dragon or 2xAC/20 cat?

#54 Kelpaz


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Posted 20 January 2013 - 03:48 PM

View PostFlawless, on 16 January 2013 - 09:03 AM, said:

Streak cats have their role but had been way to out balance. Now they can be countered, so the right response is to either find a new tactic that works or find a team to play with that can find a way to make your sSRM CAT effective again.

Why ofcourse this is why I replaced all Streaks for 6 SRM6, which are perfect against.. err anything actually much more powerful than streaks ever were.

It just runs a bit say hot, and has ammo in everywhere, but some insist on parking infront of me XD.

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