dude you just sunk my battleship, carrier, submarine, destroyer, and battleship. on the first turn in one shot! TF!?!?
no really just ran into a guy in a game in frozen city, I was running raven behidn the entire enemy team taging them none of them had fired on me yet. suddenly 4 of my team mates and myself (5 total) die instantly to the same guy. this guy then proceeds to take out the entire team in a matter of 10 seconds including our DC back at our base (we were all at ridge at the time he killed us all including him)
any thoughts on this? if it is a bug I would like to know what to do about it such as were to report this and if he is exploiting it who to report that to. if it is not a bug and he is hackin or some immaculate voodoo stuff I wish to hear your opinions and get some feedback.

Started by Anjhindul, Jan 16 2013 08:40 PM
4 replies to this topic
Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:40 PM
Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:42 PM
Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:43 PM
Screenshots help with that too. Otherwise it may just sound like somebody got mad they lost to whoever gets the report message.
Posted 16 January 2013 - 08:55 PM
Thank you for the information HighlandCoo.
Dovvol I guess I will have to start perma running Fraps again... screen shots don't mean anything without time stamps on the messages damn hackers use up more of my HD space then all my games, movies, and programming utilities combined... between just LoL SC2 and CSS... yes I delete them after I have confirmation that the dev/support/GM has the information but that can be 4 weeks after the fact, you know?
anyway report filed with support, Thanks again
PS this is the first person I have seen that I even considered as cheating or exploiting and I was sure cheats wouldn't help in this game to
Dovvol I guess I will have to start perma running Fraps again... screen shots don't mean anything without time stamps on the messages damn hackers use up more of my HD space then all my games, movies, and programming utilities combined... between just LoL SC2 and CSS... yes I delete them after I have confirmation that the dev/support/GM has the information but that can be 4 weeks after the fact, you know?
anyway report filed with support, Thanks again
PS this is the first person I have seen that I even considered as cheating or exploiting and I was sure cheats wouldn't help in this game to

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