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Glourios "charge Of The Light Brigade" Moment

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#1 Vamboozle


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 03:56 AM

I feel I have to share a moment of glorious folly that was so bad it was magnificent!

Assault match in the Caustic Valley - as the countdown starts someone suggests lets just roll up to the crate, over the top and straight down the other side - they'll never see it coming!!

We all though this would be fun so we dutifully followed the plan.

However the other team had decided to line up on the other rim of the crater (like the Russian Guns) and the butchery then ensued was magnificent!

Half a league, half a league,
  Half a league onward,
All in the valley of Death,
  Rode the six hundred.
'Forward, the Light Brigade!
Charge for the guns' he said:
Into the valley of Death
  Rode the six hundred.

I'm still laughing.

Feel free to share your moments of glorious ineptitude!

#2 Flyby215


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 05:02 AM

On Assault mode on Caustic Valley we wandered up the hill and lined up along the ridge of the crater. We're all kind of looking at each other wondering which way around the hill we should go or if maybe a scout was going to play peak-a-boo at the crater. I recall calling my entire team dumb for just sitting there, saying "come on guys MOVE IT!".

Suddenly, without warning, their whole team came up over the ridge! Holy crap on a *******! It's a blitzkrieg! "OPEN FIRE!!!" In perfect unison 8 mechs unleashed a barrage of missiles, ballistics, and lasers that would make the fires of hell feel luke warm by comparison. The defeaning roar of my 40 missile alpha strike sent shivers down my spine as Artemis ensured each missile plowed deep into that already damaged Atlas. A few of us shut-down from all the shooting, but nobody moved, there was no need, like shooting fish in a barrel the enemy was all lined up for us. I got 3 kills :D

Say, what was your thing again?

Edited by Flyby215, 17 January 2013 - 05:02 AM.

#3 Josef Nader


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 05:04 AM

I was pugging on River City in Conquest mode in my "Stock" HBK-4G (stock weapons loadout, using Endo/Ferro to squeeze in a 250 engine and 2 additional tons of ammo) when I realized that I was the last member on my team alive, alone at Kappa and they were advancing on me from across the bridge to the dropship spawn. A Raven, Centurion, LRM Catapult, and Gaussaphract, from what I could tell, were closing in, and fast.

I just so happened to be listening to music at the time, and my music player was on random. It suddenly switched to Heart of Courage, and I knew what I had to do.

As the 4 mechs entered the upper city, I went into full guerrilla mode. I punched full throttle, started weaving in and out of buildings smashing into them with my AC20 and dodging everything I could. After a minute and a half of fierce resistance, I managed to leg the Raven, kill the Centurion, kill the Catapult, and cripple the Gaussaphract before I finally went down with every scrap of armor and internals stripped to the bone right as the song ended. Easily my most epic moment in this game to date.

Posted Image

Edited by Josef Nader, 17 January 2013 - 05:06 AM.

#4 Joseph Mallan


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Posted 17 January 2013 - 05:13 AM

One Shinanigans night the group I was dropping with went full out Base Cap. Every drop we went wide right/left and made best speed for cap. Worked really good for most the night. Then on Frozen City we went through the tunnels met zero resistance. Dropped over teh cliff made right for the Base.

And ran smack into the enemy ambush! When the dust settled we were rolled 8-2. But we were laughing and having fun seeing a well laid trap executed so well. :)

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