darkthought, on 21 January 2013 - 09:42 AM, said:
*facepalm* Good job talking about something you know nothing about.
7%-10% of the male population have some form of Red-Green colorblindness. Blue - yellow is less than a tenth of a percent of total population.
Wikipedia gives you information but you don't have the knowledge to understand it.
FYI: Red-color blind people see red AS blue.
Now do you understand?
Color blindness is not 'oh he cant see the color' or 'he mixes the colors up' thing. It comes in a spectrum.
Some people are fully color blind and see only in black and white. Others are fully red or green or yellow or blue-blind (cant see the color at all) and the great majority are DEFICIENT in the colors..aka they can see the colors but if they mix red/green or blue/yellow tones they cannot distinguish patterns to identify objects.
I myself am spectrum deficient. I can see the colors but out of 40 something hues each color has (think white->tones of grey->black) I can only see 10 or so of them. So if you put a g-damn yellow filter in the background scenery it blurs my pattern recognition to hell. Its like using zoom module pixelation on the entire screen on stuff in the background.
It makes it impossible for me to see anything in heat-vision mode in some maps because green-yellow use tons of hues between these colors so there is zero shape recognition. Nightvision is pure green tones so haha... its like rubbing meth into my eyes and blinking really fast. Heatvision in all other maps, where it is blue/reds/yellows is very difficult to use because the dark blues and greys of the terrain/non-heat sources all blur into a mess so I cannot really navigate that well.
The only map I have zero issues in is the snow map night...because the yellow filter is GONE. I can SEE the damn game for a change.
Thing is, color blind support is not a difficult thing to do in any game or interface. Its mere laziness and unwillingness to provide it that its not done. After all, they sure had plenty of resources to put into adding tons of idiotic xmas lights into the mech cockpit itself.... hard to believe changing lock-box colors and heat vision mode color choices is any harder.