then there's the sneeky devil! our team held back from the crash dropship ridge in frozen city night.
just a moment or two after this conversation
GBS: hmmmmm tunnel perhaps?
someone else: no they're here!
the stand off between the ridge warriors continue.
then a moment later my rear is being cored so i turn around and find him, the atlas valore! so a shot retaliation and a duck round the corner
it took a while but after my second alpha three or four focused fire. sorry valore but love the effort! there was a shot against a wall that was supposed to hit me valore reported. i have to say the lag/latency issue has been magnified in the last two patches. a catapault not 40m from me hardly moving and still i had to fire at an airpocket ahead of him to hit. it really has become rediculous along with river city suffering disapeared scenery syndrome etc etc.
there was a poll a while back. will you not play the game unless netcode is fixed? and i answered... yes, my ping is aussie poor and now it's become too silly to play. i don't really have a choice so i'm just taking a break, i'm burnt out and months of dev time will do me and the game good.
just had to be apart of double xp-gxp weekend! i still want the game to do well but i'm taking a break to start new work etc etc. see you on the battlefield some time! thanks for the highlight of the match Valore, the other team were more boring than our campers

still show up on the forums now and then