I can drop off a cliff in an Atlas with no leg damage but my Cicada takes leg damage from each rock I step on. It sucks that I lose over half my leg armor just running around anywhere but PERFECTLY flat surfaces and Im not talking about fall damage. Then once I engage a baddie he only needs to graze my legs once or twice with a lazer to destroy me. It also sucks on lights that use jump jets (its not so bad on med/heavys cuz more leg armor) since even when landing with boosters fired I will still take leg damage half the time then a graze with a lazer or two to finish me off

Thou again my real concern is about the ridiculous damage my Cicada takes while running around on avarage terrain. Will you guys do something about non-combat leg damage please? I believe it will improve your game immensely!
Also see ChillenAZN's post !
Shock Absorption Option For The Light Mechs
Edited by Dixie Normiss, 19 January 2013 - 04:52 PM.