i know respawns isnt a thing in mech worriors (and thematicly kinda dosnt work, and unbalances the currant game modes), but im about done with the game already as i finde it sickenning to walk out of my spawn with my guys, be the first guy seen and then focused by 2 vollys from every mech on the enamy team and im dead and out of the game now, its just depressing and i dotn know about otheres but i have no intrest in spendign 10 mins watchign a game i have had no effect on, and if i leav i seem to get less money and i cant use my mech till the game ends, it just seems over kill, i have alrady had a depressing game, and now i have to sit there waiting, so i would ask for either a game mode with respawns, or when you die not have to wate around for the game to end
thank you

Started by izikial, Jan 22 2013 08:26 AM
6 replies to this topic
Posted 22 January 2013 - 08:26 AM
Posted 22 January 2013 - 08:32 AM
Quitting out of a match after you die has no bearing on how much you make. So you can leave the game asap if you want.
Posted 22 January 2013 - 08:41 AM
The above is true, also to note. The devs are already looking into making a respawn game mode. I believe it was hotdrop, where when u die you'd be able to select another mech to play. However I've not heard anything about it for a long time. Trust me, they know some people (not me) want a respawn game mode.
Posted 22 January 2013 - 08:42 AM
Verminaard, on 22 January 2013 - 08:41 AM, said:
The above is true, also to note. The devs are already looking into making a respawn game mode. I believe it was hotdrop, where when u die you'd be able to select another mech to play. However I've not heard anything about it for a long time. Trust me, they know some people (not me) want a respawn game mode.
It was the dropship mutator and it only allowed 4 respawns per game (the four mechs you selected and show on teh home page of teh mechlab).
Posted 22 January 2013 - 08:46 AM
izikial, on 22 January 2013 - 08:26 AM, said:
as i finde it sickenning to walk out of my spawn with my guys, be the first guy seen and then focused by 2 vollys from every mech on the enamy team and im dead and out of the game now
Don't rush out to the front of your team while engaging the enemy.
Use the terrain to your advantage, hide from the enemy while you look for good firing lanes..etc.
Learn from you mistakes.
Noth, on 22 January 2013 - 08:42 AM, said:
It was the dropship mutator and it only allowed 4 respawns per game (the four mechs you selected and show on teh home page of teh mechlab).
Although this is 100 times better than a "Respawn" mode, it still sounds incredibly lame to me.
Posted 22 January 2013 - 10:17 AM
thanks for the replyes, in response to fut i wasnt rushing out, i was in a max speed 48kmh cataphract so i was mid of the pack, i just finde that all 8 enamy mechs crest a hill together and shoot throught the buildings at me, im either dead, critticly wounded or have no arm left
Posted 22 January 2013 - 10:19 AM
No, I do not enjoy mindless rush and shoot respawn shooting games, those are boring and do not make you use tactics or team play.
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