I'm enjoying the recent buffs that made it actually possible to finish a conquest match via resources. Been having a blast on my light mech running from point to point and capping. Lot of extra strategy involved and come from behind victories when I'm the last man standing and we have enough points capped to win.
One thing I'm noticing though is there is not a whole lot of appreciation for a player like that right now. Because I'm not in the thick of the fighting I'm seeing a lot of matches where I get hardly any XP and C-bills. It's pretty detrimental capping 3-5 points and winning your team the match and get nothing extra because you did little to no damage and had no kills.
My suggestion would be to add XP/C-bill gain on cap's. Maybe even reward per time spent on the capping. At the very least rewards for neutralizing and capping wouldn't seem too out of line, kinda like capping the enemy base on assault mode. Not as much of coarse. Something that rewards the player for focusing on objectives, because that wins games too.
Some recognition on the leader board keeping track of how many caps you got would be cool too. But that's more of an e-peen thing, would much rather see rewards for objective based play style.

Conquest Xp/c-Bill Suggestion
Started by P00n Pounder, Jan 20 2013 12:47 PM
1 reply to this topic
Posted 20 January 2013 - 12:47 PM
Posted 20 January 2013 - 02:20 PM
I just played a round where all I did was cap and I was shocked to find out (I don't pay much attention to the scoring calculations, just the final earnings) that players aren't being rewarded for playing the objective in a conquest game mode.
What the hell? This is why conquest always turns into a brawl for the center point; there is zero incentive to cap.
There needs to be c-bill/XP rewards for neutralizing and capping in conquest, or the mode needs to be renamed Assault 2.0.
Here's a start:
15xp for a neutralize
25XP for a cap assist
50XP for a cap
250 c-bills for a neutralize
500 c-bills for a cap assist
750 c-bills for a cap
I just played a round where all I did was cap and I was shocked to find out (I don't pay much attention to the scoring calculations, just the final earnings) that players aren't being rewarded for playing the objective in a conquest game mode.
What the hell? This is why conquest always turns into a brawl for the center point; there is zero incentive to cap.
There needs to be c-bill/XP rewards for neutralizing and capping in conquest, or the mode needs to be renamed Assault 2.0.
Here's a start:
15xp for a neutralize
25XP for a cap assist
50XP for a cap
250 c-bills for a neutralize
500 c-bills for a cap assist
750 c-bills for a cap
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