I mean it. I can't remember the last time I got completely stomped and didn't feel like I deserved it.
The games I play still contain obvious new players, as evidenced by their inability to move/shoot/do anything but derp out while they climb the learning curve, but even the new players seem to be doing better than when I first started six months ago. Maybe the training videos are helping.
Back to my original point, I almost never get rolled. I'd say probably 60-70 percent of the games I play go right down to the wire, with significant casualties on both sides. Cheese builds are still around, but they're practically nonexistant compared to three months ago, and I feel like they're not as unkillable as they used to be. If I can't counter them alone, I can usually rely on a teammate to see my imminent death and save me.
Which brings me to my next point in this rambling, meandering post. I'm pleased with the recent upswing in teamwork among pugs. You still have That One Guy who feels he must charge into battle alone, and pugs will -never- be as organized as premades, but people are definitely starting to see the merits of sticking together and focusing down weak targets. There's enough experienced players now that teams can actually pull off some pretty brilliant saves and counters, leading to more back and forth between teams. Three months ago, the first team to lose two 'mechs was pretty much guaranteed to lose. Nowadays, I've seen teams down as many as three or four 'mechs that still manage to win with surprising regularity.
So yeah. The game seems to be really leveling out as far as relative power on one side or the other. I still get plenty of games where we're obviously at a disadvantage, but it doesn't bother me as much as it used to because even if we obviously have the weaker team, I don't feel like we've already lost, and the best games of all are the ones you pull from the jaws of defeat after giving it a firm punch to the groin.
Go ahead and flame if you wish, but I doubt you'll be correct!

99% Of Games Are Completely Awesome
Started by Toong, Jan 23 2013 08:38 AM
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