We've been playing on the same 4 maps (plus variations) for a while now.
A cheap and easy way to vary things up without adding a lot of workload is simply to have items that have a random chance of spawning.
Say each map has maybe 10 such points; like the boat in the forest/lake map for example.
Other points can be things that block choke points, or provide extra cover, extra terrain.
Maybe extra urban buildings in the desert, or reduced urban buildings in the snow map.
Basically, elements that can help change up the feel of the map enough to keep things fresh. Also allow scouts to actually scout. They can get to those locations faster, see what's blocked or not blocked and call back to their teams.
Give each of the 10 elements on each map a 50% chance of spawning, and you have... is it 10! (~3.5million) possible variations on a single map? Some of those elements can even be items that were already there; like the boat, or the snow drift that blocks the secondary pass up in the village next to the caves.
This will also help bring added value to the other maps in the future, as well as help the whole community warfare thing, by giving players at least a pseudo feeling that they're on a different map and different planet, each time they go to attack or defend a new planet.
Maps Need Randomly Generated Elements
Started by Zaptruder, Jan 24 2013 10:10 AM
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