1. Unity: First of all you have to have a group of people that, for the most part, can get along well most all of the time. A lack of unity destroys most units well before the enemy has a chance to and having arguments while in the midst of a battle almost always results in a negative outcome.
2. Strong communication and effective modes of communication: From my experiences this is best served with a decent voice chat like TeamSpeak or Ventrillo as well as a group forum for posting times and dates of planned battles so that everyone can have a chance to participate and be on time.
Keep in mind that people can cover more than one role in a group.
1. Leader: There has to be a leader that is what I will call "a little obsessive" (obsessive and patient works best) with details and knowing most every role well enough to make effective role assignments. This guy needs to be online in-game almost daily and a person that the rest of the players in the unit are able to trust and follow.
2. Second In Command: A guy that is supportive of the decisions of the Leader and disagree only in private to resolve issues of contention between him and the leader. This guy is the leader when the main leader is absent or his computer gets struck by lightning. He is a problem-solver, negotiator, peacekeeper type. The oil that keeps the machine running and keeps the Leader from having to deal frequently with non-essential unit issues.
3. Techie: Every good unit always has some technical guys that can tell you things like weapons damage ratios, recycle times, heat dissipation, etc. and the details of what weps, armour, engine, etc. work best in a Mech design that the average player doesn't have the time or the want to to figure out. These high detail guys are invaluable for Mech design and can save your unit tons of time trying to figure out what load-outs to use for Mech variants and other technical aspects of the game.
4. Specialists: These are the guys that are the best at what they do. They Have chosen a role and they invest all of their time into being the best at it. They hardly play any other role and would rather not play if they are assigned to something else. Every units needs a few of these.
5. Generalists: These are the jack-of-all-trades guys. They like all the roles and are top tier players in at least two of them. They are almost as good as a specialist, but don't quite know all the tricks a specialist does for a particular role. These guys rely on the Techies and Specialists to gain the knowledge they need to excel at the roles they like most.
5. Recruiter: These guys are the likable guys that everyone in the unit gets along with most all the time. They like communicating with new people and they excel in all modes of communication in-game and out. These guys are always looking for prospective new people as defined by unit needs.
6. Disciplinarian: This guy is the enforcer. He is the one that enforces the unit's rules and keeps order when things get out-of-hand. He doesn't have tons of friends in the unit and he doesn't care. he is more concerned that things be done right and gets highly annoyed when excessive abuses occur. He has no problem calling people out in public or private if he thinks they are out of line.
7. People to Exclude: This is just a short list of some types of people I have known to cause problems for online gaming groups: hot-heads, highly attention seeking men and women (drama, drama, drama) alcoholics/drug addicts, manipulators/liars, low weekly game time, in a significantly different time zone then most of the unit, etc.
Thanks for listening. Looking forward to hearing your comments and additions!