Kain, on 30 January 2013 - 01:01 AM, said:
It is a teambased game, and winning/losing is a teambased "effort".
so the one to blame is your own team, including yourself , no one else.
If the game only gives your side 6 or 7 and a couple guys get disconnected, better skill and equipment and teamwork might not be able to overcome a solid opposing team. There's 3-4 more of them. In those situations it's not your team's fault, it's the game's technical difficulties.
And of course, if you're a great player and try to coordinate as much as possible with your team but they just all go run off in different directions and get themselves killed, you're not part of the problem.
Even if it's technically a team-based game, you shouldn't automatically assume everyone on a losing team is responsible for the failure, in full or even in part.