Mech Variety: In the current state of the game, there are very few legitimate mechs that can be played without feeling like you’re gimping your team. Here is the short list:
- Atlas-DDC(Assault): Excellent hardpoints, and the ECM.
Two mechs… that’s it. If you’re using anything other than these two mechs you’re probably hurting your team more than you’re helping them. In my opinion PGI really needs to stop introducing more mechs and make sure every mech they have introduced is actually useful.
Weapon Variety: Even after implementing the upcoming changes there are still very few useful weapons. Here’s the short list:
- Medium Lasers: The single best energy weapon in the game, low tonnage and low heat, and solid range.
- SRM6: The highest burst damage weapon in the game. Yes, you have to be close, but almost every battle devolves into a close range brawl.
-Large Lasers: LL are “Fillers” only for the heavy mechs that have the extra weight and mechs should never have more than two equipped.
3 Weapons (and a 4th if you count fillers) That’s it… If you have a different weapon on your mech, you’re hurting your potential.
FF Armor: This honestly shouldn’t even be allowed to be equipped on a mech. It’s just terrible and players that are equipping it are probably doing so believing that they are getting more protection, which, of course, they aren’t.
Modules: They are absolutely terrible. Everyone of them. Considering it takes absolutely forever to build up the GXP to get them, this really does need to be said.
Map Variety: I don’t really mind playing the same map over and over, but I’m probably the minority. The problem really comes in that it doesn’t matter which map you’re on, or what the goal of the map is (assault or conquest), it is going to devolve into a close-quarters brawl. Every time, without fail.
PuGs and Premades: I regularly play both sides of this line and the fact of the matter is, PGI needs to match pre-made sizes. If one team has a premade of 4, then the other team gets a group of 4. It’s as simple as that.
The ELO system isn’t going to fix it, unless PGI is going store two ELOs (one for solo queuing and one for group queuing). All it’s going to do is force people to only do one or the other.
MC Prices: Because I got several months of enjoyment from the game (and I’m a fan of the franchise) I donated my $50, but that’s all I’ll ever give. Why do I say donated? Because the prices are on everything else are just too high… way too high across the board.
I’m sure there is a lot more that I just forgot about, but this is more than enough for them to work on.