Sifright, on 01 February 2013 - 05:02 AM, said:
it doesn't help that a lot of the people in premades are individually not great players its only their greater coordination than pugs which lets them win. when matched against people with the same coordination they get rolled.
Then please explain why I could take any of the dozens of players I run premades with and show you a wall of screenshots of their scores as solo pugs blowing the rest of their team out of the water?
When I pug and lose I frequently see my name up near the top mixed in with the winners because I out score members of the winning team while being on the losing team.
Bottom line is can only solo pug for so long before my threshold for ineptatude and idocy is reached.You pugs are truely aweful players yet somehow you feel entitled to beat better players..why? because why? please tell me why it is that craptastic players have this entitlement?
I hear the puggies blather on about how premades telling them to join a team is forcing them to play the premades way and not your way.
Well guess what partner...If you think that building a house with a rock and a pair of scissors is the right way to do it and you see a construction crew build dozens of perfect houses around your one shanty shack of crap you have been doing it wrong.
Is it the construction crew's fault? No it's yours for thinking you alone with a rock and a pair of scissors can build a house better than a construction crew can.
Your way isn't working pal..that is probably why we all have to listen to you all cry about it every ******** day on these forums.
So instead of adapting your way to a way that works you instead insist that we all have to try to build crappy shacks with rocks as hammers and scissors for saws.
You are in fact telling all those premade players who are succeeding where you fail that they must do it your way.
The wrong way.