Sam Slade, on 31 January 2013 - 09:10 PM, said:
you know what you wrote...
1st: it´s been mentioned a lot of times already, and even if some people don´t like it (yea i know the polls), PGI designed this game WITH FOCUS ON GROUPS...
2nd (and more important to me) i am not only in a bug merc company, i also play casually with some friends every now and then, and believe mewhen i say, there is no threat with our "evil premade" group... we don´t use group tactics, and certainly we don´t "own any poor little puggy with our mighty TS"... we often enough die hottible death´s, because we play casually and we have a few people amongst us who are not harcore players but BT/MW fans and play the game because of that...
any PuG or lonewolf team can beat hell out of us if they are not playing the "i rush across the ridge...alone...and i own em all" style...
you know why we still do it? because we like playing a game together, and MWO is the only game at moment we have in common,because it´s a mechwarrior title...
i knew that removing the 8 man groups from the que woulnd´t stop the crying, and i bet my 4$$ on it, removing 4 man and even 2 man won´t as well... you guys will always find a goddam reason why YOU die that much, which just can´t happen if the game was not broken...
so, with view on number 1 and taken number 2 into account: only because many people nowadays just can´t think about working together with others for a second (yep, it´s a social phenomenon that you can see everywhere) you wanna kill the fun for other´s...
no doubt there are players who abuse the current MM for their advantage... but i doubt that those are that many as people say, plus no matter what, there will always be people who abuse things and try everything for an advantage... if it´s not grouping, it´s something else...
my best advice: don´t only focus on yourselves, watch your team... don´t run off alone, if you are too far out, wait for others to close up... use the TEXTCHAT, yea that ancient relic can save the match... a simple "D5" or "Inc F Line" is written fast and lets your team know that guarding the "X Line" is a bad idea...if you see a group, spam the R key, so your team knows there is more than one coming... playing as a group is possible without voicecoms, many of us did for over 10 years before VoiP even was invented
if you really really really want to stick with playing on the egomanic trip... please feel free and try hawken... or any other respawn shooter...your demand is contrary to the whole idea behind this game...
Bloody Moon, on 31 January 2013 - 11:27 PM, said:
Either 2 man groups only in the solo queue or a matchmaker which balances out the premade count on each side, so yes i want that.
one question... what stops 8 people from syncdropping in solo ques? nothing... and there is a good chance at least half of them make it into the same team...
balancing out the premade numbers on each side is the ONLY solution that makes everyone happy and can´t be circumvented...
Edited by Adrienne Vorton, 31 January 2013 - 11:54 PM.