So what do i think of the game? Well i love it, the mech design is awesome and the combat is tactical and requires skill. Having said that the new player experience needs work because if it was not for the fact i could see the potential in this game i may have left because i was useless. The trial mechs were horrible and for about 20 games i thought when i fired four lasers i was doing 20 damage straight away and didnt realise that different parts of mechs had different armour points. The game really needs a tutorial of sorts to explain this and about aiming for the legs of lights etc etc.
I only play solo because i was nervous about letting down a team and being crap so after 884 games i finally have a positive k/d ratio but why are assists not counted in the stats? Lots of times if i am in my Ilya and see a hunchback with 68 small lasers i fire my gauss into the huge shoot my many weapons at once spot and once i have destroyed it i move on to the next mech because i feel chasing a guy who has 2 small lasers is not useful to my team.
The pugging experience can be brutal at times even with just a 4 man premade on the other team. I dont want to stop this but why is there not VOIP that is simple and effective because even if someone doesent want to use a mic they can still hear the plan and hear warnings about being flanked. Are they going to implement a proper VOIP? I hope so. Also a coomunication wheel like on dota 2 would be excellent and easy to implement with the person saying it pinging on your minimap.
So after all this jumbled mess of a post what is my conclusion? Well i left out ECM, bigger maps and streaks because I have seen the devs post that they are working on it, so we just have to wait and see. Overall i love this game and have played it nearly as much as i have played fifa, PES and football manager which is a lot. It has proplems for new players and the communication between a pug team is difficult and pretty crap. They need to do more sales of MC. So far i have dropped £30 into the game and that was at christmas because it has 20% extra. They need more of these MC deals and more often because then i would spend more of it on camo and cockpit items because i would know a new sale is just round the corner.
So thanks for reading my incomprehensible post, there was too much i wanted to talk about and i got a bit lost. haha. Also if anyone in the UK knows of how to get the tabletop version of mechwarrior one that is good for beginners i would love to know. Also what book is good to start with? I should have paid attention in the 80's.
Edited by widget14, 01 February 2013 - 06:17 AM.