So after this patch I ran into a technical trouble I could not fix. What happens is when I click MechWarriorOnline.exe it launches the patcher but the patcher just stays in the background forever as a process. It doesn't launch the game at all. Is there a solution to this problem?

Mwopatcher.exe Not Initializing Mechwarrioronline.exe
Started by Lady Oscar Francois De Jarjayes, Jan 16 2013 02:53 PM
7 replies to this topic
Posted 16 January 2013 - 02:53 PM
Posted 17 January 2013 - 09:56 AM
Tried reinstalling in safe mode with networking?
Posted 17 January 2013 - 12:08 PM
I have the same problem as the OP.
Posted 17 January 2013 - 12:17 PM
Me either

Posted 18 January 2013 - 02:28 AM
I have the same problem as well.
The only work-around I know of is to re-start the PC.
Even "end-task" program doesn't solve the bug.
The only work-around I know of is to re-start the PC.
Even "end-task" program doesn't solve the bug.
Posted 18 January 2013 - 03:08 AM
Today it worked for me without any problems. I did nothing to solve the problem, so restarting should be ebough and you don't need to reinstall.
Posted 25 January 2013 - 04:09 PM
I was having the same issue and have found a fix. Go into C:\Games\Piranha Games\MechWarrior Online\Bin32 and delete MWOpatcher.cfg and patchbot.cfg from the folder (or, if this makes you nervous, just cut and paste them somewhere else, you can always put it back). Now, open the taskmanager and make sure that the mwolauncher or patcher isn't running in the background, if it is, cancel it or do a re-start. Now, with the files out the folder, go ahead and launch the game as usual, the patcher should now be working.
Posted 17 February 2013 - 10:37 AM
That didn't fix it for me. I had to reboot completely.
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