IceCase88, on 07 February 2013 - 06:23 AM, said:
Each mech does have an intended role.
Obviously, people can deviate from that role but they will probably be disappointed with the mech. Certain mech types do not suck it is just players are using it wrong and no matter how you change the weapons loadout it is not going to function the way you want it to.
You cannot turn a CN9 into a brawler. It is a mech designed to support the Trebuchet and other LRM support mechs. The CN9-D can be a medium scout and a skirmisher but that is about it. I am sure there are anecdotal stories of a CN9 taking on an Atlas and winning. However, it was probably a good CN9 pilot against a bad Atlas pilot and ultimately the CN9 pilot was lucky.
Turning an AWS into a brawler is making the mech a failure. It is a huge barn that only the worst pilots cannot hit. It is not designed for brawling. The only times I have lost one-on-one to an AWS is if their teammate saved them when using my Flame and I am an average pilot. Even with the PPC buff I have no fear charging directly at an AWS.
Research the mech you want to buy to see if it fits your play style. Buying a mech because it looks cool and trying to adapt it to your play style will more often than not end in failure. By all means though... Mech your mechs failures because it only helps me in the end!
I highlighted the part that I like... I like that you say probably, I hate people who propose quirks, or penalties, for using the variant in any way but the intended one, that is like saying "let's turn that probably disappointed with the mech, in to definitely disappointed with the mech"
The beauty of MWO is that you don't know what that hunchback (or anyone else) is packing, for all I know it could be prosperity park with 5 ppcs on it. That is why I love my target acquisition module. It also allows me to exercise my brain, and figure out ways to deal with those builds on the fly, instead of figuring out the strategy for each variant before I even drop, and sticking with it.
One more thing, turning AWS in to a brawler does not make it a failure, I won't lie, sometimes I get cocky in my 9m and PB and end up cored out in the middle of the whole enemy team. But when I play it smart, as a fast hard hitting flanker, I tear people apart, QQ doesn't mind me running it in 8 mans as well, I simply switch the XL engine for 350 standard. The beauty of brawling with the "barn" is I can choose which side of the barn to give you after I do a quick alpha, and if you are facing the side of the barn, you will not be hitting the front.