Kaziganthi, on 08 February 2013 - 03:31 PM, said:
again see what happened to LRM's
LRM's are still bad. Not OP mind you, they just have a horrible weapon mechanic. Huge raw damage with inherit horrid accuracy and slower then molasis firing speed. Then, conversely when they do all make impact, the sheer damge is enough to one shot light mechs.
LRMs are broken and need to be completely reworked.
Poptarts (the act of jump straight up and down behind cover, usually abusing 3rd person to see over obsticals) is not an issue in this game at all.
Jump sniping is a damn good tactic that has been around since... well before this century. MW2 netmech was dominated by JJ + pulse lasers. MW3 had similar issues, and MW4 was ruled by 3rd person + Gauss/PPC.
Claiming "We did it first" is a grossly asinine statement (shame on you guys *cough* Kaos Legion). There were PLENTY of people who did it when the Catapult first was introduced back in early Closed Beta. Sure, hit detecion was bad and PPCs were worse but it was still possible. People even did it with Jenners, too.
But, now that JJ's are good (again) and improvments to netcode and PPCs -- its only natural that more players are starting to pick up on the Jump Sniping trend (the stratagy of moving while sniping mid-air, different than the derogative "poptarting" where the target goes only up and down, while abusing 3rd person).
Unlike other complaints like the streak Cat, Splatter Cat or Raven-3L where at least one game mechanic was being abused (the missile rock from streaks, bad SRM implementation with sheer raw damage or a combination of equipment abuse with lagshields and lack of collisions) Jump Sniping does NOT abuse any actual in game mechanics. Its merely the realization that a PPC and Gauss rifle work good together at long ranges. A Jump Sniper requires the player have at least decent aim and battle awareness to avoid getting into a brawl. The CTF-3D and CPLT-C1 (unlike the 3L) its protected by a bad netcode and you can still shoot it, and unlike the SRM6 /Streak Cat, requires good aim from the pilot and doesn't potentially deal huge amounts of damage.
While it is very easy and possible to get insta-kill headshots with many variations of the CTF-3D sniper, that is not an issue with the build per say. That is a reflection of the skill of the pilot, him/herself.
So, to summarise... a jump sniper IS NOT "CHEESE". Its just a stratagy that has been around for DECADES -- but only recently has become popular. Its also a very good counter to the very brawler oriented gameplay we see right now. As the maps become bigger and maps change, more people will realize how much more effective sniping will be, and Jump Sniping will naturally become much more common as the game progresses.