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Default Founder Colour Is Not Present In The Colour Filters List

Resolved #12528 v1.2.197

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Poll: Default Founder Colour Is Not Present In The Colour Filters List (55 member(s) have cast votes)

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#1 Kyle Polulak


  • Overlord
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  • 584 posts
  • LocationVancouver, BC

Posted 07 February 2013 - 04:03 PM

The golden stripe on a Founder's 'mech cannot be changed back as it is not present in the colours list.

Steps to Reproduce
0. Boot the game.
1. Login to the game.
2. Change the colour pattern on a Founder's Mech
3. Observe as the colour pattern cannot be manually reset.

None Known

None Known (Niko says, "It just doesn't have the same shine since the health board made us take out the lead!")

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