Hon. Aresye;
The discussion did seem to center around RBD and the fan base interpretation of barn doors, but I think the real subject driving the conversation was "How much credance can you put in the deliberate incorporation of subtle implications and gender role confusion associated with the MLP FIM charaters?" Jade Kitsune is studying to practice the trade of tv/movie directing, so she is trained to see techniques for conveying the messages in the shows. Good story boarding, logical internally consistant melieu Bible, and strong characterization are not the result of accidents, especially in animated works. So the brohaha is largely one of "My Gawds you can't seriously suggest such topics would be deliberately incorporated in a kids show?!" met with "It quacks, walks, and has all the right anatomy of duck... one can be forgiven for thinking it might be a duck even if the show doesn't come right out and say it."
In ancient times, the Greeks would practice social engineering through the plays and festivals of thier temples. The same levers of power exist today and are exercised in part through media like movies and TV. The Greeks would put you to death for missing a festival, but in our time we pay for the entertainment and the public education with property taxes and onerous interpretations of copyright legislation. MLP FIM is a gender role smashup that is not made easier to deal with on a pony body that is largely missing the strong gender dimorphism of the men and women they anthropomorphically stand in the place of. Just think of how many times bronys have thier manhood challenged and tell me there might not be some very clever edutainment conditioning at work here.
In any case the 15% male, 85% female incidence of characters in the Ponyverse has made for pure tragic gold for my fanfic dealing with the pony transhuman singularity. I find the conversation and the writing interesting, the more so because it can be done without dipping into immoral, or moral degeneracy in the process.
My two bits on the subject, hope it helps.
Why y'all so interested in barn doors any'whoo?
Edited by Samaritan, 03 July 2012 - 02:14 PM.