Souske Sagara, on 18 July 2012 - 08:23 AM, said:
Its going on in general because a series of seemingly minor events that occurred at the start of this fanbase ended up creating a large group of people with a common interest and a strong sense of community, similar (but much faster thanks to the internet) to what happened to traditional gamers, video gamers, comic fans, and other stereotypically nerdy domains. Virtually overnight we went from being a bunch of fans, to being a community of fans, to being a sub-culture in our own right. One with strong bonds between individual members.
Its going on in this forum because people have more then one interest in life, and can even have more then one passion if they have the dedication. Ponies who like mechwarrior came here when the forums opened to keep up on MWO, and meet other fans of both MW and MLP.
Like any sub-culture we strive towards community. Ponies more so then normal seek it since those of us who were around at the start were being constantly harassed by others for our interests, and those who weren't active when the meme exploded (like a 400XL in a Stackpole novel) have all the reputation as troublemakers from that culture-kamf regardless of our actual interest in causing problems.
It really seems like people are more in it for the community aspect than they actually are for the show. I mean, yeah, it's a good kids show and it's definitely a show that I wouldn't mind my daughter watching if I had one and if she were to insist I watch it with her I probably wouldn't mind either. But that's where it ends. It's nothing spectacular or compelling and their are plenty of other shows directed towards that age group that are just as good if not better.
It's pretty clear that if it weren't for the massive community involved with the show most people probably wouldn't be nearly as interested. Because people like seeing all the fan art and fan fiction people create and trying to contribute to that. Along with involving themselves with discussions about it and getting an opportunity to express their creativity and being around others who're creative as well. But the show isn't even necessary in order to have a community like that. So I guess I just don't really see the point in making something like that a large part of your life. Because even if you're in it for the community you're showing your devotion towards the show and regardless of the fact that it's directed towards children and it's main focuses are feminism and ponies it's still not THAT good.
Another thing I don't get is why the creators or even some fans haven't created a forum dedicated to this so that it could bring the community together. Unless one already exists or the enjoyment comes from bringing it up in a forum unrelated to MLP and seeing how many people react positively and discovering some other bronies.
The interest itself doesn't really bother me but do we really need the presence of MLP on EVERY forum and online community on the internet? Seems like things are getting a little out of hand.
Edited by Nuclear Xmas, 18 July 2012 - 10:05 AM.