Here is a very good collection of art by Ponykillerx on deviantart. Go check out the rest of her gallery.
Twilight Sparkle puts in dozens of hours of research for each informed 15 seconds of commentary, she'd make a good Theologian.
Rarity and vitae dolce, it's what she's known for, but there are thousands of SBA hours behind those moments.
Ah yes, those 30 seconds of terror that make an adventure interesting. Too bad we only get to hear about the happy endings in most cases as an Equestrian unhappy ending is gennerally fatal.
I hope you enjoy the pics and I look forward to meeting you in battle soon.
Here's a catchy tune that should redeem a portion of your time today.
Edited by Samaritan, 14 September 2012 - 05:09 PM.