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Stop Crap Disconnecter

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#1 Devil3k


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Posted 10 February 2013 - 09:56 AM

I saw several times player who disconnect a few seconds before they would die.

I know your Idea, to protect the player, who got a gamebug and can´t play the game.

my suggestion: after a disconnect should the player defeatable for 30 seconds. Means If a player disconnect the game with alt+f4 any people can kill him at least 30 sec more.

the penalty for these guys: who killed in this time (disconnect+30 sec)=no C-Bills, no XP. Teamkill is teamkilll in this time. If a mech is destroyed, the player could disconnect without any penalty.

Reason: If the player disconnect, the other team didn´t earn the assist and the kill bonus.

Edited by Devil3k, 10 February 2013 - 09:58 AM.

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