Angelos Sanguinum, on 15 February 2013 - 10:17 AM, said:
Mechs are tons of steel and if there is a way to focus these tons onto surface of few meters, bad things can happen to your target.
Jumpjetting onto knocked down mech as example.
Jumpjetting onto knocked down mech as example.
The thought of this makes me want to put the JJ back on my CTF-3D immediately (yes I took them off for ammo, troll if you like).
I don't recall reading much about death from above being in MWO but it would easily be the most BA way to kill someone. The specific example of landing on someone already knocked down is straight WWF or something. Not even a wrestling fan but killing someone like that would be so satisfying.
All this being said I can see how it might end up being abused, with a dragon doing the knockdown and some ****head A1 doing a JJ+6SRM alpha.