Sigifrid, on 14 February 2013 - 01:03 PM, said:
argumentum ad hominem: Further points from you are now invalid.
There are plenty of groups out there that sync drop not to be on the same team, but to fight each other instead. Where do they fit in?
Not in this argument.The OP plainly stated they sync dropped to roll pugs together.
That being said,I fully agree that units need a place to go to practice.An in game lobby system preferably.
The pubs should also have a place to go to avoid premades.
Neither of these magical wonderlands exists.
As it stands,the system is very bare bones and we all have to suffer with it for the time being.Subverting the currently implemented system for your own personal gains is just a douche move.
*edit* also /eyeroll at the ad hominem lol
Edited by Alexandrix, 14 February 2013 - 01:25 PM.