Hey I had a look a the free release mw4 mercs with both mech packs, I really enjoyed playing mw4 mercs before, I was wondering if the Lancemate AI was improved? I remember playing on the hardest difficulty(Think it was Veteran) and pretty much every enemy AI is dead on your center torso and pretty much almost always target you over your lancemates, regardless if you are behind or in the middle. I even found the lancemate with 100 gunnery skill to barley hit their targets and the AI just seems to do like 1 attack every 5-10 seconds maybe. So basically did this release see any improvements In the AI? Anything like extra or changed, like added missions or any mechs you encounter different?
Mw4 Merc
Started by Thejuggla, Feb 15 2013 05:12 PM
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