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Winning By Killing

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#21 MischiefSC


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 02:16 PM

Given that it's still in Beta the focus will be balancing mechs, equipment, range, heat, etc. before you get into fine tuning game modes but I've got to think it's on the list.

#22 skotsche


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 02:30 PM

View PostMischiefSC, on 16 February 2013 - 02:16 PM, said:

Given that it's still in Beta the focus will be balancing mechs, equipment, range, heat, etc. before you get into fine tuning game modes but I've got to think it's on the list.

Yeah that is right, the game has other more important flaws that have to be balanced first. But as a Commando pilot I will be glad when the games reaches that state. As currently my progress, XP and credit wise, feels rather slow when I see what scores players reach in their heavies.

#23 skotsche


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 02:43 PM

Btw, when I wrote credits I actually meant C-Bills, what a fauxpas! *blush*

#24 The Warspite


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 03:05 PM

View Postskotsche, on 16 February 2013 - 02:30 PM, said:

I will be glad when the games reaches that state.

Somebody's optimistic. At the rate they are adding new content and patching out the bugs, "that state" should be sometime this decade...

Edited by The Warspite, 16 February 2013 - 03:07 PM.

#25 PropagandaWar


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 03:08 PM

View PostLokust Davion, on 16 February 2013 - 12:35 PM, said:

im sure people would cap more if they were given rewards for capping (even if its not fully capped).

or let you put static defences at bases once you cap them to help keep them defended.

#26 OneEyed Jack


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 03:14 PM

View Postskotsche, on 16 February 2013 - 12:21 PM, said:

Hi there,

I had a few conquest games in my 1D and 2D and I must say I really miss a game style where you cannot win by wiping out the other team. Some of the games I was the only light mech and it felt as if both teams were plainly playing assault. Especially the last game where I was the only one capturing bases from my team.

And do you have some ideas on a game style where killing a whole team does not lead to winning without allowing players to constantly respawn?

Sooo... in a game about mech combat, you want a mode that actually cannot be won through combat? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? Sorry to tell you, but I really don't see this ever happening. See, no matter what the final objective is, the game is about fighting to accomplish it and/or fighting to prevent your opponents from accomplishing it. If they're all dead, they can't win, ergo you do. Total wipe will always win because once there's no one to stop you, you are presumed to be able to accomplish your objective because, otherwise, they'd have to assume you're too busy licking windows.

#27 skotsche


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Posted 16 February 2013 - 03:25 PM

View PostOneEyed Jack, on 16 February 2013 - 03:14 PM, said:

Sooo... in a game about mech combat, you want a mode that actually cannot be won through combat? Do you have any idea how ridiculous that sounds? Sorry to tell you, but I really don't see this ever happening. See, no matter what the final objective is, the game is about fighting to accomplish it and/or fighting to prevent your opponents from accomplishing it. If they're all dead, they can't win, ergo you do. Total wipe will always win because once there's no one to stop you, you are presumed to be able to accomplish your objective because, otherwise, they'd have to assume you're too busy licking windows.

Yes, that is right, in a game about mech combat I want to be able to win without wiping a whole team. Sounds ridiculous? Yeah but in modern shooters it sounds totally normal to respawn gazillion times? Sounds ridiculous for me too. And just because you do not see it does not mean that there is no game mechanic that could work. If one team is wiped, you could spawn them again as some kind of reinforcements. Just as an example, I am no game designer, but that is why I think they might come up with a nice game mode that has to be won other than killing everybody and still fitting the "lore". And as I do not "see" how it could nicely work, I would like to hear any ideas on that.

View PostPropagandaWar, on 16 February 2013 - 03:08 PM, said:

or let you put static defences at bases once you cap them to help keep them defended.

I personally do not like automatic defenses. Especially not as a Commando pilot. They would punch through my armor like nothing. :)

#28 Calon Farstar


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 11:07 AM

View Postskotsche, on 16 February 2013 - 01:50 PM, said:

Posted Image

This game is a nice example for the need of more rewards. I captured three bases and survived as only one, waiting for hundred resources to be harvested to make the 750 complete and all I get is a match score of 26. There is a lot of potential to improve conquest game mode! Posted Image

How about a bonus for being the sole survivor of a winning match or any match where there are 50% more enemy mechs than your team has at the time of the win? Like a 2x or 4x experiance and c-bill bonus?

View Postskotsche, on 16 February 2013 - 03:25 PM, said:

Yes, that is right, in a game about mech combat I want to be able to win without wiping a whole team. Sounds ridiculous? Yeah but in modern shooters it sounds totally normal to respawn gazillion times? Sounds ridiculous for me too. And just because you do not see it does not mean that there is no game mechanic that could work. If one team is wiped, you could spawn them again as some kind of reinforcements. Just as an example, I am no game designer, but that is why I think they might come up with a nice game mode that has to be won other than killing everybody and still fitting the "lore". And as I do not "see" how it could nicely work, I would like to hear any ideas on that.

I personally do not like automatic defenses. Especially not as a Commando pilot. They would punch through my armor like nothing. Posted Image

Yeah you might actually have to shoot at somthing!

#29 Mawai


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 11:17 AM

Two points :P

1) I agree ... they should have some rewards for base capping in conquest. Anyone who is running around capping is helping the team but is not getting rewarded for it.

2) I don't see the likelihood of any game mode that can't be won without killing the other team ... unless they introduce unlimited respawning. If the other team has no players left ... they can not win any useful mode of game play ... so it is pointless to continue a game that can not be won by the other team ... so ALL game modes will end when the other team runs out of mechs. Killing off the other team will always be a win option ... and it should be that way. However, more interesting game modes could be found by increasing the rewards for the other activities.

3) They are supposed to introduce a drop ship mode which may allow for some sort of respawn ... if there is sufficient but not unlimited respawn chances then folks may become more interested in the alternate victory conditions since killing the entire opposing team might take too long to be worthwhile.

However, any respawn mode will have to be carefully thought out since the current rewards system is not compatible with it. Rewards for kills/assists/salvage would all go up substantially with a game mode allowing for pilots to use multiple mechs.

#30 NKAc Street


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 11:18 AM

The largest problem is not that we have bases to be captured and that a capture win is a bad thing. The problem is that too many slower mech pilots are running around at the "beginning" of a match trying to cap bases. I've watched Atlases break away to go cap, please......

The general strategy is if one or two ravens or cicadas or Jenners go off to get some cap points going, no problem, but when fighting mechs are trying for a cap win, they are gonna die and there might be a rare exception to that, but it will never be the norm.

It wouldn't matter if you gave more c-bills for a capture, you still come down to the basic strategy of one or two fast mechs capping the rest fighting, that is going to get the most wins. Most players want to kill the other mech, so additional c-bills won't change that in any way. Won't for me. I'll take a kill over millions of c-bills any day.

#31 Larth


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 11:19 AM

Possibly when CW goes into play, they might make new map modes where only one base spawns and it then clearly has a defined team of defenders and a defined offensive team. Then *gasp* Defensive tactics may come into play and they need to hold off the offensive team for so long or obliterate them. Offense has a time period to capture or they obliterate the defenders. That there would bring up more tactics. Plus it could be used for either side. River City, you could be the defenders of the planet and you defending the fuel reserves or perhaps defending the last citizens evacuating the spaceport. Even the attackers could defend, maybe that's their dropship and they are defending their retreat/withdrawal.

#32 SuomiWarder


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 11:21 AM

Maybe we need Mech Ractrack maps! (Okay, sarcastic mode off now)

The old Battle Pod Battle Tech centers faced the same problem. They only had slaughter the other team as a game mode. So they also offered racing games not based on Mechs for quite a while. To be a "gaming center". That is not something likely for on online MechWarrior game.

While the game is essentially about destroying the enemy Mechs, some more strategic game types would be welcome. Trying to protect (or stop) X vehicles of a convoy across the map. Having to defend a few data capture points from the enemy (or take that data). Holding a bridge or space port for X amount of time. Or trying to each your pick up point before time runs out or you get destoyed (probably have to have a few beacons that need to be activated as well for that one to work).

#33 Max Power


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 11:22 AM

The capping rewards used to be quite good. This lead to a lot of 2 minute matches with no shots fired. Personally, I'm glad they removed the capping rewards, as the game was a waste of time when the 2 minute matches were rampant.

Edited by Max Power, 28 February 2013 - 11:25 AM.

#34 Jonathan Paine


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 11:30 AM

How about this for a Conquest change:

1. Each base "contains" X amount of C-Bills and Y amount of experience. This is awarded to the 'mechs actually capping the base on a one time basis.

2. Extra C-Bills and experience added to the top 4 cappers at the end of the match

3. Winning a match by reaching 750 resources gives all 'mechs on the winning side an extra C-Bill bonus.

Pathetic example containing completely fictional numbers:

Commando A does absolutely all the capping for all bases:

Individual bonuses
Fully capped four bases: 4x100 xp + 4x5000 C-Bills
Best capper:200 xp + 10000 C-Bills

Team bonus (also awarded the intrepid Commando)
Won on a 750 resource win: 50 000 C-Bills to each winner

Commando A, did no damage, no spotting, no nothing apart from capping:
600 (bonus) xp
80 000 (bonus) C-Bills

#35 orion0117


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Posted 28 February 2013 - 11:38 AM

Plenty of people moan about HOW DARE my team cap rather than fight to the death. Too much incentive to cap leads to little to no fighting.

BUT as long as they're going to have conquest they should make rewards for certain cases like yours, being the sole survivor.

Take no damage + cap 750 resources + sole survivor = big reward.

Edited by orion0117, 28 February 2013 - 11:39 AM.

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