Shortly afterward, it was announced that this was likely to be a first-person "in the cockpit" view only game.
I, along with others, was worried a bit upon hearing this, not because of some perceived advantage in-game that this was likely to cost me, but because this had the potential to make the game completely unplayable for me due to crazy bouts of motion sensitivity I tend to suffer in many first person games. As both a player of table-top, and dedicated fan of the franchise, since 1991, this had me nervous.
I posted the following here on the forums shortly after hearing about the 1PV only thing...
"While I personally prefer the idea of 1st person views, from an immersion stand-point, sadly, a lot of the time I am unable to play using it, since I'm one of those sad individuals plagued by chronic motion sickness brought on by shaky/wobbly 1st person views, or hand-held camera footage.
I tend to prefer 3rd person more out of necessity than out of any sort of realism/immersion considerations, and while there are the odd 1st person perspectives that are well presented and smooth enough to play with, I certainly hope that there is the option for 3rd person at least, in-case the 1st person once again proves to do me wrong."
And shortly afterward, much to my surprise and delight, received the following reply, quoting my above remarks, from none other than Bryan Ekman himself...
"Great point. I'm going to make sure we take this into consideration with our design."
Well friends, I am here to tell you, that after finally getting the computer upgrade I needed to be able to install and run the game, and getting my first few matches under my belt, I can say without any reservation...BRAVO!
I have seen the mountaintop, and it is a thing of beauty. Very smooth execution on the 1PV folks, and so it seems my above fears were ultimately unfounded. The game gives me that feel of immersion through the cockpit presentation, right along with an amazingly silky camera view. It's fantastic! And most importantly...playable for one such as myself!
And so I must say. Thank you. Thank you. A million times. Thank you!
If you need me, I'll be found comfortably in my mech's cockpit, happily enjoying the view. Now to add a Hula Girl...

Sincerely, Rip Snorgan, 1PV convert, thanks to your developmental efforts.