MadPanda, on 19 February 2013 - 02:35 PM, said:
Got it three times. My first impression aren't that great. The map is indeed huge, as promised. The battle however seems to focus near a ridge at about middle of the map, with both teams being on the sides of the ridge and taking pot shots at those who show their face and showering lrms to those you can get a lock on. Have to play more to get a better idea, but early impressions is that it's not that great of a map. Too much walking, and the long range action is not as good as it sounds.
Maybe you're running Assault. Conquest, as I've found lately, actually has a lot more flow to the fights. Instead of going halfway around and stopping at a base, the fight keeps evolving. On Alpine, there ends up being a lot of variance in the size of fights, from 8v8 or 4v4 to 2v2.