6 matches. 6 times on river city night.
Are there even any other maps in the game anymore or just this garbage map ?
Where Are The Maps ?
Started by Rift Hawk, Feb 19 2013 03:02 PM
5 replies to this topic
Posted 19 February 2013 - 03:02 PM
Posted 19 February 2013 - 03:11 PM
I have the same problem. Had 4 games after the patch yet but they were all River City. And that's not only today. Very high number of River City matches in the last 10 days and it's always at the same time of a day.
Posted 19 February 2013 - 03:13 PM
I got 1 match, against premade got stomped in a hurry. That was an hour ago. I haven't gotten back in since. FAILED FAILED FAILED etc. I stopped trying after about the 10th fail.
Posted 19 February 2013 - 03:26 PM
Before you can leave River City you need to defeat Slick's "Zombies" so you can enter River City High School and challenge him yourself. Make sure you've powered up your punches and kicks, and learned the Grand Slam and Dragon Feet or Stone Hands techniques!
You may also have to form a boys' marching band and romance Marianne the librarian without being run out of town as a con man, and do a few song and dance numbers - that part's a little hazy in my memory, and there were some changes to it last patch.
You may also have to form a boys' marching band and romance Marianne the librarian without being run out of town as a con man, and do a few song and dance numbers - that part's a little hazy in my memory, and there were some changes to it last patch.
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