Inappropriate1191, on 20 February 2013 - 08:35 PM, said:
Be that as it may with Clan tech, as one person pointed out in another topic, high-powered omnimechs and sweet gear do not a conquest make. The Clans just can't compete with the Inner Sphere's sheer numbers, superior logistics (You think wars are won with weapons? Amateur! Wars are won with supply lines!), and the fact that the IS worlds are fighting defensive wars (Fortifications and said logistics) means that the Clans don't have a hope to win.
*gets ready to explain, sees someone beat him to it*
Natasha Kerensky, on 21 February 2013 - 05:47 AM, said:
The Inner Sphere has sheer numbers and use guerrilla tactics , that's how they win. The Inner Sphere's logistics are not better than the Clans. If the Clans actually took their time and properly prepared, like Clan Wolf, their supply lines are just as good. The Clans had more jumpships, dropships, and warships, than the Inner Sphere.
Fortifications mean nothing in war. They should have learned from history. (ie. Maginot Line)
Also, numbers shouldn't have been a factor on the side of the IS.
Oni Ralas, on 21 February 2013 - 11:10 AM, said:
The IS illustrates the nature of humans to, regardless of wealth, stall out forward progress in the seeking of more wealth. The IS fights amongst itself not to survive, but to have *more* wealth on top of already (for the most part) high amounts in most areas. The poor suffer while these little kingdoms play their game of thrones. The outcome of any IS fighting is always a loss no matter the result. With no external threats, man will only fight himself. The Clans are a direct contrast. However, they are not above corruption, as it's the lure of honor and eventually the perversion of doctrine (depending on perspective of course) that leads to further bloodshed. At the end of the game, the pawn and king both go into the same wooden box. Given my limited knowledge, I like the Clans far more than the IS, but prefer the ideal of reunification on both sides to achieve balance. Until the Tyranids show up. Then we're all f'cked.
I will personally lead my flamer packed Cicada's and Fleas against the Tyranids, that is until I get access to a Stormcrow.
Pariah Devalis, on 21 February 2013 - 04:05 PM, said:
Dislike is about how far as I would state it. Outside of Liao, that is. I mean, I would hate Liao if it was not so incredibly obvious that we are supposed to hate them. Too obvious, ya know?
I do have a couple reasons for my dislike, however. I dislike the IS because, as others have said, they bombed themselves into the stone age, and are too damned stubborn/stupid/greedy to realize that the course of action they have chosen to follow has been a largely self defeating one. I also have a real passionate hate for Victor Ian Steiner-Davion (and learning of how he eventually died actually made me snicker aloud). He was never Luke Skywalker to Kai-Allard's Han Solo. He was just ******* annoying as hell.
What draws me away from the IS houses the most is precisely what draws me towards the Clans. The lack of (albeit artificial) sense of honor. Warriors of the Inner Sphere for the most part like stacked odds, and while it is tactically sound I dislike the concept of fighting dirty.
That is not to say I would not fight dirty if I had to in order to win against odds I was reasonably certain I would fail against otherwise, mind you, but, well.... What is more fun? Having a shootout with one other person, or being the unfortunate ******* who gets chosen to be focus fired upon by four mechs? Both parties get to stand a chance in the first case and test their skills against one another. In the second, one person is dead without any possible opportunity to compensate for it due to better individual piloting capabilities. It is downright frustrating (especially when you are not even separated from a pack, just got the bad end of the eenie meenie minie moe designation). Conversely, I find it far, far less enjoyable to nuke someone into the ground with coordinated strikes than it is to actually push my personal capabilities against another person's combat capabilities and see who is the better fighter.
Incidentally, that is why if I ever had to choose, I would choose the Draconis Combine as my favorite of the IS houses, since they have their own honor code they stick by and do, indeed, also tend to get into duels with enemy mechs. It is not so much that I like them, I just like them more than the other houses.
Another reason why I prefer the Clan style of fighting, it makes it tougher on the player. I play many RTS's and have studied the arts of war extensively, but nothing makes me more excited than to be a part of a one on one, or one on two duel. There it shows true prowess of piloting, or in some cases, how much lady luck can be a *****.