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ComStar Relay Message 18838299-0F1
ORIGIN: The Rock
SENDER: Kell Hounds (CO: Phelan Kell)
DATE: August 13, 3049
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We have engaged a new aggressor on the battlefield. It is massive yet has the agility and nimbleness which you would expect from a much lighter '˜Mech. My targeting computer is in a state of confusion and keeps switching between Marauder and Catapult signatures but will not positively identify the enemy directly. From my initial observations, it™s weapon systems are far reaching compared to our counter-parts.
While visually the '˜Mech looks somewhat familiar, it is definitely not the same chassis we'™ve seen on the battlefield to date. The warrior'™s ferocity and this new technology appears to be an advanced military force never seen before. Will update with more information.
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2x ER Large Lasers
2x ER Medium Lasers
1x Medium Pulse Laser
2x LRM-20'™s
2x Machine Guns
LA: 2E
LT: 1E, 1M
CT: 1B
RT: 1B, 1M
RA: 2E
Mass: 75 tonsChassis: Type W3 Endo-steelPower Plant: Starfire 375 XLCruising Speed: 54kphMaximum Speed: 81kphArmor: Composite A-2 Ferro-FibrousManufacturer: Wolf Clan Site #2Primary Factory: Strana MechtyCommunications System: Khan Series (Type 2c)Targeting and Tracking System: Series III OPT