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This event is now over.

Starts: Mar 16th 5:00:00 PM (PDT) / Mar 17th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)
Ends: Mar 31st 5:00:00 PM (PDT) / Apr 1st 12:00:00 AM (UTC)


Greetings MechWarriors, and welcome to the first loot-bag event of 2017!

This Event gives you a chance to earn up to a total of 175 random Loot Bags through qualifying matches, with even more Bags up for grabs if you own eligible pre-order packs.

This event will run for 15 days, so we hope you'll enjoy the time to earn those Lucky Charm Loot Bags at your own pace!

Event Conditions

  • Achieve a Match Score of at least 50 in Faction Play Scouting Mode to earn 1 Lucky Charm Loot Bag.
  • Achieve a Match Score of at least 80 in any other modes (Faction Play or Quick Play) to earn 1 Lucky Charm Loot Bag.
  • To claim your Lucky Charm Loot Bag(s) you must redeem them through this page!

Maximum Loot Bag achievable per Game Mode

  • Maximum Loot Bag achievable per Game Mode
  • Escort (Quick Play only) - 25 Loot Bags
  • Domination (Quick Play or Faction Play) - 25 Loot Bags
  • Conquest (Quick Play or Faction Play) - 25 Loot Bags
  • Skirmish (Quick Play or Faction Play) - 25 Loot Bags
  • Assault (Quick Play or Faction Play) - 25 Loot Bags
  • Siege (Faction Play only) - 25 Loot Bags
  • Scouting (Faction Play only) - 25 Loot Bags
  • A possible total of 175 Loot Bags!

Bonus Loot Bag Opportunities!

  • If you own a Resistance Hero pre-order you will receive 5 bonus Lucky Charm Loot Bags per Hero 'Mech pre-ordered (up to 50 Loot Bags in total).
  • If you own any level of the Javelin pre-order pack you will automatically receive 25 bonus Lucky Charm Loot Bags.
  • If you own any level of the Cougar pre-order pack you will automatically receive 25 bonus Lucky Charm Loot Bags.
  • If you own any level of the Mad Cat MK II pre-order pack you will automatically receive 25 bonus Lucky Charm Loot Bags.
  • If you own any level of the Uziel pre-order pack you will automatically receive 25 bonus Lucky Charm Loot Bags.
  • If you own any level of the Annihilator pre-order pack you will automatically receive 25 bonus Lucky Charm Loot Bags.
  • A possible total of 175 Bonus Loot Bags!

Possible Prizes

  • Active Premium Time
  • MC (various values)
  • C-Bills (various values)
  • GXP (various values)
  • MC Consumables
    • Cool Shot
    • Artillery Strike
    • UAV
    • Air Strike
  • Cockpit Items
    • Ireland Flag (Standing)
    • Green Lights (Mounted)
    • Luminglass (Standing)
    • Four leaf clover (Hanging)
    • Envious Eardrum Warhorn (Mounted)
    • Air Freshener (Hanging)
    • Bonsai Tree (Standing)
    • Green Beer (Standing)
    • MWO Stein (Standing)
    • Pot of Gold (Standing)
  • 'Unlucky' Items
    • Flamer
    • Small Laser
  • 1 Grand Prize!
    • Banshee BNC-3M(C) Champion Mech and a Mech Bay
    • This Grand Prize can only be acquired once-per-player!

Please Note

  • All prizes are randomly selected.
  • Support services will not trade or switch out any prizes.
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such as (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the Community Warfare matchmaking system, will be subject to reward disqualification and moderation actions.
  • Premium Time received during this event activates immediately when you receive the prize in-game.
  • Solo and Group queue matches are eligible, in all Quick Play and Faction Play game modes.
  • No opt-in required.
  • The Loot Bags will disappear on April 10th at 10 AM PST (5:00 PM UTC)! Redeem your eligible matches on the event page before that deadline or they will be forfeit!
  • In the event that you do not redeem all of your Loot Bags prior to the above deadline, Support services will not be able to provide any retroactive rewards.

Global Prize Totals:Prize quantities can be delayed by up to 15 minutes!

  • MechWarrior Credits

  • C-Bills

  • Premium Time

  • General XP

  • Consumables

  • Cockpit Items


Lucky Charm redemptions are now over!

Starts: Mar 23rd 10:00:00 AM (PDT) / Mar 23rd 5:00:00 PM (UTC)
Ends: Mar 28th 10:00:00 AM (PDT) / Mar 28th 5:00:00 PM (UTC)

Assassin Leaderboard

It's time to see who among you can pilot your way to the top of the Leaderboards in the new Assassin 'Mech!

An Assassin Cockpit Item will be awarded to all players who place in the Top 75 of any Assassin Leaderboards in which they participate.

Leaderboard progress statuses are updated every hour. Rewards will be injected into eligible accounts upon the conclusion of the Leaderboard Event.

Leaderboard Event Conditions

  • You must play the specific 'Mech variant to participate in its associated Leaderboard Challenge.
  • Receipt of the Assassin Push Dagger Item Reward is contingent upon your final position in a Leaderboard at the end of the event.
  • Only your best 10 matches over the course of the event will be counted toward the Leaderboard.
  • Solo and Group Queue matches will be counted for these Quick Play game modes: Assault, Skirmish, Conquest, and Domination.
  • Private matches and Faction Play matches do not count!
  • Score Formula: (Solo Kill x 30) + (Kill Most Damage x 20) + (Killing Blow x 10) + ( Kill Assist x 10) + (Win × 10) + (Loss × 5) + (Survive × 10) + (Dead × 5) + ((Damage done - Team Damage) ÷ 15)
  • 1st Tie-Breaker: Number of Matches Played (Fewer is better)
  • 2nd Tie-Breaker: Team Damage (Less is better)
  • All Leaderboard prizes are awarded at the end of the event!
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the matchmaking system or event conditions will be subject to disqualification and moderation actions.

ASN-101/ASN-21 + ASN-21 (S)

Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. BlackWing88 2,543
2. Anatidaephobia 2,378
3. TheCrazedBadger 2,341
4. phoss 2,265
5. PANZER 666 2,250
6. JDToker 2,132
7. Valleric 2,071
8. OtterSnow 2,043
9. Znozoic 2,022
10. Kano Kanif 1,987
11. Wriath 1,977
12. HappyDoodle 1,957
13. TTB 1,933
14. T R3 1,882
15. Joe Mech 1,869
16. LiveeviL81 1,839
17. Stewon 1,833
18. King Kahuna 1,831
19. Paragun 1,820
20. Boss Hawg 1,810
21. Rookie Alpha 1,777
22. kuma8877 1,776
23. SrgFlip 1,763
24. Duke78 1,748
25. Darius Carnifex 1,744
26. FuzzyLog1c 1,725
27. The Shazbot 1,700
28. Shawn 31 1,692
29. Rache der Atom-Roboter 1,683
30. Gallyon 1,678
31. Tolson 1,675
32. Surefoot 1,667
33. Dran Dragore 1,647
34. DarkGrayson 1,636
35. DDog35 1,635
36. Niiyel 1,633
37. PektinSh 1,628
38. asdfjojo 1,627
39. TorinZ 1,599
40. Iron Shadow 1,599
41. MasterOfDesaster666 1,587
42. Ruar 1,582
43. skatenok 1,579
44. banana peel 1,567
45. Cpt Contego 1,531
46. Veigle 1,527
47. James Argent 1,524
48. Pektar 1,522
49. Asker781 1,518
50. Neathdrawls 1,516
51. LogS 1,513
52. Duymon 1,502
53. ChronicAnger 1,501
54. MovinTarget 1,498
55. Holgard Stahl 1,483
56. Afr0Thund3r 1,482
57. strygalldwir 1,478
58. Lenalen 1,468
60. CaptainBasement 1,429
61. Stageman 1,423
62. Super Gonnzo 1,421
63. Menas 1,413
64. H E A V Y G A U S S 1,413
65. Nastystage 1,412
66. C E Dwyer 1,412
67. Mumpitzmaster 1,407
68. Boogaloo Shrimp 1,400
69. Rhalgaln 1,400
70. pfmm 1,388
71. Ravika 1,379
72. Stoicus19 1,366
73. Bloodbane79 1,351
74. bbihah 1,349
75. Skarabrae 1,343

"ASN-21 + ASN-21 (S)"

# Pilot Score
1. Dreadcore 3,189
2. Shaix 3,165
3. Nameless King 2,526
4. Barbados 2,461
5. WobblyShooter 2,399
6. Valleric 2,391
7. OtterSnow 2,297
8. Mercil3ss 2,238
9. ButteryBampy 2,234
10. Anatidaephobia 2,204
11. Dogmeat1 2,194
12. Znozoic 2,169
13. Agent Cooper 2,143
14. Halsschmerzen 2,096
15. BlackWing88 2,096
16. Metalaxe 2,089
17. Alexandra Hekmatyar 2,064
18. Brandon Moon 2,061
19. Moadebe 2,034
20. Joe Mech 2,033
21. The Shazbot 2,002
22. Feniceimmortale 1,985
23. Duncan1dah0 1,951
24. Iron Kilo 1,942
25. Initium Thoth 1,938
26. Zuri Prime 1,925
27. Colonel Puff 1,916
28. lolshevik 1,900
29. Mumpitzmaster 1,897
30. Kreuger 1,874
31. Shawn 31 1,865
32. T R3 1,861
33. Crashburn 1,839
34. Ascaloth 1,824
35. Tolson 1,751
36. SGTBullet95 1,743
37. Clanner Scum 1,743
38. -Ramrod- 1,739
39. Rache der Atom-Roboter 1,725
40. Duymon 1,693
41. Neathdrawls 1,686
42. Surefoot 1,678
43. Moonrader 1,651
44. Kano Kanif 1,651
45. DarkGrayson 1,625
46. LiveeviL81 1,618
47. asdfjojo 1,601
48. Bloodbane79 1,600
49. Dran Dragore 1,595
50. silberfuchs 1,585
51. Holgard Stahl 1,578
52. phoss 1,572
53. Ruar 1,571
54. Mingus Dew 1,571
55. Cbayer8 1,561
56. BasilCrowcross 1,522
57. FuzzyLog1c 1,521
59. LogS 1,520
60. Boldkill 1,506
61. AH Warhawk 1,499
62. Iron Shadow 1,494
63. Dex Spero 1,476
64. banana peel 1,475
65. Shakalaka 1,474
66. MovinTarget 1,473
67. C E Dwyer 1,473
68. Raketenwurm 1,472
69. JDToker 1,469
70. Flying Blind 1,456
71. Asker781 1,443
72. R E T I 1,427
73. Mechavelli 1,410
74. Nullmancer 1,408
75. sCOREscream 1,396


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. Anatidaephobia 2,760
2. M4J35T1C 2,532
3. Dogmeat1 2,424
4. JDToker 2,036
5. OtterSnow 2,002
6. Mumpitzmaster 2,000
7. Meihru 1,894
8. Shawn 31 1,870
9. Duymon 1,857
10. Rache der Atom-Roboter 1,839
11. Michal R 1,766
12. Joe Mech 1,734
13. Toretto66 1,709
14. FuzzyLog1c 1,708
15. The Shazbot 1,660
16. PektinSh 1,621
17. MagResPolarBear 1,604
18. Holgard Stahl 1,595
19. asdfjojo 1,563
20. Baron Cunedda Kell 1,554
21. Tsula 1,544
22. Crashburn 1,535
23. Queen of England 1,514
24. Dran Dragore 1,502
25. Initium Thoth 1,494
26. Leisetreter 1,488
27. Znozoic 1,481
28. Kreuger 1,478
29. amenophis 1,470
30. SrgFlip 1,454
31. Bloodbane79 1,440
32. Flying Blind 1,427
33. KnowntoKiLL 1,426
34. Mechavelli 1,406
35. Ruar 1,392
36. Moonrader 1,369
37. Dex Spero 1,348
38. Gort Guardian of the Galaxy 1,341
39. mr bear 1,333
40. Zuri Prime 1,330
41. Cbayer8 1,328
42. Moadebe 1,327
43. Mingus Dew 1,325
44. Ayrmoon 1,297
45. Veryan 1,292
46. Holy Bard 1,291
47. Iron Shadow 1,289
48. byter75 1,283
49. Asker781 1,283
50. phoss 1,264
51. Shakalaka 1,262
52. C E Dwyer 1,260
53. Chagear 1,259
54. DeathtoLife 1,253
55. SilentHawk IS 1,251
56. Lenalen 1,237
57. MovinTarget 1,237
58. Chaospohl 1,234
59. Brassbound 1,234
60. Surefoot 1,223
61. Mole 1,219
62. Skarabrae 1,216
63. Dee Eight 1,202
64. LogS 1,199
65. Ash Keegon 1,198
66. Duncan1dah0 1,194
67. Neathdrawls 1,194
68. Burning Chrome 1,190
69. RealCheetahz 1,182
70. Brandish Pryde 1,176
71. Gallyon 1,167
72. gearheadstu 1,166
73. H0NYBADGER 1,147
74. HappyDoodle 1,142
75. MasterOfDesaster666 1,134


# Pilot Score
1. H E A V Y G A U S S 2,211
2. Trennbull 2,198
3. sCOREscream 2,006
4. 0vertorque 1,865
5. Cantstandya 1,775
6. The Flaxen Yeti 1,714
7. weywi 1,639
8. lolshevik 1,615
9. DrAwkward 1,536
10. Insidious Johnson 1,526
11. FuzzyLog1c 1,522
12. Brandon Moon 1,505
13. Dex Spero 1,416
14. Duymon 1,398
15. Baron Cunedda Kell 1,395
16. Safety Seth KGB 1,362
17. Stugg 1,349
18. Chagear 1,327
19. Burning Chrome 1,318
20. West Santin 1,308
21. DOUG455FB 1,282
22. David Makurai 1,256
23. Brassbound 1,252
24. Iron Shadow 1,239
25. Drachentempler 1,175
26. Gongi 1,155
27. Symbul 1,090
28. Aramuside 1,086
29. MagResPolarBear 1,057
30. Moonrader 1,037
31. R3d Kn1ght 1,029
32. Shinypants 1,022
33. StinkyCheeze 1,021
34. Gallyon 1,020
35. Cbayer8 1,019
36. Althezari 991
37. Apokoliptic 982
38. Jackal Noble 972
39. ScratcyreX 969
40. Dee Eight 967
41. Cpt Contego 961
42. fuasn 959
43. -Pilgrim- 954
44. CycKath 942
45. Kronos7 933
46. cabbagegrinder 932
47. Ruar 929
48. C E Dwyer 923
49. Deaths Riddle 915
50. Bowero 906
51. jper4 884
52. Bannok 881
53. SunFun 880
54. KnowntoKiLL 877
55. Seikosha23 864
56. Fezzik696 859
57. Drilledge 852
58. el piromaniaco 839
59. Hydrothermia 828
60. VinnyBagODoughnuts 824
61. Ravika 804
62. Wolfgar105 791
63. JohnnyBeGoood 790
64. Skarabrae 777
65. Dooarf 739
66. IrresponsibleCpt 738
67. silberfuchs 696
68. G3 Heathen 688
69. Taliesen Nightshade 686
70. Dogstar 686
71. DameTheUntamed 671
72. LiveeviL81 669
73. Slambot 652
74. OrcMech 644
75. R E T I 629


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. Dogmeat1 2,556
2. ZippySpeedMonkey 2,141
3. NinjaNA 2,065
4. Clanner Scum 2,059
5. Cantstandya 1,993
6. Rookie Alpha 1,953
7. Veigle 1,900
8. Skarabrae 1,787
9. Constructive Waste of Time 1,760
10. DOUG455FB 1,705
11. Ravika 1,698
12. LethusDunkious 1,676
13. sCOREscream 1,664
14. Cmdr Kat 1,651
15. Safety Seth KGB 1,602
16. Baron Cunedda Kell 1,589
17. Todbringer 1,556
18. FuzzyLog1c 1,535
19. Garmex 1,531
20. Toonice 1,484
21. The Flaxen Yeti 1,472
22. Super Gonnzo 1,460
23. Insidious Johnson 1,447
24. Gallyon 1,424
25. Wyald Katt 1,421
26. SLY666 1,359
27. MagResPolarBear 1,321
28. MrSarin 1,320
29. Iron Shadow 1,318
30. DameTheUntamed 1,280
31. VinnyBagODoughnuts 1,258
32. Dee Eight 1,247
33. Duymon 1,241
34. Ashram Kell 1,218
35. LiveeviL81 1,216
36. Brassbound 1,209
37. MarcusAvron 1,194
38. Moonrader 1,139
39. DrAwkward 1,133
40. Gongi 1,133
41. Win Ott 1,125
42. Chagear 1,115
43. Cbayer8 1,115
44. P a i r o d i c e 1,108
46. Archibald Jensen 1,099
47. Shazarad 1,093
48. Lew Kell 1,082
49. Rhodes65 1,075
50. Vingolf 1,070
51. Dravan1 1,060
52. Grinster 1,054
53. Haven Kendrick 1,049
54. Slambot 1,045
55. Deaths Riddle 1,017
56. Jackal Noble 1,012
57. Kerzin 1,012
58. Feniceimmortale 1,008
59. Gamri 1,000
60. Dessel Ordo 1,000
61. Dex Spero 999
62. Afr0Thund3r 985
63. PostalPete666 979
64. C E Dwyer 966
65. Burning Chrome 939
66. Spike Brave 926
67. Hydrothermia 917
68. PhelanKH 914
69. Kaltenn Kell 894
70. silberfuchs 868
71. Kronos7 864
72. Aleksandr Pryde 863
73. SiR SockMonkeyDonkey 854
74. Swinezilla 853
75. Wolfgar105 849


# Pilot Score
1. BlackOp 2,767
2. Scytrack 2,245
3. West Santin 2,235
4. Cantstandya 2,224
5. Archonsg 2,046
6. Valleric 2,021
7. Atreies 2,019
8. BrioS 2,008
9. Constructive Waste of Time 1,980
10. Holgard Stahl 1,912
11. Rhalgaln 1,831
12. Safety Seth KGB 1,798
13. PektinSh 1,792
14. byter75 1,767
15. The Flaxen Yeti 1,742
16. Asker781 1,736
17. Surn 1,722
18. Veigle 1,714
19. Sinistraud 1,712
20. Morzie 1,635
21. BasilCrowcross 1,603
22. Initium Thoth 1,580
23. Rookie Alpha 1,561
24. Darkwazard 1,544
25. Kreuger 1,534
26. Iron Shadow 1,517
27. bbihah 1,512
28. JohnnyBeGoood 1,472
29. Odisseu31 1,453
30. Cichol Balor 1,452
31. Ranjer 1,451
32. Gin Yang 1,442
33. asdfjojo 1,435
34. Moonrader 1,417
35. Kerzin 1,375
36. Kent Firm 1,374
37. DeathtoLife 1,373
38. James Jorgensson420 1,354
39. Baron Cunedda Kell 1,353
40. Kvotha 1,351
41. Rhodes65 1,345
42. PopBot 1,337
43. Grandpa Alan 1,330
44. Flam0ngo 1,327
45. Cbayer8 1,326
46. Halsschmerzen 1,311
47. bazuzzu 1,296
48. High V0ltage 1,291
49. Haven Kendrick 1,285
50. Vladosteron 1,283
51. Jackal Noble 1,283
52. Jack Brass 1,274
53. Gallyon 1,270
54. Deaths Riddle 1,268
55. Vingolf 1,260
56. Lenalen 1,246
57. Colonel Puff 1,243
58. Lew Kell 1,238
59. Neathdrawls 1,231
60. Bowero 1,226
61. TomyTsai 1,216
62. BatduckTW 1,215
63. DameTheUntamed 1,206
64. Insidious Johnson 1,205
65. Tsula 1,200
66. Rigit 1,195
67. Maclaren210 1,175
68. Impp 1,161
69. Dex Spero 1,155
70. C E Dwyer 1,127
71. Mechavelli 1,122
72. Surefoot 1,115
73. Toonice 1,110
74. RoadKill XP 1,108
75. LiveeviL81 1,099

For full rules & regulations governing this challenge, click here.