Mech_Con Pattern Redeem is here!

by Matt Newman in [ Announcements ] on, Dec 13, 2017 12:00 AM UTC 82  comments

The Mech_Con Pattern is now available for Redeem!

Mech_Con Attendees who have a Redeem Code can use this link

This unlocks the Mech_Con Pattern for Mechs released in-game as of the end of November.
Everything up to the Thanatos! Hellspawn and Preorder Mech are not Supported by this offer.

Tournament Supporter Pack Owners use this link
*people who do not own the TSP will not see the Redeem option

Please Select carefully as you can Select Mechs you do not yet own.
Customer support cannot undo or change your selections.
The pattern is only available on Mechs which were in-game as of the end of November.
The HellSpawn does not have Mech_Con Pattern Support nor does any mech Currently in preorder.
If you have any questions or concerns regarding the Mech_Con Pattern please contact support.