by Daeron Katz in [ Announcements ] on, Nov 8, 2024 1:00 AM UTC 89  comments


Greetings Mechwarriors!

We wanted to give you an update on the Bane BattleMech that is coming out in the November patch. Here are some screenshots of the 'Mech in-game, along with all of the builds and quirks!

But first! Unfortunately, if you haven't heard already, the new map will be delayed until the December patch. We want to do our best to ensure that the map we deliver is the quality the players deserve, and we feel that this extra time is required to achieve these standards.

Now, back to the Bane!

Note: The description of the Modified Ballistic Loader on the 'Leviathan' Hero Bane is as follows:

The Modified Ballistic Loader allows a 'Mech to load experimental ammunition to change that weapon's behavior. Due to the changes in how autocannons and gauss rifles operate, the Modified Ballistic Loader also contains a rudimentary Targeting Computer to help the mech compensate. As a result of the complexity of the inner-workings of the Loader, it is fused to the chassis of a 'Mech and cannot be removed.

The Modified Ballistic Loader is a locked item exclusive to the 'Leviathan' that will convert UAC/ACs to single shot ballistics. This will not apply to LBx weapons. The Loader will also convert Gauss/HAG rounds into flechette rounds that spread. Clan Gauss will essentially become Silver Bullet Gauss on the Leviathan, and HAGs will become rapid fire Silver Bullet. As for the rudimentary TComp, it will have the weapon benefits of a TComp 1 - such as range, velocity, etc. It will not have the sensor, zoom, or targeting boosts. As the Loader contains a TComp, you will not be able to put another one on the mech.

As a final note, when designing the Bane we felt that there were a plethora of assaults in the game that have both good firepower and good health. Stone Rhino, Dire Wolf, Atlas, these are all 100-ton 'Mechs that bring a stunning level of armor to a fight especially in this era of damage inflation.  With the Bane, we wanted to break away from the 100-ton norm. Rather than good firepower and good armor, we chose to go light on the armor and lean into the insane firepower this 'Mech is designed to bring. So we made it a massive glass cannon.


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