This event is now over.

Starts: MAY 19th 10:00:00 AM (PDT) (5:00:00 PM UTC)
Ends: MAY 24th 10:00:00 AM (PDT) (5:00:00 PM UTC)


Greetings MechWarriors,

Welcome to the Kodiak Leaderboard and Challenge Event! It's time to see who among you can pilot your way to the top of the Kodiak Leaderboards

This event is comprised of Leaderboard components for each individual 'Mech variant from our Kodiak Collections, along with a cumulative Personal Challenge reward component that all players are eligible for!

If you don't own a Kodiak 'Mech that qualifies for the Leaderboard event you'll still have plenty of opportunity to earn some rewards in the cumulative Personal Challenge component, or you can pick up a Kodiak Collection if you want to throw down the gauntlet against other Kodiak pilots.

Cumulative Challenge Details and Conditions

The Personal Challenge portion of this event is based on cumulative achievements in Quick Play only! Faction Play matches do not count toward these cumulative goals.

Check out the Goal and Rewards tables below for all Reward items and conditions. These Goals are cumulative, so achieving a total of 5,000 DMG before May 24th at 10:00 AM PDT would reward you with the Bear Claw Hanging Item and 50 MC. Likewise, racking up a combined total of 2,000,000 C-Bills through the course of the event will reward you with an additional one-time reward of 500,000 C-Bills.

Personal Challenge Reward Tables

Quick Play Goal and Reward Table

Cumulative GoalsReward
5 Victories in Quick Play, each with a match score over 1001 Day Active Premium Time and 1 Gas Mask Standing Item
20 Kills Most Damage Dealt1 Ghost Bear Holo Globe Standing Item, 20 MC, and 250,000 C-Bills
40 Kill Assistsx8 C-Bill Consumable Pack and 100,000 C-Bills
5,000 DMG1 Bear Claw Hanging Item* and 50 MC
3,500 Match Score1 Clan Hex Warhorn and 30 MC
2,000,000 C-Bills500,000 C-Bills
15,000 XP500 GXP

*This Bear Claw Hanging Item is not the new Kodiak 'Claw Necklace' Hanging Item. It is the original, single claw.

  • Rewards will be injected as the goals are achieved, but injections may be delayed by up to 30 minutes.
  • Support services will not trade or switch out any prizes.
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the matchmaking system or event conditions will be subject to disqualification and moderation actions.
  • Solo and Group Queue matches will be counted for these Quick Play game modes: Assault, Skirmish, Conquest and Domination.
  • Private matches and Faction Play matches do not count!
  • Premium Time received during this event activates immediately when you receive the prize in-game.
  • No opt-in required.

You can track your progress in the Personal Challenge portion here.

Leaderboard Event Conditions

  • You must play the specific 'Mech variant to participate in its associated Leaderboard Challenge.
  • Reaching a particular tier on a Leaderboard will qualify you for receiving all of the preceding tiers (if applicable).
  • Rewards received are contingent upon your final position in a Leaderboard at the end of the event.
  • Only your best 10 matches over the course of the event will be counted toward the Leaderboard.
  • Solo and Group Queue matches will be counted for these Quick Play game modes: Assault, Skirmish, Conquest, and Domination.
  • Private matches and Faction Play matches do not count!
  • Score Formula:
    (Solo Kill x 30) + (Kill Most Damage x 20) + (Killing Blow x 10) + ( Kill Assist x 10) + (Win × 10) + (Loss × 5) + (Survive × 10) + (Dead × 5) + ((Damage done - Team Damage) ÷ 15)
  • 1st Tie-Breaker: Number of Matches Played (Fewer is better)
  • 2nd Tie-Breaker: Team Damage (Less is better)
  • All Leaderboard prizes are awarded at the end of the event!
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the matchmaking system or event conditions will be subject to disqualification and moderation actions.

Leaderboard Reward Tables

Kodiak 'Mech Rewards

Top 5 1000 MC
Top 10 5,000,000 C-Bills
Top 25 5000 GXP
Top 50 Claw Necklace (Kodiak Hanging Item)
Top 75 x5 C-Bill Consumable Pack

Kodiak Leaderboards

KDK-1 and KDK-1(S)/KDK-2

Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.

"KDK-1 and KDK-1(S)"

# Pilot Score
1. psichih0lic 4,014
2. Nachtstern 3,494
3. Nightmare1 3,415
4. Manei Domini Krigg 3,374
5. HighGround 3,312
6. redcatstorm 3,299
7. Aldo_Raine 3,291
8. Werri Neiss 3,287
9. Arjohan 3,233
10. VikingLordMikal 3,189
11. DRAlexx 3,162
12. wuCkTEC 3,135
13. Silvering 3,095
14. S4logel 3,021
15. IEC 2,909
16. Eld3sT 2,865
17. MaChIIInA 2,856
18. Mechocalypse 2,853
19. scp 2,848
20. Whispers 2,808
21. ProfessorD 2,795
22. CGB Viking 2,793
23. CGB Thor 2,774
24. CGB Aidolon 2,770
25. KingBiscuit4 2,764
26. aCronaut 2,747
27. Tolson 2,737
28. Mondos 2,725
29. xX SNAFU Xx 2,714
30. Last Sight 2,671
31. Ari Sempai 2,666
32. Malystryx VoF 2,641
33. RighteousFury 2,627
34. Colonel ONeill 2,578
35. Chaotic Clyde 2,570
36. SgtSkullShatter 2,552
37. ThePeackeeper 2,543
38. T B1zzle 2,534
39. Val_Z 2,508
40. ARES Punisher 2,502
41. Olderine 2,502
42. Flemmard 2,498
43. Mags1788 2,491
44. astarde 2,489
45. ErinaceusSwe 2,481
46. Ansalon 2,447
47. Captain Heavy Mustache 2,447
48. Timex187 2,445
49. Dualbytes 2,428
50. Spr1ggan 2,419


# Pilot Score
1. Soy 3,906
2. psichih0lic 3,669
3. wuCkTEC 3,586
4. Colonel ONeill 3,573
5. Manei Domini Krigg 3,513
6. LambIaska 3,455
7. K H O Z 3,427
8. Insects 3,392
9. Werri Neiss 3,361
10. S4logel 3,311
11. Quintt 3,296
12. Ghogiel 3,241
13. HighGround 3,152
14. Project V 99 3,120
15. DargorA7X 3,096
16. Lethe Wyvern 3,087
17. sega11 3,031
18. Exit Strategy 3,030
19. TikerGa 2,905
20. mechzero1 2,904
21. redcatstorm 2,898
22. Olderine 2,868
23. OLD CANNON 2,859
24. K E L E V R A 2,844
25. Tenore 2,842
26. Kahavi 2,827
27. CGB UltraNeko 2,749
28. Kiadamoon 2,738
29. Toast3r 2,684
30. Gnorn 2,660
31. Ansalon 2,647
32. Apost1e 2,615
33. D4yn3 2,613
34. SHIN BRODAMA 2,583
35. PeterPansen 2,577
36. Kagiro 2,577
37. G e s c h o s s 2,566
38. Noppers 2,554
39. Flemmard 2,545
40. Figmentium 2,537
41. Spr1ggan 2,504
42. BattleGnome 2,503
43. Doren Snow 2,498
44. Corrado 2,482
45. Rkshz 2,477
46. Ooman 2,462
47. eddypeacecraft 2,453
48. astarde 2,432
49. DeathPeanut 2,430
50. BuggerNutz 2,424


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.


# Pilot Score
1. TwinkyOverlord 5,172
2. VictoriaSeymore 5,168
3. Bows3r 4,867
4. xCico 4,835
5. Shaix 4,831
6. Mcgral18 4,820
7. RedDiablo 4,775
8. prtN_spz 4,734
9. bear_cl4w 4,600
10. psichih0lic 4,600
11. Solahma 4,595
12. Colonel ONeill 4,546
13. Project V 99 4,534
14. ARCTICF0X 4,513
15. zaku potion 4,473
16. old man odin 4,387
17. HammerColeman 4,324
18. Ukku 4,304
19. s o l i t u d e 4,300
20. BloodLegend 4,291
21. InkySquid 4,229
22. Avenger 1337 4,191
23. misanthrop0815 4,134
24. Loki Hellson 4,100
25. deathlord 4,087
26. Juju Shinobi 4,077
27. Heavyarms76 4,070
28. Chapunie 4,053
29. SeventhGalaxy 4,007
30. Ariloc 4,005
31. ForgeExpand 3,997
32. ilyhmen 3,970
33. Zoeff 3,947
34. CIag 3,918
35. Abigail Acerose 3,901
36. Pyth121 3,891
37. Rouza 3,870
38. D A T A 3,849
39. IronHead 3,845
40. chucktacular 3,841
41. xWiredx 3,840
42. Myj 3,820
43. SC1P1O 3,819
44. LaydeeTitania 3,792
45. KarbonKopy 3,782
46. Xettek 3,781
47. Cyrus Drake 3,781
48. LambIaska 3,778
49. M T 3,775
50. pald84 3,775


# Pilot Score
1. Smargl 3,619
2. Rickrom 3,565
3. Solahma 3,463
4. Karwa 3,454
5. Crenuxe 3,370
6. Black Belt Jones 3,279
7. Drollzy 3,276
8. Fluffy Bunny Destroyer of Worlds 3,240
9. Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh 3,195
10. Stormie 3,142
11. Straker XL 2,989
12. Kamikaze Viking 2,981
13. DEATHofGODS 2,973
14. Mikex88 2,956
15. Sexy T Rex 2,894
16. BD RAIDR 2,882
17. Nightshade24 2,880
18. L0wT1de 2,855
19. Clayton M Abernathy 2,778
20. FlashFrozen 2,741
21. Wolodymyr 2,730
22. SatiricalSalmon 2,711
23. deadeye fl1nt 2,693
24. Orbit Rain 2,691
25. Blight111 2,670
26. BattleBrotherGuy 2,660
27. Zink McKenna 2,652
28. War Steiner 2,651
29. C00LJ0E 2,645
30. razor32 2,606
31. Uiovich 2,596
32. Malus Pater 2,532
33. Rehspuhkuh 2,514
34. SilentHawk 2,476
35. CommissarKitten 2,470
36. Alien Activity 2,450
37. ARES Punisher 2,439
38. Warden Shepard 2,436
39. Stalwart Sky 2,421
40. MidfieldMarauder 2,398
41. Zerim2 2,393
42. S Phoenix 2,385
43. J0anna 2,382
44. Rkshz 2,380
45. Bullbor 2,343
46. Telemachus -Salt Wife Salt Life- 2,328
47. axe64 2,327
48. Zabriel 2,315
49. coatsncheeze 2,270
50. I L L 2,261


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.


# Pilot Score
1. Rickrom 3,409
2. KODIAK-AU 3,296
3. Crenuxe 3,156
4. X Player 3,111
5. Ingga Raokai 3,089
6. Tenore 2,945
7. Airech Kane 2,929
8. Croeyle 2,915
9. Choppus11 2,873
10. deadeye fl1nt 2,831
11. Smargl 2,821
12. Mekanïk Destruktïw Kommandöh 2,803
13. Malcolm Vordermark 2,772
14. Phoenix Woot 2,665
15. April Showers 2,658
16. Telemachus -Salt Wife Salt Life- 2,571
17. Commoners 2,569
18. Blue Splint 2,564
19. Dreamlash 2,558
20. RighteousFury 2,523
21. actionking 2,509
22. Night Thastus 2,487
23. Roy Stokrat 2,462
24. Paigan 2,447
25. Eternal Havoc 2,444
26. Bluethunderstrike 2,408
27. JasonVance 2,368
28. Gildrei 2,355
29. NeroZyF 2,329
30. Chaotak 2,324
31. Max Von Lakes 2,322
32. 47420475 2,308
33. War Steiner 2,307
34. SoulRipp 2,296
35. Uncle Challs 2,295
36. SilentHawk 2,225
37. Chobrek 2,190
38. Kosheus 2,188
39. LK4D4 2,181
40. CaptainH3r0 2,175
41. AttilaThePun 2,158
42. Beowulf02 2,105
43. Rkshz 2,092
44. Kalidor74 2,091
45. ARES Punisher 2,076
46. S Phoenix 2,067
47. Split Uranium 2,062
48. snow0815 2,060
49. Rabenherz 2,050
50. Markardi 2,044


# Pilot Score
1. psichih0lic 4,440
2. K I P 4,338
3. IDee 3,883
4. SleekHusky 3,731
5. SOVEREIGN 07 3,725
6. Briguy685 3,690
7. Chaos Vosta 3,682
8. Alex Sykora 3,611
9. Taoist 3,536
10. Colonel ONeill 3,466
11. ChiefSlapaho 3,414
12. Vickdak 3,388
13. Stonefalcon 3,380
14. Zmflyin 3,308
15. Rkshz 3,281
16. STAR8UG 3,254
17. cheapcamper 3,243
18. Ludicity1987 3,229
19. meteorol 3,224
20. Eternal Havoc 3,223
21. InFlamezZ Weaver 3,182
22. ProfessorD 3,171
23. Karubian 3,168
24. BIgDaddyBubbles 3,166
25. C H A R L E M A G N E 3,148
26. Sarah Blomsterhatt 3,138
27. Cub 3,136
28. Hadrogh 3,132
29. Almighty Mania 3,114
30. Hexysins 3,112
31. Corrado 3,077
32. Whiplash Wally 3,054
33. Cmdr Harabec 3,042
34. Tommy Wiseau 3,037
35. Dee Eight 3,012
36. Phlaago 3,009
37. Conan The Mechwarrior 2,982
38. Rongie 2,971
39. SquidMission 2,948
40. PeteZonee 2,935
41. Lance Commander Wolf 2,919
42. Nevaran 2,879
43. Myj 2,877
44. FiLooT 2,857
45. sikakraa 2,839
46. T I N M A N 2,837
47. Craiver 2,814
48. Neathdrawls 2,809
49. DEMOLITIONmanx52 2,779
50. Croeyle 2,777

For full rules & regulations governing this challenge, click here.