This event is now over.

Starts: Jul 28th 5:00:00 PM (PDT) / Jul 29th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)
Ends: Aug 3rd 10:00:00 AM (PDT) / Aug 3rd 5:00:00 PM (UTC)

Event Highlights

Greetings MechWarriors,

Welcome to the Lights Fight Leaderboard and Personal Challenge Event!

For the duration of this event all Light 'Mechs will be on sale for 35% off their MC and C-Bill prices. Light 'Mech pilots will also have a chance to put their skills to the test in Light 'Mech Leaderboards!

If you don't own a Light 'Mech that qualifies for the Leaderboard event you can still hop into a Light Trial 'Mech to compete, or grab a Light 'Mech on sale for MC or C-Bills.

This event also includes a small cumulative Personal Challenge reward component that all players are eligible for!

Cumulative Challenge Details and Conditions

The Personal Challenge portion of this event is based on cumulative achievements in Quick Play only! Faction Play matches do not count toward these cumulative goals.

Check out the Goal and Rewards tables below for all Reward items and conditions. These Goals are cumulative, so achieving a total of 2,500 DMG before the end of the event would reward you with the Supply Cache Item. Likewise, racking up a combined total of 2,000,000 C-Bills through the course of the event will reward you with an additional one-time reward of 500,000 C-Bills.

You do not need to pilot a Light 'Mech in order to participate in the Personal Challenge!

Personal Challenge Reward Tables

Quick Play Goal and Reward Table

Cumulative GoalsCurrent TotalReward
3 Victories in Quick Play 0 of 3
1 Day Active Premium Time
10 Kills Most Damage Dealt 0 of 10
50 MC and 100,000 C-Bills
10 Kill Assists 0 of 10
x5 C-Bill Consumable Pack
2,500 DMG 0 of 2,500
Supply Cache
2,500 Match Score 0 of 2,500
Supply Cache Key
2,000,000 C-Bills 0 of 2,000,000
500,000 C-Bills
5,000 XP 0 of 5,000
1000 GXP

  • Rewards will be injected as the goals are achieved, but injections may be delayed by up to 30 minutes.
  • Support services will not trade or switch out any prizes.
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the matchmaking system or event conditions will be subject to disqualification and moderation actions.
  • Solo and Group Queue matches will be counted for these Quick Play game modes: Assault, Skirmish, Conquest, and Domination.
  • Private matches and Faction Play matches do not count!
  • Premium Time received during this event activates immediately when you receive the prize in-game.
  • No opt-in required.

Leaderboard Event Conditions

  • You must play the specific 'Mech to participate in its associated Leaderboard Challenge.
  • Trial 'Mechs do count toward the Leaderboard.
  • Reaching a particular tier on a Leaderboard will qualify you for receiving all of the preceding tiers (if applicable).
  • Rewards received are contingent upon your final position in a Leaderboard at the end of the event.
  • Only your best 10 matches over the course of the event will be counted toward the Leaderboard.
  • Solo and Group Queue matches will be counted for these Quick Play game modes: Assault, Skirmish, Conquest, and Domination.
  • Private matches and Faction Play matches do not count!
  • Score Formula: (Solo Kill x 30) + (Kill Most Damage x 20) + (Killing Blow x 10) + ( Kill Assist x 10) + (Win × 10) + (Loss × 5) + (Survive × 10) + (Dead × 5) + ((Damage done - Team Damage) ÷ 15)
  • 1st Tie-Breaker: Number of Matches Played (Fewer is better)
  • 2nd Tie-Breaker: Team Damage (Less is better)
  • All Leaderboard prizes are awarded at the end of the event!
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the matchmaking system or event conditions will be subject to disqualification and moderation actions.

Leaderboard Reward Tables

  Each Chassis
Top 5 1000 MC
Top 10 5,000,000 C-Bills
Top 25 5000 GXP
Top 50 3 Days Active Premium Time and a Supply Cache
Top 75 x5 C-Bill Consumable Pack and a Supply Cache Key


Each 'Mech chassis only has a single Leaderboard; all variants of a 'Mech chassis will contribute to the same Leaderboard.


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.


# Pilot Score
1. MattEdge 3,438
2. RottenFoot 3,048
3. Rtor 3,038
4. KilluminatiStyle 3,031
5. EntertainEnterprises 2,995
6. Badmofo Foshotho 2,918
7. JonDoeIowa 2,890
8. Allistan 2,873
9. M i s t y 2,854
10. DropshipPilot 2,748
11. SmallandBlue 2,663
12. astinius 2,603
13. ahdinko 2,564
14. Quicksilverc6 2,540
15. Yeager77 2,538
16. Artanizzz 2,479
17. Tygra1 2,469
18. Delus 2,466
19. HitmannD 2,465
20. hoodstock 2,462
21. Gorkul 2,446
22. ecued 2,443
23. Drachnid 2,419
24. Crushko 2,419
25. Jagd Panzer 2,401
26. Shevy 2,365
27. Aaziz 2,351
28. Blue Splint 2,350
29. Bibi_ 2,345
30. SombraRojo 2,341
31. LuckySunny85 2,340
32. patman 2,326
33. Phisp 2,321
34. Jurosik 2,301
35. Vadhalla 2,298
36. BlazingLasers 2,292
37. MichtioN 2,290
38. Ascaloth 2,286
39. Houston Webster 2,278
40. Darian DelFord 2,271
41. LEFEF 2,268
42. EvAbsence 2,260
43. Enraged Burrito 2,236
44. Malystryx VoF 2,234
45. StrAIn Blaze 2,227
46. strongl3ad 2,226
47. ChefJitsu 2,226
48. bandal110 2,215
49. Wyattorc 2,196
50. Dorkwis 2,190
51. darthJaeger 2,169
52. Stone Wall 2,157
53. Wuffel 2,153
54. Schorsche 2,147
55. BRUNO555555 2,138
56. Terror066 2,133
57. Spitz 2,133
58. Sir Gawayn 2,131
59. Col Skaza 2,119
60. Inuendo 2,113
61. Brikkwall 2,101
62. PorkyD 2,091
63. Dashwood Fox 2,086
64. Nick Drezary 2,083
65. kurosaki72 2,081
66. 667 - the neighbour of the beast 2,075
67. Davren Barristan 2,064
68. ilyhmen 2,058
69. Mallik Carr 2,052
70. Distroyer 2,016
71. Donsai 2,014
72. Husker Dude 2,009
73. K O N D O 1,997
74. Xirirel 1,994
75. Kusunoki Masashige 1,987


# Pilot Score
1. Sledopyt 3,400
2. K I P 3,269
3. Vorteex 3,238
4. Magic Pain Glove 3,107
5. Mikey Two Guns 3,101
6. Da Red Goes DA FASTA 3,095
7. Professor_Akimbox 3,044
8. Agent 256 2,956
9. Grzly 2,873
10. Igor Kozyrev 2,815
11. BullDozer87 2,784
12. SilverMoonLight 2,711
13. Johnathan Tanner 2,610
14. Cvelle 2,474
15. Anarkomech 2,344
16. Vacatocino 2,339
17. gogot 2,336
18. Bootleg Bear 2,325
19. P3ngu1n 2,318
20. MichtioN 2,243
21. Tickerson 2,239
22. deathPhobos 2,238
23. iNfUsi0N 2,207
24. Doctor Quh 2,198
25. Dazziiee 2,197
26. Whoflungdung 2,180
27. Drimeiker 2,177
28. _R_ 2,146
29. Karl the Plumber 2,129
30. Burna Boy 2,108
31. Dire Wolfie 2,101
32. z3a1ot 2,097
33. Kreigore 2,092
34. Vrael29 2,080
35. Buckshot Chuck 2,074
36. Ketzer08 2,056
37. Wojna12 2,054
38. Statuskuo 2,028
39. DrBoon42 2,028
40. Kcanni 2,017
41. Timothy Lim 2,013
42. freud2b 2,008
43. The Ken Doll Killer 2,003
44. Lurch98 1,981
45. Inuendo 1,977
46. Dens 1,971
47. kka 1,970
48. Noodlejr 1,962
49. MaChIIInA 1,956
50. Toadkillerdog 1,948
51. RocketTank 1,940
52. fudog 1,939
53. GabrielWing 1,932
54. Dragonsyoung 1,931
55. shaselanne 1,929
56. MarcusAvron 1,915
57. LiveeviL81 1,905
58. Curley GumboKiller Bradley 1,896
59. Keren Sky 1,884
60. Legich 1,869
61. DAYLEET 1,860
62. Yarix 1,860
63. Tzinjo 1,851
64. QuarkTop 1,839
65. RichieRotten 1,837
66. Red Charles 1,833
67. Mahalito 1,820
68. Skewampus 1,814
69. ShruggingAtlas1 1,790
70. Laughing Fat Man 1,787
71. bardacuda 1,781
72. Duncan1dah0 1,774
73. SVTmk 1,774
74. MechaDrew 1,766
75. timzy 1,761


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.


# Pilot Score
1. Da Red Goes DA FASTA 3,140
2. Shaix 3,109
3. psichih0lic 3,094
4. Xzip 3,014
5. Zornduke 2,888
6. Aylek 2,876
7. Yarro 2,859
8. Burya 2,772
9. iamjadefalcon 2,690
10. xCico 2,599
11. Magic Pain Glove 2,552
12. MonPax 2,541
13. Nautical 2,469
14. Baychimo 2,465
15. S0ul Hunter 2,450
16. Manual 2,440
17. Mega0 2,412
18. ScratcyreX 2,393
19. Rydiak Randborir 2,392
20. Banana Nachos 2,368
21. Sgt CoolBeans 2,347
22. RedWasp 2,342
23. Pfobbel 2,339
24. NotXanderpeach 2,271
25. MoonlightShadow 2,262
26. D A T A 2,247
27. Cannery 2,215
28. Halfsmart 2,177
29. Berfurd Shagnasty III 2,152
30. Sanguine Penguin 2,141
31. Igor Kozyrev 2,136
32. Kazieta 2,124
33. Airu 2,107
34. Val_Z 2,083
35. dario03 2,082
36. Alderiant 2,064
37. General Solo 2,064
38. Inuendo 2,059
39. Nafanj 2,041
40. CursedSlayer CZ 2,040
41. Ansalon 2,036
42. Malystryx VoF 2,035
43. Grimgoliath 2,026
44. Weirdisdead 2,023
45. Willothius 2,016
46. Kali Rinpoche 2,003
47. BBP 2,003
48. reflectorjones 1,986
49. Benjamin357 1,984
50. unomvae 1,977
51. Archibald Jensen 1,967
52. JohnnyBeGoood 1,961
53. Nihiless 1,955
54. Nigel Loring 1,924
55. Brightsoul 1,923
56. InsaneRotta 1,912
57. 0hayo 1,899
58. ASH the silent 1,899
59. Malphystoh 1,895
60. Cyborx 1,892
61. Xezberzs 1,890
62. BerserX 1,873
63. GabrielWing 1,872
64. Letnel 1,868
65. JadeTornado 1,856
66. Harthandal 1,840
67. Wellington Mcskelington 1,839
68. MuchaChota 1,831
69. ToXikyogHurt 1,828
70. Thandolas 1,827
71. Le Bum 1,825
72. Ruslan Savelyev 1,820
73. Allrighty 1,813
74. C H A R L E M A G N E 1,811
75. Seloke 1,801


# Pilot Score
1. DargorA7X 3,148
2. Magic Pain Glove 3,101
3. MaxFool 3,088
4. Typhlon 3,018
5. unwary 2,976
6. Fr4pes 2,969
7. MonPax 2,933
8. psichih0lic 2,896
9. Don Pedro Sangre 2,890
10. Paul GadlinG 2,885
11. Khan Thorog 2,835
12. Koniks 2,819
13. VikingLordMikal 2,642
14. NSallaNuto 2,624
15. Bone Raven 2,614
16. Lusankya 2,611
17. K O N D O 2,600
18. ThunderKats 2,600
19. BlackHeroe 2,597
20. 12inchesofCreamyGoodness 2,569
21. Ninjamoose 2,561
22. Demacian Justice 2,527
23. Suvara 2,499
24. Bwildur 2,491
25. Lyen 2,481
26. Coors Girth 2,478
27. aetherealgrape 2,474
28. Kalam Mehkar 2,463
29. RICK VON KILL 2,460
30. NARC BAIT 2,417
31. Alexander of Macedon 2,407
32. uberkru 2,406
33. DrGuppy 2,381
34. vetal l 2,380
35. Sir Heim 2,364
36. Ripper1888 2,320
37. Wiese 2,306
38. SkittlesRgood 2,302
39. GreyGhoztt 2,295
40. Vrael29 2,277
41. D U K E 2,262
42. Remote-Controlled 2,249
43. Van mw 2,232
44. Madoq 2,225
45. Inuendo 2,224
46. EvilCow 2,223
47. freud2b 2,221
48. Cedillas 2,214
49. kka 2,213
50. RealZeratul 2,211
51. Scarfoot 2,186
52. Mega0 2,182
53. Raven Glock 2,177
54. Destinyxps 2,172
55. Hatatskey 2,157
56. El Vivo 2,142
57. Haymakr 2,131
58. LimuLimvy 2,128
59. Kalapala 2,118
60. Cyborx 2,089
61. Debonair 2,086
62. Oafking2 2,085
63. Sedative 2,083
64. IvBASvI 2,080
65. Randy Spears 2,079
66. Halfsmart 2,069
67. Jet Spades 2,066
68. PholkLorr 2,061
69. Zietrick 2,059
70. Beenrak 2,048
71. DrColossus 2,045
72. Haji1096 2,038
73. _Jabic_ 2,034
74. SirHavan 2,030
75. Gray Farron 2,021


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.


# Pilot Score
1. RaptorReaper 3,650
2. DrxAbstract 3,572
3. psichih0lic 3,392
4. Bananaphone117 3,145
5. Colonel ONeill 3,128
6. Baczamut 3,104
7. d3lusion 3,061
8. ryanspudd 3,036
9. Mordodrukow 3,023
10. Margaret Thatcher 3,020
11. Kaeb Odellas 2,977
12. Bin Goblin 2,947
13. Umpty Bagger 2,896
14. Dayfield 2,791
15. Serosanguineous 2,753
16. Serial Number 2,751
17. A Little Clever 2,749
18. Stwur 2,741
19. Zombie JDToker Beta 2,724
20. Dabs on deck 2,665
21. Ben Richards 2,642
22. I Die Easy 2,632
23. ThatGuy539 2,624
24. EZ_ECM 2,599
25. Omaha 2,581
26. StarryWolf 2,542
27. Chiaphas 2,509
28. Graal Bladefury 2,503
29. TheRealSloth 2,495
30. Malystryx VoF 2,484
31. PFC Carsten 2,482
32. Marodeur 2,463
33. Tony Star 2,459
34. asavisio 2,446
35. glennshin 2,439
36. Reap3r501 2,431
37. TheCrazedBadger 2,421
38. Noober 2,398
39. Vixith 2,387
40. DropshipPilot 2,382
41. Kayvan 2,380
42. Rhufaine 2,377
43. Belmail91 2,375
44. chocolate fireguard 2,360
45. Burdicus 2,357
46. Sevanater13 2,347
47. r3qu13m 2,341
48. Freelancer604 2,328
49. brown ale 2,313
50. Test PiIot 2,292
51. nero37 2,289
52. Toadness 2,289
53. Widdershin 2,279
54. StrykerNynja 2,270
55. Syzygyzy 2,262
56. BackShot 2,256
57. 1st Arcangel 2,246
58. KarbonKopy 2,239
59. apox1e 2,231
60. Wild Zero 2,231
61. MichtioN 2,224
62. JickOShadows 2,190
63. John Mechlane 2,185
64. Lady Teacup 2,184
65. Guardian2000 2,174
66. JTP33 2,169
67. Adam 01 01 01 2,166
68. Blue Splint 2,164
69. OlOneLeg 2,140
70. vipy 2,124
71. owlNOLA 2,114
72. Jaymes Valluche 2,113
73. Mayor McCheese 2,113
74. Fragmaster 2,107
75. Wulfen 2,103


# Pilot Score
1. psichih0lic 2,655
2. MechWarrior3017932 2,567
3. Colonel ONeill 2,559
4. Mechwarrrior8055091 2,552
5. Da Red Goes DA FASTA 2,523
6. Sagamore 2,501
7. DeFfEaT 2,495
8. Black Dreamer 2,427
9. DEATHofGODS 2,378
10. Drugoz 2,372
11. Buchler 2,354
12. -Ike- 2,304
13. Sp4rtan 2,245
14. MozukuGreat 2,187
15. Hoboshank 2,186
16. Noble-One 2,186
17. speed is life 2,177
18. Neteye 2,134
19. SmithyHMK 2,134
20. TercieI 2,131
21. leekcoh 2,128
22. McHoshi 2,100
23. JickOShadows 2,099
24. Destinyxps 2,088
25. TheCanadianDJ 2,075
26. Coyoteblues 2,067
27. C H A R L E M A G N E 2,064
28. Myc 2,054
29. Tuberouscrop 2,008
30. Bishop Six 1,973
31. A Baoa Qu 1,955
32. Tweekn 1,950
33. Kijahari 1,937
34. Proudnoob12 1,910
35. Dran Dragore 1,893
36. ChronoPWR 1,892
37. T0rment0r 1,889
38. Suu Elam 1,880
39. Cult 1,872
40. Lethalluke 1,846
41. Trollfeed 1,846
42. Zelaroth 1,808
43. Warlord Kentax 1,795
44. PickleM0nster 1,795
45. Toadkillerdog 1,791
46. EyesBurn 1,774
47. Naseldrip 1,770
48. Mad Pig 1,770
49. Weber G 1,763
50. CrazyBullets 1,756
51. RiskyEquation 1,743
52. LasBlast 1,741
53. Alienized 1,738
54. Rivest 1,735
55. T R3 1,727
56. Robinhood78 1,724
57. Allistan 1,724
58. Herr Bumpkin 1,718
59. ShaneoftheDead 1,709
60. BStriker 1,707
61. Doc Savage Jr 1,696
62. Krivvan 1,693
63. panzerkunst99 1,693
64. William Radick 1,683
65. HoboFire 1,682
66. RealBearJew 1,682
67. Dezmo 1,678
68. Espertine 1,669
69. maxus666 1,667
70. DAEDALOS513 1,661
71. Omega Harley 1,644
72. Daniel08 1,605
73. BarHaid 1,600
74. pabscht 1,590
75. Zdrahvo 1,590

Panther/Urban Mech

Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.


# Pilot Score
1. Cyborx 3,034
2. Dungeon Keeper 2,999
3. Dracchus Slyte 2,958
4. unwary 2,954
5. Igor Kozyrev 2,920
6. Sir Helbrecht 2,846
7. Zornduke 2,824
8. Kijahari 2,627
9. armitage 2,570
10. Tarogato 2,512
11. DAEDALOS513 2,431
12. 12inchesofCreamyGoodness 2,388
13. Pyth121 2,367
14. Farice 2,354
15. El Nota 2,349
16. Temrock 2,340
17. D A T A 2,332
18. Nightmare1 2,304
19. GammlerHN 2,200
20. OffC3nter 2,170
21. Burien 2,163
22. Modcomplex 2,161
23. Yorinaga 2,157
24. Bob Marlee 2,139
25. Agishaki 2,076
26. Bosso 2,056
27. freud2b 2,054
28. RaptorReaper 2,022
29. IronAnchor 1,994
30. Energeteek 1,978
31. Phlaago 1,977
32. lkraider 1,972
33. Soku Yamashita 1,955
34. d3lusion 1,952
35. Archon Adam Steiner 1,934
36. Holy Jackson 1,924
37. Crusader627 1,921
38. Queen of England 1,917
39. skatenok 1,916
40. Frodalf 1,897
41. BrioS 1,893
42. MonPax 1,885
43. Jaeger Gonzo 1,880
44. Unreal0602 1,873
45. Aramoro999 1,860
46. Vladosteron 1,850
47. ZippySpeedMonkey 1,842
48. Benjamin357 1,838
49. ShaneoftheDead 1,803
50. Sgraz 1,797
51. Kasimir Wulf 1,768
52. Amaranth Panther 1,767
53. Khanzza 1,765
54. Peter2000 1,762
55. Blind Baku 1,753
56. Smackelbap 1,745
57. ALENTAR 1,742
58. Col Skaza 1,742
59. Toxani 1,736
60. Red Charles 1,734
61. Steel Claws 1,729
62. Shock21 1,720
63. Jackie Hawker 1,710
64. Deemer 1,708
65. Husker Adama 1,705
66. Cavernous 1,704
67. LennStar 1,690
68. AngelusDD 1,687
69. mikunis 1,686
70. Brad Antero 1,685
71. TK42None 1,665
72. SirMegaV 1,648
73. roboPrancer 1,632
74. edeldoe 1,629
75. MoonlightShadow 1,626

"Urban Mech"

# Pilot Score
1. ChoboN00b 2,959
2. Herod 2,880
3. Joker Smoker 2,750
4. Lusankya 2,732
5. Krivvan 2,709
6. unwary 2,613
7. Mega0 2,577
8. papaya869 2,502
9. Kano Kanif 2,392
10. Asrrin 2,330
11. patataman 2,297
12. ButteredToaster 2,248
13. Squirg 2,241
14. HB10 2,212
15. RealBearJew 2,210
16. Qwib Qwib 2,179
17. Mineirinho 2,107
18. Em3r4ld 2,090
19. Val_Z 2,090
20. Zuuwly 2,025
21. Daylan 1,970
22. Spiffboy 1,967
23. Clit Beastwood 1,964
24. FlyingSpaghettiMonster 1,949
25. The Lord Commander 1,939
26. Konrad Kismet 1,930
27. Oron 1,907
28. The Big Stick 1,904
29. Flyby215 1,903
30. Divine Decoy 1,901
31. Don Promillo 1,896
32. Juodas Varnas 1,871
33. WhineyThePoo 1,863
34. Grioresh 1,862
35. ThomasAH 1,847
36. Assimilator42 1,832
37. dario03 1,831
38. panzerkunst99 1,802
39. Dithiolium 1,800
40. PFC Carsten 1,794
41. Cyrilis 1,792
42. C H A R L E M A G N E 1,766
43. B00B 1,765
44. ulrin 1,759
45. Alexandros 1,755
46. A Vieira 1,749
47. Inuendo 1,745
48. Fenrisulfrx 1,734
49. ELdafa 1,727
50. tobiasreiper 1,725
51. oO JimPansen Oo 1,717
52. Cpt Ralphy 1,714
53. sirstas 1,711
54. Nik Reaper 1,710
55. The Six Million Moustache Man 1,705
56. Batpunk741 1,698
57. Hans Davion 1,683
58. QuakeMake 1,670
59. scorpion622 1,663
60. 6thMedic 1,654
61. Dusanh 1,650
62. Liam Avery 1,632
63. betsuni 1,631
64. Eagle01 1,631
65. KodiakGW 1,622
66. insanoex 1,617
67. Dr Upgrayedd 1,610
68. Halfsmart 1,606
69. Longhammer 1,601
70. Elli62 1,598
71. Lord Siege 1,588
72. ProfessorUmbreon 1,586
73. QuintonMedaries5 1,580
74. The Knight Rooster 1,572

Wolf Hound/Adder

Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.

"Wolf Hound"

# Pilot Score
1. Sledopyt 3,193
2. Igor Kozyrev 2,975
3. InkySquid 2,963
4. unwary 2,915
5. Top Gun Killer 2,773
6. Padde 2,751
7. Val_Z 2,745
8. WattIS 2,710
9. Phlaago 2,687
10. El Nota 2,621
11. Energeteek 2,554
12. braveheart95 2,505
13. z3a1ot 2,493
14. Lurch98 2,491
15. Vrael29 2,432
16. One Last Byte 2,373
17. Weeny Machine 2,372
18. F3NR15 2,303
19. Northpaw 2,279
20. R E D A C T E D 2,252
21. jdczk 2,247
22. xCico 2,224
23. Trollfeed 2,215
24. Mongoose001 2,199
25. Stub 2,198
26. ApeCall 2,176
27. Foxhound 73 2,162
28. FLuo2021 2,129
29. Chann Winson 2,118
30. The Big Dawg 2,102
31. Fubu Kuokano 2,101
32. Tzinjo 2,085
33. Lorne Malvo 2,081
34. Halfsmart 2,080
35. Tokerip 2,078
36. white0Fox 2,072
37. Mavek 2,067
38. SavageConvoy 2,056
39. exiledangel 2,053
40. LnAoWoLb 2,050
41. zaathul 2,046
42. Lone1Ranger 2,028
43. BRUNO555555 2,027
44. Breestol 2,021
45. FreyaFenix 2,020
46. Raven Glock 2,018
47. Bastionk 2,017
48. Smagaman 2,012
49. Ironcid 2,005
50. Hairball359 1,980
51. Krak Munkee 1,978
52. Cupid and Psyche _ 1,972
53. Archibald Jensen 1,960
54. Master Zo 1,936
55. TheCrazedBadger 1,913
56. McHoshi 1,900
57. VorpalAnvil 1,884
58. ItsaMario 1,876
59. CaptainPronin 1,869
60. Chaotic Clyde 1,860
61. Ren Grey 1,860
62. Hellbound1 1,854
63. Dramastorm 1,835
64. MrBigMechs13 1,823
65. Siner 1,798
66. Stitchedup 1,789
67. Blackhawk ge 1,788
68. Satan n stuff 1,773
69. Pindosso 1,771
70. LumberL 1,760
71. Cian the scald 1,758
72. Hunka Junk 1,749
73. KranisHDyonon 1,741
74. MonPax 1,729
75. Inuendo 1,728


# Pilot Score
1. D A T A 3,536
2. Pyth121 3,518
3. DargorA7X 3,349
4. psichih0lic 3,253
5. Engorge 3,152
6. Nonu 3,140
7. Aramuside 3,018
8. Kem 2,945
9. MellowJello 2,920
10. Dr Juju Pepper 2,863
11. HandsomeJBW 2,842
12. agentti 2,803
13. Big Strange 2,780
14. Hydrothermia 2,757
15. Madoq 2,712
16. Deus vult 2,672
17. Ragnis Tarsonis 2,600
18. Memnon Valerius Thrax 2,597
19. RJF Volkodav 2,590
20. RasputiN 2,538
21. Z09 2,514
22. Blackhawk ge 2,496
23. Elrik Stormbringer 2,494
24. Korgamer 2,469
25. StaticStorm 2,465
26. Bildr 2,440
27. HARDOGA 2,427
28. DevastatorM01 2,385
29. SilentHawk 2,350
30. Greyfoxx 2,341
31. Inuendo 2,335
32. Sanscoure Ryche 2,333
33. Sauce Tomate 2,326
34. Backslap 2,302
35. Kcanni 2,299
36. NOVICHEK 2,298
37. iMBoSSS 2,294
38. XyApA4i 2,285
39. C4 Vito 2,273
40. HoboFire 2,270
41. Reverse Desicator 2,267
42. Pullerpupe 2,238
43. Stravkos 2,230
44. Tzinjo 2,228
45. Erzengel TL 2,224
46. GeneralAnasazi 2,221
47. Mensch 2,220
48. KrampfZwerg 2,211
49. Dispiritor 2,209
50. Grey Death II 2,198
51. Sivonia 2,197
52. ZachMan119 2,197
53. Aidan Kerensky 2,193
54. A Peeled Banana 2,187
55. misanthrop0815 2,179
56. Trodo 2,169
57. Tarogato 2,162
58. stermy 2,158
59. Josman 2,149
60. H0rste33 2,136
61. Detoxication 2,135
62. ScoutMaster 2,132
63. Silver Wraith 2,132
64. Sprinkles23 2,132
65. ComradeColonel 2,124
66. Byp 2,120
67. Sturmkraehe 2,108
68. itAliAnH0tb0i 2,102
69. redcatstorm 2,101
70. Stinger08 2,096
71. Andrzej Lechrenski 2,088
72. BluefireMW 2,087
73. I am RED 2,084
74. N Y G E N 2,077
75. Testius 2,074

Kit Fox/Arctic Cheetah

Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.

"Kit Fox"

# Pilot Score
1. Nafanj 3,283
2. Da Red Goes DA FASTA 2,804
3. Igor Kozyrev 2,783
4. Windscape 2,729
5. Todo Sandybanks 2,681
6. SlouchEm 2,645
7. KANE LIVES 2,590
8. Sgt Unther Deadeye 2,587
9. D e f e a t e r 2,516
10. Angel Amerkel 2,473
11. Crisaotres 2,427
12. WolraK 2,394
13. EVlCERATOR 2,371
14. Shimsham 2,366
15. Imbaz0 2,361
16. Demetrius RF 2,313
17. iLLcapitan 2,300
18. Rubba_Chicken 2,272
19. PyropeKestrel 2,269
20. spookill 2,260
21. Salamitur 2,257
22. 80841K 2,238
23. Diega Lionheart 2,233
24. Orcinus Orca 2,208
25. C91 2,184
26. Joanna of Jade Falcon 2,174
27. Dee Eight 2,164
28. Vlad Striker 2,149
29. Mongo the Misanthrope 2,124
30. skatenok 2,116
31. BerserX 2,111
32. Evaren 2,098
33. RSV Hitman 2,097
34. THumper9669 2,081
35. Reyyvin 2,080
36. meowbert 2,067
37. Greyfoxx 2,064
38. Lord Derfel 2,059
39. Stormtempter 2,059
40. Sean Grey 2,036
41. Seleucus 2,028
42. _Anthrax_ 2,024
43. EVA 05 2,008
44. freud2b 1,994
45. Kcanni 1,991
46. Dubinsky 1,989
47. General Solo 1,975
48. Hammer 13 1,974
49. Inuendo 1,968
50. Wei Evolon 1,964
51. Meehau 1,961
52. Fendrig 1,952
53. Detoxication 1,943
54. Warthog44 1,924
55. CptnHero 1,916
56. Col Skaza 1,913
57. Ollie Rifleman Brown 1,897
58. Agent1190 1,894
59. Private Green 1,885
60. Mole 1,878
61. Digit Gidgit 1,876
62. Sinjen 1,876
63. Farnsworthiness 1,868
64. LennStar 1,868
65. Hatepriest 1,866
66. Gabriel Phoenix 1,865
67. Metastasio 1,862
68. O C K E 1,862
69. Snowscape 1,860
70. Mortmain Ravenwood 1,850
71. GrundlePunch 1,844
72. Dispiritor 1,840
73. Dolgfer Roshak 1,836
74. Silent Hunter 1,826
75. Taifune 1,818

"Arctic Cheetah"

# Pilot Score
1. K I P 3,763
2. Deus vult 3,740
3. Aleksa450 3,687
4. psichih0lic 3,686
5. Vorteex 3,640
6. Solanthus 3,629
7. DeathRoller1607 3,561
8. Bwildur 3,517
9. xCico 3,510
10. Comrad64 3,393
11. Mechwarrior5322681 3,291
12. Gekados 3,278
13. RedYeti 3,263
14. Sledopyt 3,127
15. JadeTornado 3,105
16. Jon Claw Osis 3,095
17. Iron Shadow 3,085
18. Target Practise 3,080
19. Zel Vickers 3,078
20. Norjan Kuningas 2,986
21. Arc Welder 2,985
22. BuHHu 6yX 2,975
23. Tarogato 2,964
24. Tripwire117 2,935
25. LittleMik 2,915
26. Kaal98 2,899
27. Aidan Kerensky 2,878
28. Syntillate 2,833
29. 0ated1Agent 2,820
30. Sick the Don 2,809
31. ShadowCatGambit 2,805
32. I pew pew u 2,795
33. PanzerGunGod 2,780
34. Kucuk Prens 2,764
35. Khereg 2,751
36. Freimaurer 2,742
37. Dens 2,733
38. iBotS 2,730
39. Professor_Akimbox 2,715
40. Luvgravy 2,710
41. Fidrippler 2,706
42. Andykg 2,664
43. Glorp Me Till I Maximus 2,658
44. Milan24 2,649
45. xMarshallx 2,646
46. Primogen 2,643
47. Nywyfre 2,636
48. Malystryx VoF 2,636
49. Fopfumaster 2,612
50. Pimp Hand of Justice 2,601
51. Day Dream 2,595
52. SilverMoonLight 2,593
53. Phoenix Hope 2,574
54. Bludragoon 2,573
55. Thuros 2,571
56. Bournekilla 2,567
57. MOGOPOGO 2,565
58. Alpine Gresh 2,564
59. ComradeColonel 2,560
60. Phyrce 2,558
61. qatal 2,549
62. sneakolai 2,534
63. SystemicApathy 2,524
64. SkyDaddy 2,518
65. Radamant Nemiz 2,514
66. Mucus 2,512
67. armybubbles 2,512
68. Rav Nikolai 2,509
69. SHIN BRODAMA 2,504
70. ABRAXA5 2,488
71. ChronoPWR 2,483
72. Rathnor1 2,481
73. Serg 2,479
74. Erikwa Kell 2,474
75. Lally 2,464

Mist Lynx/Jenner IIC

Notice: leaderboards are delayed by 15 minutes.

"Mist Lynx"

# Pilot Score
1. Cabal LV426 2,806
2. Bows3r 2,803
3. Dahhak 2,764
4. RighteousDude 2,664
5. Stormie 2,611
6. AboveTheClouds 2,566
7. Modcomplex 2,539
8. RedYeti 2,345
9. Keniji Kentaro 2,296
10. KnowMeByTheTrailOfDeath 2,287
11. FeGiant 2,276
12. Chagatay 2,259
13. n00b 1990 2,252
14. Smargl 2,228
15. Tier5 Kerensky 2,214
16. C H A R L E M A G N E 2,211
17. AC GLINT 2,208
18. Rojdennii 2,202
19. Jaclsweedable 2,195
20. Ghost Bull 2,140
21. Mortmain Ravenwood 2,136
22. JDToker 2,097
23. Trevor Carns 2,095
24. ProfessorD 2,048
25. Yaltha 1,995
26. Dread Pirate Bubba 1,991
27. Dungeon Keeper 1,983
28. Ninjah 1,958
29. Jep Jorgensson 1,952
30. Gorai 1,923
31. Akai Hako 1,917
32. EpsilonPlus 1,866
33. Moharkal 1,863
34. Destinyxps 1,849
35. Flashbulb 1,843
36. jeeg1977 1,843
37. Commander Lemming 1,836
38. Greyfoxx 1,824
39. BWS2K 1,795
40. Aligertor 1,774
41. Face Kicker 1,769
42. Kcanni 1,768
43. Inuendo 1,758
44. General Solo 1,755
45. Kingstar 1,748
46. Mogucho 1,746
47. freud2b 1,732
48. Drachnell Osiris 1,723
49. Scarfoot 1,704
50. nasml 1,701
51. Opic 1,700
52. Uriel Set Sama 1,696
53. WINSTROL89 1,695
54. BattleGnome 1,682
55. XxMizeryxX 1,677
56. DarkhorseBW 1,664
57. BoloJoe 1,663
58. Mariner1986 1,651
59. Titinus 1,642
60. VilleRunner 1,626
61. Quek 1,624
62. joseantb 1,608
63. Pyrokoria 1,598
64. K I P 1,596
65. Herrman 1,568
66. Captin Crunch 1,564
67. ChronoPWR 1,560
68. CaperC 1,554
69. Tozs 1,550
70. acrane 1,545
71. Notorious DIE 1,531
72. Wahrewolf 1,530
73. OP8 1,529
74. Pelmeshek 1,512
75. D1SC0 LEM0NADE 1,507

"Jenner IIC"

# Pilot Score
1. Coburn 3,321
2. Dahhak 3,230
3. BoxDrunken 3,128
4. Vorteex 3,116
5. Texhnolyze IIC 3,112
6. Val_Z 3,075
7. photoshopD14 2,848
8. Alfi12 2,843
9. DrGuppy 2,820
10. dario03 2,803
11. A Cat Licker 2,766
12. banana peel 2,751
13. Douglas007 2,750
14. sgt pepper43 2,718
15. unwary 2,671
16. Pyth121 2,537
17. Eternal Havoc 2,533
18. EntertainEnterprises 2,523
19. Eyes On You 2,498
20. Equinox_Clique 2,494
21. 666nillor 2,480
22. Korgamer 2,475
23. afaik 2,469
24. Igor Kozyrev 2,428
25. SAM3292 2,399
26. GreyTmbrWolf 2,386
27. DargorA7X 2,386
28. cfreman 2,385
29. Toast3r 2,371
30. Radick 2,365
31. Blue Splint 2,361
32. JadeTornado 2,350
33. RottenFoot 2,346
34. Malstryfe 2,339
35. Zuuwly 2,319
36. IIyx 2,300
37. Kcanni 2,296
38. Sledopyt 2,294
39. timmme 2,290
40. 1337Peanut 2,279
41. Ichibod 2,275
42. Big Bertha 00 2,265
43. Suhv 2,259
44. Pugnax 2,254
45. Morlokk 2,249
46. PholkLorr 2,244
47. Erdamon 2,239
48. Crushko 2,229
49. K H O Z 2,226
50. Stonebridge 2,218
51. StrykerNynja 2,217
52. Hunchback2c 2,215
53. Ace Selin 2,210
54. Artanizzz 2,192
55. Flashforce 2,166
56. Pindosso 2,123
57. Shryq 2,114
58. SirDubba 2,109
59. Traest 2,101
60. OmegaPrm 2,101
61. OoWhitePhoenixoO 2,095
62. Sega1 2,091
63. Seddrik 2,057
64. Burya 2,053
65. 6rasshopper 2,052
66. Batian 2,047
67. Rabid Imp 2,046
68. K19 2,037
69. Inuendo 2,036
70. cowws 2,035
71. Heavy Cavalry 2,030
72. FunkMayer 2,022
73. Gorthaur 1,997
74. C3dr 1,989
75. Arkelis 1,978

For full rules & regulations governing this challenge, click here.