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This event is now over.

Starts: Dec 13th 4:00:00 PM (PST) / Dec 14th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)
Ends: Dec 25th 4:00:00 PM (PST) / Dec 26th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)

12 Days of 'Mechmas Event

Welcome to the 12 Days of Mechmas Personal Challenge! Each day offers distinct challenges and reward items.

Challenge progress statuses are updated every hour. Rewards will be injected into eligible accounts upon each hour.

On the.. ..Of 'Mechmas.. Total ..Santatlas gave to me..
1st DayAchieve 1 KMDD in any Game Mode 0 of 1
1 Day Active Premium Time
2nd DayWin an Escort match as the Defender, with a Match Score of at least 80 (Quick Play Only) 0 of 1
Atlas Statue (Standing Item)
3rd DayAccumulate 3 KMDD through the day (in any combination of Game Modes) 0 of 3
300,000 C-Bills
4th DayWin an Escort Match as the Attacker, with a Match Score of at least 80 (Quick Play Only) 0 of 1
Zombie Atlas (Standing Item)
5th DayAccumulate 500 Damage through the day (in any combination of Game Modes) 0 of 500
500 GXP
6th DayWin 1 Faction Play Scouting Match, with a match score of at least 50 (Faction Play only) 0 of 1
MWO Mug (Standing Item)
7th DayAccumulate 17 Kills Assists through the day (in any combination of Game Modes) 0 of 17
1 Day Active Premium Time
8th DayWin 1 Faction Play Skirmish Match, with a match score of at least 80 (Faction Play only) 0 of 1
Kodiak Claw (Standing Item)
9th DayAccumulate 900 Match Score through the day (in any combination of Game Modes) 0 of 900
10 x Consumable Pack
10th DayWin 1 Faction Play Conquest Match,with a match score of at least 80 (Faction Play only) 0 of 1
Kodiak Head (Standing Item)
11th DayAccumulate 500,000 C-Bills through the day (in any combination of Game Modes) 0 of 500,000
100 MC
12th DayWin 1 Faction Play Assault Match, with a match score of at least 80 (Faction Play only) 0 of 1
Leopard DropShip (Standing Item)

Starts: Dec 15th 4:00:00 PM (PST) / Dec 16th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)
Ends: Dec 19th 4:00:00 PM (PST) / Dec 20th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)

Marauder IIC Leaderboard

It's time to see who among you can pilot your way to the top of the Leaderboards in the new Marauder IIC Clan 'Mech!

A Marauder's Flail Hanging Cockpit Item will be awarded to all players who place in the Top 75 of any Marauder IIC Leaderboards in which they participate.

Leaderboard progress statuses are updated every hour. Rewards will be injected into eligible accounts upon the conclusion of the Leaderboard Event.

Leaderboard Event Conditions

  • You must play the specific 'Mech variant to participate in its associated Leaderboard Challenge.
  • Receipt of the Flail Hanging Cockpit Item Reward is contingent upon your final position in a Leaderboard at the end of the event.
  • Only your best 10 matches over the course of the event will be counted toward the Leaderboard.
  • Solo and Group Queue matches will be counted for these Quick Play game modes: Assault, Skirmish, Conquest, and Domination.
  • Private matches and Faction Play matches do not count!
  • Score Formula: (Solo Kill x 30) + (Kill Most Damage x 20) + (Killing Blow x 10) + ( Kill Assist x 10) + (Win × 10) + (Loss × 5) + (Survive × 10) + (Dead × 5) + ((Damage done - Team Damage) ÷ 15)
  • 1st Tie-Breaker: Number of Matches Played (Fewer is better)
  • 2nd Tie-Breaker: Team Damage (Less is better)
  • All Leaderboard prizes are awarded at the end of the event!
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the matchmaking system or event conditions will be subject to disqualification and moderation actions.


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. 1nverse 4,104
2. Shaix 4,001
3. 0815Zombie 3,594
4. Paul GadlinG 3,372
5. IDee 3,322
6. Jay Z 3,146
7. Edmiester 3,122
8. Any Chance of Peace 3,110
9. Tolson 3,107
10. RedDiablo 3,082
11. TML Brian 3,057
12. Bordoon 2,989
13. o0Reeper0o 2,964
14. DGTLDaemon 2,920
15. Evengar Dragonis 2,874
16. LongredactedDragon 2,864
17. Zocrom 2,856
18. TFun90 2,849
19. CaptGensman 2,815
20. Pyth121 2,812
21. Lurch98 2,792
22. Ripovski 2,790
23. Baczamut 2,776
24. HugoShtiglitz 2,749
25. JeffD 2,735
26. Ace367 2,733
27. Arend 2,712
28. Major_Crash 2,708
29. Yyrkoon62 2,702
30. Game Time 2,666
31. Antares102 2,633
32. W i L d F i R 3 2,611
33. K O N D O 2,608
34. Manei Domini Krigg 2,595
35. Cards79 2,587
36. II Cutlass II 2,583
37. NovaBladeZ 2,583
38. Serdgi 2,581
39. NecroSun 2,579
40. Lurm God 2,575
41. HammerColeman 2,572
42. h0scHi 2,569
43. Vajco 2,563
44. Sarpin 2,560
45. - Eclipse - 2,553
46. Ash23Neuro 2,492
47. Suntech 2,468
48. Lung Butter 2,460
49. Ur-vile 2,455
50. Surge ON 2,451
51. O O P S I E 2,436
52. Password1234 2,436
53. Darksteel 2,433
54. Bakaneko 2,431
55. Pawelec PJ 2,421
56. Mineomatic 2,405
57. Khan BuRNeR 2,401
58. Artanizzz 2,393
59. Kartonki 2,375
60. KiltedKey 2,372
61. Llama Raider 2,368
62. Lupus Aurelius 2,365
63. Kahavi 2,361
64. Sam cw 2,360
65. Iku Ichi 2,359
66. Bulletsponge0 2,327
67. TripleAwesome 2,313
68. John Herker Pride 2,312
69. Rathnor1 2,304
70. old man odin 2,300
71. Suldanessala 2,293
72. Major_Mechit 2,293
73. Lethal Embrace 2,291
74. Malstryfe 2,289
75. AbdomenShoes 2,279


# Pilot Score
1. bear_cl4w 3,636
2. Lurch98 3,538
3. NovaBladeZ 3,309
4. Reitmeier 3,249
5. Baczamut 3,176
6. Shiba Starfire 3,139
7. Spectronic 3,011
9. RedDiablo 2,972
10. Serakek Radick 2,966
11. Emdee 2,810
12. TFun90 2,800
13. Lurm God 2,771
14. Mineomatic 2,726
15. Pyth121 2,719
16. mat3049 2,699
17. Artanizzz 2,668
18. Nameless King 2,617
19. Lyzra 2,604
20. 0ziris 2,598
21. McGosy 2,568
22. Sandro742 2,556
23. Cards79 2,545
24. CorpseZ 2,541
25. Gallor 2,541
26. Tabrin 2,514
27. Prowler87 2,505
28. Any Chance of Peace 2,502
29. TheLastUn1corn 2,484
30. Ubbo-Sathla 2,466
31. D e f e a t e r 2,462
32. Suldanessala 2,457
33. Joey Tankblaster 2,444
34. - Eclipse - 2,407
35. Yyrkoon62 2,395
36. Zuffles does Clan 2,394
37. Llama Raider 2,392
38. The Instrument of Destruction 2,382
39. Meltex 2,374
40. RCOM 2,361
41. Kahavi 2,358
42. S4logel 2,354
43. Xythius 2,347
44. habu86 2,345
45. Anunknownlurker 2,344
46. Neathdrawls 2,336
47. Chimera_ 2,332
48. Lukoi Banacek 2,310
49. RaistlinMajere 2,304
50. 762 NATO 2,302
51. RudWolf 2,297
52. Snowbluff 2,286
53. MotoX_ 2,269
54. Killer Mouse 2,260
55. M O Z A R T 2,226
56. tm10067 2,225
57. CGB Viking 2,224
58. wwwwwwwwwssaddwwLolCantMove 2,224
59. Puresin 2,220
60. DINGBOT 2,217
61. SgtKinCaiD 2,208
62. Harabec Arctous 2,199
63. Zenthlock 2,197
64. Brodie Pryde 2,190
65. Iku Ichi 2,188
66. Nicu 2,186
67. H E A V Y G A U S S 2,181
68. Ritter ohne Furcht und Tadel 2,181
69. Alexander Grimtotem 2,178
70. Archon X 2,160
71. Hawok79 2,130
72. Serdgi 2,119
73. hartl 2,108
74. sega11 2,104
75. Henry63 2,103


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. Anthony Kyle 2,945
2. Malstryfe 2,868
3. Sevax 2,862
4. KrocodockleTheBooBoxLoader-GetIn 2,775
5. Elrik Stormbringer 2,627
6. Vuxx 2,432
7. Praxx 2,390
8. Pyth121 2,358
9. Rabidhare 2,356
10. ColKraken 2,314
11. RedDiablo 2,305
12. Johnny05 2,275
13. Halmun 2,229
14. Cards79 2,202
15. Lasher950 2,189
16. HugoShtiglitz 2,183
17. ZuFFuLuZ 2,154
18. Iku Ichi 2,139
19. sega11 2,062
20. Neathdrawls 2,057
21. Korbos 2,054
22. CeladonBadger 2,032
23. the slacking camel 2,030
24. Satumus82 1,999
25. MAD WALL E 1,985
26. DDog35 1,983
27. UCantSeeMe 1,959
28. Darksteel 1,958
29. Uiovich 1,945
30. Major_Crash 1,938
31. Budoman 1,937
32. Daedalus7 1,922
33. LoneMartin 1,922
34. Erlkonig 1,921
35. Bob De Niro 1,916
36. Lupus Aurelius 1,885
37. Quandoo 1,884
38. Krohgoth 1,872
39. Calcite 1,872
40. Biggs and Wedge 1,872
41. Helios Pryde 1,871
42. GaryIce 1,861
43. Marcius Rae 1,852
44. Bonescope11 1,849
45. McGosy 1,839
46. SmokeGuar 1,830
47. Tom Sawyer 1,824
48. Puresin 1,812
49. artyks 1,811
50. Ubbo-Sathla 1,806
51. Emmett Fetladral 1,803
52. Elysium Rockstar 1,795
53. Sam cw 1,790
54. Rathnor1 1,784
55. Larsh 1,768
56. JadePanther 1,763
57. CGB Viking 1,755
58. Mechiro 1,751
59. Steel Panda 1,751
60. Wulfgott 1,743
61. Kcanni 1,737
62. Kroker 1,725
63. TopDawg 1,715
64. Samillian 1,703
65. Bremman 1,679
66. O C K E 1,664
67. DropTimu5 1,663
68. JasonBourneitsJesusChrist 1,660
69. Boclos 1,650
70. Andareon 1,642
71. CDaemon04 1,642
72. Musashi Alexander 1,642
73. CockneyNinja 1,641
74. KingKinko 1,639
75. Saint Dane Icaza 1,634


# Pilot Score
1. Icantswim 3,124
2. skatenok 2,932
3. Ripovski 2,890
4. Llama Raider 2,747
5. PeteZonee 2,518
6. Kcanni 2,466
7. Vexxd 2,461
8. GR4VO 2,396
9. Malystryx VoF 2,395
10. Temporary Axis 2,346
11. Ace367 2,242
12. Matty G 2,186
13. Blindbeard the Pirate 2,138
14. Luminaye 2,130
15. TFun90 2,067
16. Anunknownlurker 2,061
17. schlagetot 2,058
18. habu86 2,049
19. Atheonyirh 2,019
20. Opus X 1,993
21. Pihoqahiak 1,988
22. Ravenlord 1,984
23. Korbos 1,970
24. ZigiTT9 1,966
25. Argond 1,953
26. Noxcuse 1,947
27. iosuu 1,941
28. Taymorr 1,937
29. Iceever 1,921
30. Henry63 1,887
31. Keith66AH 1,881
32. FATA13RR0R 1,870
33. Drilledge 1,851
34. Acehilator 1,829
35. skrop2 1,794
36. CARNA6E 1,792
37. JustVoodoo 1,783
38. Thaumaturgen 1,780
39. Praetor Andreas 1,777
40. Musashi Alexander 1,776
41. Ivanov5103 1,758
42. UCantSeeMe 1,758
43. Ricao 1,755
44. Snazzy Dragon 1,751
45. Taxxian 1,747
46. SgtKinCaiD 1,744
47. BurningDesire 1,740
48. Insomnium80 1,730
49. Farnir 1,715
50. Pricklyhedgehog 1,713
51. Dirt Devil1 1,697
52. Darth Charming 1,687
53. Muther Goose 1,676
54. visionGT4 1,674
55. WoesiohanS 1,661
56. Zechs Marques 1,641
57. Grumsch 1,615
58. mk4i9661 1,613
59. JIMMYJAMM 1,592
60. Potato Farmer 1,578
61. Opheliac 1,577
62. Valar Morghuliz 1,561
63. Baron Cunedda Kell 1,559
64. Jimmy Walker 1,547
65. Kaelimm 1,547
66. Dark_Horse 1,536
67. MARVINGER 1,527
69. Lyzra 1,509
70. OtterSnow 1,497
71. Wazuhari 1,480
72. Satumus82 1,475
73. PAYWALL 1,467
74. Wugamlo 1,457
75. NipponKamikaze 1,448


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. TFun90 3,278
2. TEOLAYKI 3,254
3. Ace367 3,215
4. ThiefofAlways 3,207
5. Nabonz 3,159
6. Der Wuerger 3,041
7. Dollar Bill 3,034
8. NeoLux 2,907
9. H E A V Y G A U S S 2,805
10. FiglioDiBatman 2,793
11. CommanderGrigorio 2,788
12. Suffkopp 2,753
13. Vyx 2,736
14. Finletter 2,686
15. Zire 2,673
16. Axident 2,658
17. PeterCarpetBeater 2,643
18. JustVoodoo 2,624
19. Latigo Jenkins 2,577
20. JonDunbar 2,540
21. Corrado 2,534
22. DEATHofGODS 2,520
23. Handority 2,512
24. Sanguinar 2,491
25. Jason Red Death 2,477
26. Vaporizor 2,464
27. Skarabrae 2,455
28. High Grade AI 2,429
29. Kcanni 2,427
30. Anunknownlurker 2,426
31. Puresin 2,400
32. A Hobo with a Shotgun 2,382
33. Ragedog4 2,379
34. NeBasSzim 2,375
35. JIMMYJAMM 2,373
36. Peter Overheater 2,349
37. Malystryx VoF 2,335
38. Atheonyirh 2,334
39. schlagetot 2,315
40. Lord Pretorian 2,294
41. HeavyGun 2,286
42. Serakek Radick 2,283
43. Trooper46 2,270
44. Vathailos 2,266
45. ColKraken 2,260
46. Stonefalcon 2,229
47. Vektus 2,186
48. speedy mechanic 2,183
49. TheHeavyArmz 2,182
50. Ghozzt 2,179
51. Zork3112 2,170
52. Bremman 2,166
53. Valar Morghuliz 2,151
54. Waldwolf634 2,141
55. Pihoqahiak 2,141
56. Lehran 2,127
57. ZerJuuk 2,124
58. Korbos 2,098
59. Lazy Eyed Latvian 2,093
60. ZigiTT9 2,091
61. Mr Roberts 2,086
62. HitmanMr47 2,086
63. Luminaye 2,085
64. Brodie Pryde 2,085
65. CorpseZ 2,083
66. Vexxd 2,073
67. Screamin Demon 2,069
68. RCOM 2,068
69. Aratiles 2,064
70. skrop2 2,063
71. Judge Phredd 2,056
72. Major_Mechit 2,050
73. Bulletsponge0 2,049
74. J0anna 2,049
75. Thulkas 2,035


# Pilot Score
1. Solahma 3,661
2. KnowntoKiLL 3,634
3. bear_cl4w 3,605
4. Sandro742 3,513
5. Unquietemu 3,394
6. EGH 3,297
7. sneek38 3,241
9. BrnK72 3,185
10. Cuddles Time 3,107
11. BIoB 3,016
12. ST0RM3R 3,005
13. freepeople 2,975
14. The Instrument of Destruction 2,942
15. Avarice1of2 2,926
16. smoldering pile 2,876
17. emee-_- 2,866
18. Bohxim 2,858
19. Volcan 2,803
20. Sir Ian de Souzza 2,800
21. kundal1n1 2,764
22. McSlayer 2,750
23. Falconer Cyrus 2,728
24. Valar Morghuliz 2,698
25. InkySquid 2,684
26. Sarpin 2,655
27. schlagetot 2,629
28. Hellspawny 2,592
29. DerMaulwurf 2,592
30. Black Snowman 2,579
31. Snazzy Dragon 2,552
32. Lurm God 2,545
33. SombraRojo 2,543
34. Deimberger 2,537
35. Malystryx VoF 2,537
36. HammerColeman 2,518
37. CorpseZ 2,509
38. Supra625 2,491
39. ExplicitContent 2,482
40. Kcanni 2,479
41. RedDiablo 2,471
42. Johann Eddie Haderer 2,467
43. Bidonou81 2,453
44. Erik Krieger 2,435
45. GreatNorthernCrabbit 2,431
46. Drezzt 2,425
47. Korbos 2,414
48. Randall Flagg 2,405
49. Kahavi 2,403
50. Krostif 2,398
51. Archonsg 2,393
52. RogueGarou 2,392
53. - Eclipse - 2,386
54. 0ziris 2,369
55. Bulletsponge0 2,350
56. M O Z A R T 2,348
57. Le Nemesis 2,336
58. l42yb0y 2,332
59. D e f e a t e r 2,327
60. Cpt FellWurst 2,325
61. Celestian 2,324
62. C H A R L E M A G N E 2,324
63. lordstarr 2,323
64. The Lost Boy 2,315
65. Gravlen 2,311
66. McGosy 2,292
67. PIGWARRIOR 2,284
68. Tundra Wolf 2,270
69. Korvus Knull 2,270
70. Karma555 2,259
71. Llama Raider 2,244
72. Taxxian 2,232
73. Elysium911 2,223
74. Silphy 2,219
75. K0JAK 2,212


Notice: leaderboards are delayed by an hour.


# Pilot Score
1. Sevax 3,670
2. Serdgi 3,081
3. Pyth121 2,990
4. Widowmaker1981 2,900
5. RedDiablo 2,840
6. Neathdrawls 2,673
7. McGosy 2,565
8. Anthony Kyle 2,533
9. 19SpiritBreaker90 2,513
10. Suldanessala 2,509
11. SexyD 2,413
12. Manei Domini Krigg 2,391
13. The Unstoppable Puggernaut 2,362
14. Kaelon Swiftwind 2,342
15. Superchibisan 2,338
16. Cards79 2,335
17. Malystryx VoF 2,326
18. Little Details 2,266
19. King Pest 2,223
20. Cath 2,220
21. ZerJuuk 2,213
22. Steel Panda 2,199
23. Reitmeier 2,195
24. tm10067 2,178
25. Ukos 2,167
26. Uiovich 2,157
27. MeIsYou 2,152
28. Bjoern Jorgensson 2,121
29. Noey Bunny 2,115
30. Ironcid 2,113
31. Elrik Stormbringer 2,081
32. protolich 2,076
33. CGB Viking 2,073
34. 665 TrueBorn 666 SkillBorn 667 2,059
35. Valkyrie73 2,044
36. Jay Z 2,022
37. Blackperoxide 2,012
38. Zangief79 1,990
39. kazlaton 1,987
40. Delilaha 1,971
41. Tr3k 1,943
42. Alex Winter 1,933
43. Iku Ichi 1,922
44. JadePanther 1,912
45. Malstryfe 1,911
46. W i L d F i R 3 1,898
47. Johnny05 1,863
48. Bazni 1,858
49. JohnyBlack 1,855
50. Jep Jorgensson 1,848
51. Thomasso 1,832
52. Dumdum 1,825
53. Calcite 1,816
54. HeckfyEx 1,807
55. J0anna 1,795
56. Radamant Nemiz 1,788
57. Bulletsponge0 1,781
58. Sanger 1,758
59. Gas Guzzler 1,758
60. Omniseed 1,757
61. Baroir 1,754
62. RaistlinMajere 1,746
63. Toxani 1,745
64. Baron Cunedda Kell 1,735
65. 9i800 1,705
66. K H O Z 1,703
67. Budoman 1,698
68. Digital_Angel 1,694
69. O O P S I E 1,672
70. Lord Siege 1,656
71. Emdee 1,634
72. BadBoyz Origins 1,633
73. Uncle Challs 1,630
74. Darth Digger 1,614
75. Myran61 1,614

Starts: Dec 19th 4:00:00 PM (PST) / Dec 20th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)
Ends: Jan 3rd 4:00:00 PM (PST) / Jan 4th 12:00:00 AM (UTC)


It's time for the annual Stocking Stuffer Event! Achieve the minimum match score in any Game Mode to earn 1 Loot Stocking. Redeem your Loot Stockings to receive awesome prizes!

Earn up to 25 Redeems per Game Mode

  • Escort (Quick Play only)
  • Domination (Quick Play or Faction Play)
  • Conquest (Quick Play or Faction Play)
  • Skirmish (Quick Play or Faction Play)
  • Assault (Quick Play or Faction Play)
  • Invasion (Faction Play only)
  • Scouting (Faction Play only)

Receive Bonus Loot Stockings by owning any level of the following pre-order 'Mech packs:


  • In Scouting mode Achieve a Match Score of at least 50 to earn 1 Loot Stocking.
  • In all other modes Achieve a Match Score of at least 80 to earn 1 Loot Stocking.
  • To claim your Loot Stocking(s) you must redeem them through this page!

Possible Prizes

  • Active Premium Time
  • MC (various values)
  • C-Bills (various values)
  • GXP (various values)
  • MC Consumables
    • Cool Shot
    • Artillery Strike
    • UAV
    • Air Strike
  • Cockpit Items
    • Xmas Lights (Mounted)
    • Green Lights (Mounted)
    • Holiday Mistletoe (Mounted)
    • Holiday Centerpiece (Standing)
    • Snowflake (Hanging)
    • Holiday Ball (Hanging)
    • Candy Cane (Hanging)
    • Snowman Bobblehead (Standing)
    • Santa Bobblehead (Standing)
    • Xmas Elf (Standing)
  • 'Coal' Items
    • Lump of Coal Cockpit item
  • 1 Grand Prize!
    • Krampus - New Hanging Cockpit Item
    • This Grand Prize can only be acquired once-per-player!

Please Note

  • All prizes are randomly selected.
  • Support services will not trade or switch out any prizes.
  • Accounts that engage in non-participation or other violations of the CoC, such as (but not limited to) AFK/non-participation farming or 'gaming' of the Community Warfare matchmaking system, will be subject to reward disqualification and moderation actions.
  • Premium Time received during this event activates immediately when you receive the prize in-game.
  • Solo and Group queue matches are eligible, in all Quick Play and Faction Play game modes.
  • No opt-in required.
  • The Loot Stockings will disappear on January 10th at 10 AM PST (6:00 PM UTC)! Redeem your eligible matches on the event page before that deadline or they will be forfeit!
  • In the event that you do not redeem all of your Loot Stockings prior to the above deadline, Support services will not be able to provide any retroactive rewards.

Global Prize Totals:Prize quantities can be delayed by up to 15 minutes!

  • MechWarrior Credits

  • C-Bills

  • Premium Time

  • General XP

  • Consumables

  • Cockpit Items


Stocking Stuffer redemptions are now over!

For full rules & regulations governing this challenge, click here.