I took the trial DRG-1C with its reliable, incremental AC/2 into Testing Grounds, loaded up my graphics program in another window, and started whittling on my targets. I took a screenshot after firing each shell, rinsed, and repeated, then started cropping, organizing, and captioning.
Here you can see me wearing off a Jenner's arm one shot at a time, accompanied by the fraction and percentage of its armor and internals. This wasn't bad, but the jumps in color were a bit much. Seeking something finer, I set out to whittle down an Atlas's center torso, with its 94 points of armor.
In truth, I found this one too big to be really useful, and the progression from yellow to orange is nearly too fine for me to discern from frame to frame. (Believe you me, it took forever to capture all those shots.)
So, I moved on to the rear side-torsos on an Atlas, with 20 points of armor (cleanly dividing by the AC/2's damage), and turned it into an animated gif and gradient.
These are good and straightforward. As to the specific color, I did the best I could with my eyedropper tool to deal with antialiasing and the HUD's transparency.
So next time you're looking at a paperdoll, yours or someone you're trying to core, hopefully this will give you a good idea of just how tattered it is. Watch it shade from yellow to goldenrod to orange and on, and pick your shots accordingly. Thanks for reading!