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Heavy Vs. The World! Winners Announced!

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#1 Matt Newman

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 01:41 PM

The Heavy vs. the World tournament winners announced!
Thanks to everyone for participating in our Heavy vs. the World challenge!

As with all of our contests we are refining the processes as we go. We have noticed people like the ten best matches format but would like us to tweak the formula to determine your best match.

We also received feedback from players observing that some matches did not seem to be counting. Well after some investigation we have determined there was a problem.

Without going into too much detail, some game statistics reported solo players as grouped when they were in fact playing solo. This caused the contest script to ignore these matches results.

Using careful data forensics we have brought these once omitted scores back! While this does change the posted results on the board it does not affect our desire to reward participation!

It just means we have two sets of winners! Congrats MechWarriors!

And for those of you wondering, this issue is new and did not affect previous challenges. The issue has been addressed and will not be a problem in future challenges.

Heavy Overall Original results and Score Prize New results and Score Prize
First Mister Blastman 7770 3750 MC Icon Kaeb Odellas 7970 3750 MC Icon
Second Kaeb Odellas 7370 Mister Blastman 7890
Third Ezeckial 7360 Ezeckial 7600
Heavy Cataphract Original results and Score Prize New results and Score Prize
First w00tzor 6650 SAME WINNER w00tzor 7100 1250 MC Icon
Second Stinkeye 6640 Kaelaus 6860
Third Kaelaus 6560 Stinkeye 6640
Heavy Catapult Original results and Score Prize New results and Score Prize
First Ezeckial 7360 SAME WINNER Ezeckial 7600 1250 MC Icon
Second FrDrake 6790 Soundscream 7460
Third Soundscream 6560 FrDrake 7290
Heavy Dragon Original results and Score Prize New results and Score Prize
First Mister Blastman 7770 1250 MC Icon Kaeb Odellas 7970 1250 MC Icon
Second Kaeb Odellas 7370 Mister Blastman 7890
Third Mobius333 7020 Jlad 7280
Heavy Jagermech Original results and Score Prize New results and Score Prize
First Cyborx 6770 1250 MC Icon BlindOP 7470 1250 MC Icon
Second BlindOP 6620 Karr285 7450
Third Karr285 6450 Cyborx 7060
Heavy Jagermech - JM6A Original results and Score Prize New results and Score Prize
First shad0w4life 5860 1250 MC Icon Karr285 6230 1250 MC Icon
Second BlackIC 5640 shad0w4life 6150
Third Karr285 5580 Last Avenger 6140
Heavy Jagermech - JM6DD Original results and Score Prize New results and Score Prize
First Cyborx 6710 1250 MC Icon BlindOP 7370 1250 MC Icon
Second BlindOP 6570 Cyborx 7010
Third Karr285 5860 Karr285 6990
Heavy Jagermech - JM6S Original results and Score Prize New results and Score Prize
First SleepTrgt 5980 1250 MC Icon Karr285 6440 1250 MC Icon
Second Karr285 5460 SleepTrgt 6350
Third Angelrage 5190 ThePieMaker 6140

#2 RiceyFighter


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:11 PM


#3 Zolaz


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:11 PM

Not impressed with with this tournament or the way that PGI supported it.

That being said, I do want to offer my congrats to all of the winners for sticking it out. I do wish that the game would have recorded my matches better and that there was more transparency in seeing my score. Being able to see a breakdown of my top 20 matches would have been awesome.

Edited by Zolaz, 26 March 2013 - 05:06 PM.

#4 Mortenson


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:19 PM

Congratulations to the winners and thanks to PGI for running it. I enjoyed it.

#5 glunkr


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:24 PM

Any chance we can see our adjusted position in the standings somehow? I'd like to know what place I really ended up in.

#6 DirePhoenix


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:24 PM

Congratulations to the winners, but I would like to know total numbers of participants in each category please.

It's impossible to know where we stand amongst the contestants if we don't know these figures. 1st, 2nd, or 3rd doesn't mean anything to me when I'm one of those very few and it definitely does not "reward participation" by not telling me where I stand.when I'm not one of these 9 people (out of possibly thousands) that were awarded.

Edited by DirePhoenix, 26 March 2013 - 03:32 PM.

#7 SnakeTheFox


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:40 PM

I dislike that getting a high score pretty much came down to getting as many assists as possible and throwing a TAG laser on one of your energy slots and really had absolutely nothing to do with skill.

#8 Matt Newman

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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:44 PM

Hey guys I really appreciate the feedback! I am making notes for future Events!



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:49 PM

I think it's an improvement over previous tournaments because it didn't reward excessive playing, sleepless nights and poor eating habits to the same degree as the last 2 tourneys. The format is getting better.

#10 Vassago Rain


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:51 PM

I liked how the tourney was structured, but didn't participate, due to REASONS. If more are done like this, I'll set aside weekend time for the game, I think.

It was nice that it wasn't so destructive for the general pubby pool. You're getting way better at the events. Might wanna tempt with some Garth talking about the tournament on a podcast, in a mock fighting game tournament style, or have the staff take part as double kill pinatas.

Something minor like that, without getting too gimmicky.

#11 Edustaja


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:53 PM

Excellent format! Liked the challenge of running in the tournament and having everyone run a heavy really profilirated the Jagermech during the weekend. The 10 best matches that count is a good format to get into the game without having to endlessly grind to get to the best spots.

I did however find the scoring a bit problematic as getting the maximum scores would have required you to run tag laser and get one shot off on every enemy mech without killing them. As the tournament coincided with the lrm damage adjustment (so nobody was running them). Therefore the only way to get good scores would have been to synchdrop solo with a lot of your friends with lrms.

Other than that, keep up the good work and bring us some 4- and 8-man challenges too! Preferably on conquest mode and with medium mechs to spice that gamemode and weight class some ;)

Edited by Edustaja, 26 March 2013 - 03:54 PM.

#12 Jetfire


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 03:56 PM

Have you guys considered ELO bracket winners? It would give a wider skill range the chance to win in their bracket, even if you don't reveal ELO rankings, you could just list them by bucket number 1-10, etc.

#13 WVAnonymous


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:00 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 26 March 2013 - 03:44 PM, said:

Hey guys I really appreciate the feedback! I am making notes for future Events!

Don't forget to read the actual "tournament feedback thread" though, that's pretty long now. Thanks!

#14 HydroSqueegee


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:26 PM


if only the rest of us had such free time. ;)

#15 Space Odin


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:30 PM

Scoring system was completely nonsensical. It awarded more points for tagging and spotting than it did kills and assists and didnt take damage done or components destroyed into account. I dont think its possible the scoring system could be any worse for a heavy tournament.

#16 Phalanx100bc


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:47 PM

How about a workingman's tournament...ya' know...us guys who actually buy MC?

#17 Roma Curia


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 04:48 PM

View PostMatt Newman, on 26 March 2013 - 03:44 PM, said:

Hey guys I really appreciate the feedback! I am making notes for future Events!

IMO, I would do something like:

KillEXP + KillAssistEXP + CaptureAssist*120 + ComponentDestructionEXP+ SpottingEXP + MatchesPlayed(Cap at 10)

Maybe without the component destruction EXP or spotting EXP. The reasoning is that using the EXP values for kills and assists should greatly reduce the effect of both kill steals and 'I shot everyone once with a ML for 8 assists' since a 4xp assist won't get you anywhere. Capture is in there because it still gives less exp than a solid kill or assist but are a win condition that should be rewarded IMO. Component destruction and spotting are nice team play things that should be rewarded but not dominant. They could be dropped though.

This tourney was fun though, I got up to 29 in the JM6-A without running tag. Would be interesting to see how much lower and/or higher I would be with the adjusted scores. I really like the best 10 system.

Congrats to the winners, was fun playing with/against all of you and other people in the tourney.

Edited by Roma Curia, 26 March 2013 - 05:51 PM.



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Posted 26 March 2013 - 05:00 PM

First off, thanks for the payouts to both winners if needed, I stopped playing when I had a few hundred point lead and realized I never had BAP equipped and probably could have grabbed more spotting assist if needed but it looked like it was holding up whenever I checked throughout the day. I love the MC prize(or a unique skin etc would be cool too, MC's are easy to grind out with a day of premium time)

Second saying it didn't take skill is absurd, a good chunk of the scores came from spotting assist, which is you leaving your team behind to get within range of someone obscured or out of range for their sensors isn't exactly easy in an Elephant ear mech ;)

I had way more fun playing this one than any other that's for sure, it was well laid out how scoring was based.

#19 Goose


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 05:03 PM

Do we have a total heat count?

#20 zhajin


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Posted 26 March 2013 - 05:09 PM

View PostBrown Hornet, on 26 March 2013 - 03:49 PM, said:

I think it's an improvement over previous tournaments because it didn't reward excessive playing, sleepless nights and poor eating habits to the same degree as the last 2 tourneys. The format is getting better.

given the randomness and rarity of getting a good opertunity for tag and spot assists, it did not do that much to reduce excessive playing, giving a better score.

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