The Heavy Metal is bugging me. Unlike ANY of the Highlanders out, it has it's lasers in the left arm and not in the right torso. This bugs me on two levels. One is because I have no reason to believe that other than the speakers, her Highlander is an HGN-732 model. Why, other than the c-bill boost and speakers be any different than any other HGN-732 model? (Yeah, yeah, to make it an unique variant, but that is unnecessary. Identical or not, they could call it a separate variant for experience sake the same way that two of the Stalkers are identical save for the extra AMS slot. After frankenmeching them, they are identical anyway...)
I must say that I LIKE the fact they moved the lasers over to the arms, because it makes the lasers so very much more effective than if they were stuck in the chest.
HOWEVER, this leads me to my second and MUCH more important worry.
What if the Heavy Metal is the ONLY Highlander they made this change to? That would mean that Snords Highlander was MUCH, MUCH better than the other variants. Anyone who has remembered to unlock their arms from their torsos knows that the ability to aim your lasers and track targets beyond the torso movement limitations makes those lasers twice as effective.
So, will the rest of the Highlanders be canon, or are they all similarly altered. If not: we have a clear situation where the HERO mech is MUCH, MUCH better than the other variants which means PGI is going against its previously stated policies and promises to keep the HERO mechs equal alternatives to the canon variants.
As an Atlas RS pilot, I would venture to say that it is the best of the Atlas variants, save the D-DC, which is only better because of the ability to mount an area cloaking device (aka ECM aka FUBAR). If the RS was only available as a hero mech, then people would be screaming on how unfair it was that the HERO variant was so much better than the other variants, as it IS that much better.
So, can someone 'in the know' answer the question posed above: are the upcoming Highlanders going to break from canon in their hardpoints/loadouts similarly to the Heavy Metal mech - or - are they going to remain as they are canon and thus INFERIOR to the Heavy Metal?
(And just in case they are going to remain canon (lasers in the right torso), are we going to be able to purchase a non-hero clone of the Heavy Metal? This would be the only fair way to deal with the problem if PGI has overlooked the fact that Snord's Highlander as it is is FAR superior to the other Highlanders expected to be released.)
The following image has scared me. I really don't want PGI to be accused of breaking another promise (real or perceived). Below is the Highlander from the in-game files, if I understand correctly. Note the placement of the lasers in the right torso, which is cannon for ALL of the currently (3050 era) Highlanders, including Rhonda Snord's, unless I am mistaken. Credit: Adridos

Edited by Peiper, 06 April 2013 - 12:46 AM.