Sable Dove, on 21 April 2013 - 05:02 PM, said:
3ML + 5 DHS = 8 tons.
3.75 DPS
3 HPS (But the extra heatsinks make it virtually heatless anyways.)
Infinite ammo
270m range.
12MG + 2 tons ammo = 8 tons.
4.8 DPS
~33 seconds firing time. (160 damage potential)
90m range.
Ammo can explode.
Even 4 ML+ 4 DHS would not produce enough heat to be really significant in typical combat.
Even your idea of allowing MGs to fit 3 in a slot doesn't make up for the fact that they are still pathetically underpowered, and unless you could mount about 16-20 total, MGs would still be worthless; not to mention you'd have to take about 10 tons of ammo as well.
They need to buff MG damage, and reduce it to normal crit rates, since the higher critical chance on a low-damage, high-volume weapon actually reduces the damage it deals to internals.
I'd still be better off cramming an AC5/10 into my Spider.
That is because the AC5/10 is a better weapon system. But you're going to be severely limited by where you put the ACs if they get shot off they are gone. A lost location will only hit the mguns on that chasis by a quarter.
Boating the mguns probably isn't the best idea. The Spider plus the other mechs this would be good for have other hardpoints. Specifically the spider has a slot in the CT for energy which can mount a medium laser or a medium pulse laser. While this cuts down on the number of machine guns it can boat. It does diversify the mech's capability.
The Spider specifically isn't meant to put out heavy amounts of damage. Thats why you have the Jenner and Commando. It shines by being more maneuverable then those mechs. And should probably focus on capturing bases and recon (it can get up to places the Raven 3L cannot). Otherwise you have a Spider K that is just a cookie cutter mech. With my suggestion you have to choose between JJs or more weapons. Not simply load up 4 Mguns, 6JJs, max armor and whatever energy weapon will fit. Even with my suggestion, or even a DPS increase to mguns, I think it could use another energy slot.
However... on the Cicada and the Jagermech, my suggestion would be pretty good. With up to 24 machine guns, and only using about 16 tons (putting on the ammo) you get basically a close range heat free 9.6 dps. Thats like two gauss rifles continuously going. Because of the stream of bullets you can stop firing and resume. With a gauss its pretty much hit or miss and wait.
I'd like to see how my suggestion actually works before entertaining any DPS increases. Even then they'd only have to be slight. Like a .2 increase to .6 per mgun, upping the potential 12 on a Spider to 7.2
HereticalPsycho, on 21 April 2013 - 05:40 PM, said:
Its a sound theory and an improvement over the current system, but Im not sure your ammo quantity is sufficient in that example (3Mg per hard point x 4 hard points = 12 MG's with 2 tonnes of ammo) I would be hesitant to take less then 1 tonne per 3 MG's which is 4 tonnes of ammo in that example which raises the total to 10 Tonnes. (I would prefer to run 1 tonne of ammo per 2 MG's to be honest (6 tonnes of ammo in that example: 12 tonnes), I'm spammy sue me, but I figure 1tonne/3MG's is the bare minimum).
I've seen how fast 1 tonne of ammo drops amongst 4 MG's, The thought of 1:6 (ammo:MG) ratio worries me from a reliable damage output view point
A spider with 12 machine guns plus two tons of ammo would take about 30 seconds to exhaust the ammo. But potentially dealing 160 damage. Which brings up another issue. Damage per ton on machine guns is half of most other ballistic weapons. I'm up for increasing the ammo per ton to compensate for that. For reference, an AC20 does 140 damage per ton, machine guns deal 80. Gauss deals 150.
Good call there though. I think we can agree that ammo per ton on Machine Guns needs to be doubled, at least.
FupDup, on 21 April 2013 - 08:38 PM, said:
For those special few who still think Battletech MGs are anti-infantry only:
Source: TechManual, page 341. Put that in your pipe and smoke it!
Just because something can be used against a Mech, doesn't mean it should. 2 dmg at one hex away before penalties is pretty anemic. But hitting infantry does some massive damage to the platoon in comparison. The reason people say they are anti-infantry only is because no one puts on MGs for the purposes of fighting mechs.
In fact its a common practice to jettison MG ammo at the beginning of the match on mechs with MGs and not fighting infantry. This is to prevent catastrophic 400 dmg critical hits. I wouldn't try to use TT to substantiate a point. I've been playing TT about once a week for the last year and have seen MG equipped mechs in every other game. I've never seen one actually hit. The +4 penalty to firing them at 3 hexes is rather limiting. But these facts don't have much bearing here. In MWLL with player controlled Mguns thats about all they were useful for but they were needed for that purpose.
We have to take a different approach in MWO for obvious reasons.
Edited by Taemien, 21 April 2013 - 09:34 PM.